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Mark Koplin Apr 2020
I will always love my God and pray whenever I can.
He gave me common sense and the tools to be my own man.
I don’t live for fortune and I won’t live for fame.
Let’s be clear, for if I fail, I only have myself to blame.

I will only bow to the one true father of man.
Go ahead and judge me, frankly I don’t give a ****.
I will live my life just how I see fit.
I will never budge on my values, not even a little bit.

I am a soldier of God, for him I will fight.
I give Satan my business end, which he can kiss out of pure spite.
I am loyal there is no other way.
I know who has my back at the end of the day.
Just a prayer
Mark Koplin Apr 2020
A blood red dawn eloquently drizzles in through my windowpane.
Added beauty greets my morning once again.
The barren leafless trees hide what they’re able.
Stifling our world’s incumbent label.

Centered testament as I face this day.
Observing some blue as I recognize collected grey.
I will venture out more risky work at hand.
All normalcy henceforth marginally banned.

More freedom incrementally begins to fade.
Persuading mistakes our new future is being made.
Exhaustion and fear now become the norm.
Mauling sensation as I navigate the storm.
Mark Koplin Apr 2020
Thank you, God for your majestic trees.
My biscuit at lunch, kissed by your honey bees.
The birch, the pine and the mighty oak.
Even this tasty Marlboro I’m about to smoke.

Thank you for taste and all of life’s treats.
Thank you for my eyes and the food that I eat.
Thank you for my friends and my family as well.
Thanks for my ears so I can hear them tell.

As the sun sets before me, I know that I am blessed.
Thanks for your introduction, so I know longer need to guess
Thank you for making me strong and smart.
Thank you, my God, How Great Thou Art.
Just a prayer for the weekend. I hope you are all safe and well. Happy Easter!
Mark Koplin Apr 2020
On this special day oh Lord
I give you many thanks
Every Christian now bows
Throughout the ranks

We remember your life-giving journey
Every step up that hill
How you carried that heavy cross
And every drop of blood that you did spill

You suffered dearly for us all
And you died for everyone here today
For all of our sins
You did graciously pay

My life is all yours Lord
I know it’s not much
I will forever be grateful for all that you gave
and my heart that you did touch.
Mark Koplin Apr 2020
What will you decide for yourself today?
What is your self- worth, what price are you willing to pay?
How will you face the obstacles at hand?
For what exactly will you choose to stand?

You will be faced with failure time and time again.
But never give up, stay true to your domain.
Don’t look back at the dangers nipping at your heel.
Remain focused and steady under life’s keel.

Stay strong in life’s darkest moments.
Calm and steady will earn your endowments.
Make your decisions wisely sort through life’s odds and ends.
And never no matter what ring that bell my friends!
Mark Koplin Apr 2020
All is quiet, my corner still safe.
Ten more pounds, I’m beginning to chafe.
I’ve chewed the couch and the lazy boy chair.
I look like a hippy with all of this hair.

Civilization does need to return.
The dogs want me gone as my stomach swells and churns.
A fresh box of ding dongs and twinkies galore.
My britches don’t fit I can’t take much more.

I never thought that I would see the day.
A line outside Walmart, no freaking way.
How long will this last, I don’t have a clue.
I’m stuck indoors with the quarantine blues.
Mark Koplin Mar 2020
Do you feel lost, still waiting to be found?
Do you feel forgotten, like a pair of feet with no solid ground?
Forsaken and abandoned, still waiting for some sort of subsidence?
Do you feel pushed aside to evaluate, like a ship with no guidance?

You are important, you're not lost nor alone.
He will never forget you, and he will never disown.
He is always here, right by our side.
He will be holding our hand, taking each step in stride.

Remember the one, who helped us get here.
He will always love us, and he will never disappear.
He is a beacon of light, for every lost ship at sea.
He hung on that cross, he died for you and me.
Something to think about my friends.
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