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66 · May 2020
Right or Wrong
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
it can't be wrong
if it's right
If it's black
It can't be white
it can't be dark
if there is light
you can't maybe
if you might
If you're groovy
then you're out of sight
you can't be bumming
with so much delight
you aren't yellow
if you fight
you can't be short
if you're tall in height
If your cleavage is huge
then your bras too tight
you can't be dead
if you still have life
If you're single then
you don't have a wife
it can't be a ball
if it's called a strike
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If you'd like
If you like to smile
you don't have a frown
if it's right side up
it can't be upside down
if you're always sad
you can't be a clown
if no one hears you
do you make a sound
you can't be tired
while you're wired
always late to work
got you fired
told your wife
you got laid off
but she knows
that you're a liar
cuz she went
to see your boss
on her knees
and now she's hired
you can't smell good
if you stink
you aren't dumb
if you think
you can't be chicken
if you're a pork link
If I lead
will you follow
If you ****
do you swallow
If you understand
You don't comprehend
that is  all 
I think my friend
or this poem
may never end
54 · May 2020
My Brother
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
Ramon Monchie Hidalgo RIP

He was born at the wrong time
with the wrong circumstances
he lived the wrong life
not meant for a child
to walk for miles
in order to get educated lessons
to learn English
learn backbreaking work
from the day he could walk
go get some water from the well
all of the animals require
that their thirst does expire
before he could play
he had to chop wood
half a day
to keep the Adobe
little one-room house warm
he had to feed the horses
the goats, cows, and pigs
their food source
that they would need
in order to survive
the horrors of those days
that weren't his, no way
bad luck personified
to be born to a young father
never to meet his mother
as she would expire
birthing this baby
then given to two
very old grandparents
that could barely walk
he was their salvation
but it wasn't his journey
the father would return
to visit the Lad
with a new wife and
a brood of 3
all of his growing life
this kid would persevere
he didn't know the meaning of fear
he grew into a man
of the greatest kind
humble, respectfull, proud, loyal
married and stayed with the same lady
until his dying day
but it wasn't his journey of plan
he was one hell of a man
with the pain and suffering
the loneliness
the jealousy
that he couldn't be
the son that he was intended to be
He was my brother
Ramon Monchie Hidalgo
the greatest man that I've ever known
he has just passed
rest my brother
you were like no other

the journey is over
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
Right or Wrong it's my song

it can't be wrong
if it's right
If it's black
It can't be white
it can't be dark
if there's light
you can't maybe
if you might
If you are groovy
then you're out of sight
you can't be bumming
with so much delight
you aren't yellow
if you fight
you can't be short
if you're tall in height
If you're eating a cheeseburger
can I have a bite
If your cleavage is huge
then your bras too tight
you can't be dead
if you still have life
If you're single
you don't have a wife
it can't be a ball
if it's called a strike
leave a comment
If you'd like
can you cut the tension
with a knife
If you like to smile
you don't have a frown
if it's right side up
it can't be upside down
if you're always sad
you can't be a clown
if no one hears you
do you make a sound
you can't be tired
while you're wired
always late to work
so you got fired
told your wife
you got laid off
but she knows
that you're a liar
cuz she went
to see your boss
on her knees
and now she's hired
you can't smell good
if you stink
you aren't dumb
if you think
you can't be chicken
if you're a pork link
If I lead
will you follow
If you ****
do you swallow
If you understand
You don't comprehend
that is all 
I think
my friend
or this song
will never end
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
I remember when
you were just
a thought in my head

so subtle and blue
just hanging around
without a sound
no place to go
no voice to know
just a thought that I got

and suddenly! to my disbelief,
you started to grow!
your words they would flow!
like a volcanoes eruption,
the words all would function
and I knew that it was,
your time to rhyme

your perseverance
has gotten you into
your first contest appearance
you look good, you look great
your Rhymes and stanza breaks
you're ready for the big show

those other poems
they don't know
what it took to be you,
how far you have come
and what you've become
from a little prewrite
to a full-blown Delight

I'm a proud parent
of my muses development
with crisp rhyming words
flowing into Majestic chords
diving off of a platform tongue
into escalating stairs of waves
finally reaching a crescendo
of musical poetic ecstasy
raining down  
on the yearning open ears
anticipating your kisses and Soothing touches

my thought has just come full circle a poem It has become
let no one doubt it
sing little poem
sing loud and clear
they have been waiting
for you to appear
53 · May 2020
Who am I?
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
Who I Am?

It seems like I have always been
in or on the job training

I got my first job at 5 years old
when my father made me the remote control

My uncles were also good trainers of great volition
and, I graduated with honors as a lawnmower and car wash technician.
I grew up in the old-fashioned tradition,

whoopins took place regardless of race.

belts, shoes, tree limbs, whatever was handy,
get your **** beat up, then maybe candy

but, I'll tell you what,
all them sore buttocks, how it's gonna hurt me more than you talks,

taught me to respect, and I honor my word before it is even heard,

the old school was tough, but it made me a man that's who I am.
52 · May 2020
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
I'm not S-s-scared !!!

