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May 2020 · 69
Gary Frances May 2020
In the outer reaches of Proximity
light years away from Belief
there's a breed smarter than us
( Hard NOT to believe ! )
Not only smarter but superior
in every way but loose
for we are the loosest bowels
in the bowels of the universe

But that's not the whole point
The whole point is something else
And that means nothing at all

The intent is obvious
The result is dubious

We call, at one Time or another, inmates
of the Prison for the Criminally Deaf and Dumb.
May 2020 · 63
Gary Frances May 2020
The more
I think
the less
I have
to say
you see


the more
you have
the less
you think
I say.

             14 May 1989
May 2020 · 59
Gary Frances May 2020
The raindrops gently hinting
bringing the whole leafy frond
closer to the ground with
the weight of a single life
dripping to die from each tip
touching then to the ground
to disappear and live.

PS Notice this is not about somebody who doesn't love no. Give it a go.
May 2020 · 56
Gary Frances May 2020
This afternoon driving in the wet
I thought of you, a near one of
ten years ago

I use to curse each bus
that did not bring you
And then curse myself
for cursing buses

****, so much water and
two children under the bridge since then
May 2020 · 47
Gary Frances May 2020
Standing here naked
thinking of you

I wonder would
the telephone do ?
May 2020 · 75
Gary Frances May 2020
A little girl is running
with a flower in her hand
in a pop song to save the world
But, in reality, she has a bomb
strapped to her waist

Some third world children
will do anything to get
their precious nano-second of death
and Fame, and video re-runs  -
their permanent piece of fame
May 2020 · 53
Gary Frances May 2020
Your life
is rather sad
after all
is done
and said
May 2020 · 57
Gary Frances May 2020

At the Franz Kafka Cafe
it's no questions asked
and nobody talks

The waitress is a cockroach
The manager a bedbug
Beginning of a series based on Franz Kafka or his character K

— The End —