You looking for fear?
you ain't gonna find it here
I'm not afraid of nothing, man!

no human, nor beast
that can be unleashed,
no criminal ****
or prescription drug

no happy trigger, finger police
I don't worry about 
unless it comes to these

and then I unleash
my inner s-s-scared

somebody said s-s,-snake
I didn't have time to wait
the sound barrier I would break 

s-s-spider creepy crawly
every muscle fiber
Has my buttocks tighter
making me a **** my pants subscriber

in my house
they said was a little mouse
I went in real tough
I said fear "I have had enough"

but what I saw
was a big fat *** rat
chasing my cat
looking like he wanted to eat
my ***** cats meat

so I grabbed my hat
headed towards the door
like an acrobat

my sneakers burning rubber
and that was that !!!!!
52 · May 2020
My Best Friend
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
who could it be
that's always with me

through thick and thin
we lose or we win

he don't give a ****
bout who I am
my buddy and pal
the one I confide in

he dont stray
or stay far away

can always be found
just a hangin around
keeps all my secrets won't utter a sound

and at the end
with me they' will send

In that oak coffin
in the last hearse
to heaven or hell
or maybe even worse

where we are goin
I'm just not knowin

we're up **** creek
without a paddle
Just you and I
it's Me and My Shadow
51 · May 2020
My Mind
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
I Don't Mind

I have often been asked why I write
and the answer is simply because I can't type
my mind thinks it has a mind of its own

it works in the abstract
it doesn't care
if it's fantasy or fact

sometimes my mind
I can't find

it goes on vacation
for some duration

people say
that I've lost my mind
the lost and found
takes up a lot of my time

some people see
the glass as half-full
others half empty
but all I see is a glass
that doesn't know what it wants to be

When people say to me goodbye I say why?
to me a good buy is
when you buy two
and get the third one free

All my corners are rounded
a dazed maze that's confounded
but often my mind is being kind and so I write
as long as my mind Don't mind
51 · May 2020
Oh Shit!
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
Memories, how we treasure them like,
do you remember when?
You were fast asleep
In dreamland deep

your favorite fantasy
bout that girl
that you keep

When all of a sudden!
your stomach starts grumbling
buttocks are mumbling and

you get a weird sensation
Something about
A spicy, greasy bean burrito, and chimichanga combination

**** hole is puckering
***** is stuttering
can't wait any longer

Wake - up! Wake - up!

you get up in a haste
there's no time to waste
the goose pimples have started
******* just farted

no time to turn on the lights
or look for your slippers
Something running down the back of your leg

And if that's not enough of a worry
you stub your big toe when you got up in a hurry

get to the toilet and drop your shorts
your ***** starts blasting round after round
making a different sound

until at last
there is a sputter of gas
a big sigh of relief
time to go back to sleep
but wait, oh good grief!

remember when at the store
you thought ? not now I'll get it later

so now you sit with no toilet paper
thinking about it,
and all you can say is,

This some Bull - ****!
50 · May 2020
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
You can sit on your high horse
thinking it is done
you can create the grand plan
knowing it's the one

you can be the master
of all that you're after
the genius with the answer
on how to cure cancer

and all of life's questions
on depressions, obsessions, aggressions

but in the long run
it's only talked by everyone
until it is done
48 · May 2020
Gods missing Angel
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
Gods Missing Angel
Mama please wake up it's me
open your eyes so you can see

don't you remember kissing away my pain
from the rubbing alcohol sting
that my bike it would bring
any time that I would wreck into everything

and when my girlfriend she broke up with me so mean
it was the end of my world and I was just 17

you hugged me so tight until I felt just right
oh my dear Mama how I need you so much
what I wouldn't give to feel your gentle touch

and when I did marry and had kids of my own
you would go pick them up and bring them all home

it didn't matter from where or what time
the love of my life is no longer mine

my beautiful mama lying there so still
now I must say goodbye to this bad dream but it is real

it cuts me so deep like with a sharp knife
Mama it's time for us to part
take these tears and all of my heart

put your wings on and don your Halo and God would you please
open up Heaven
Here Comes Your missing angel
48 · May 2020
The Streets
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
The Street's

when you live on the streets 
you find that you can perform some incredible feats
like not eating for weeks

when your blisters all meet
to become the soles of your feet

and your pain stops to complain

walking around for hours from alley to Park 
abandoned house or vacant lot

avoiding the uniform stops loitering, trespassing tickets, 

court dates
new cell mates
making license plates

lost in the system, a number not a name
do your time come out the same

hit the streets all-too-familiar
life just repeats, until it deletes
45 · May 2020
The Great Outdoors
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
The Great Outdoors

Oh! The Great Outdoors camping, fishing, wishing
no grocery stores

sleeping in a tent, campfires, no rooms to rent

swimming in the lake
ants, flies, mosquito bites that you undertake

all day long fishing,
not even a bite,
Bologna sandwiches for dinner,
you know that ain't right

behind a big bush
take a look around,
then squat to crap
and don't look down

no toilet paper did you bring, grab a rock, a leaf, some dirt anything

you couldn't wait to get here and now you can't wait to get back

— The End —