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Jan 9 · 34
Bloody buses
I found myself day dreaming
That I was day dreaming
About day dreaming
Luckily a sorcerer
Saved me with magic
With a wisdom of ages
He spoke the words
That brought me back
Fares please and have correct change
Dream over.
I dont know if I'm writing poetry or just stuff thats stuck in my head??
Jan 9 · 38
Failure Broke Cheedar
If regrets were cheese
My last name would be Cheddar
If style was intelligence
My first name would be Failure
If looks were financial gain
My middle name would be Broke.
If luck was a hand in poker
Then I would be holding a royal flush
Because this royal flush found
Failure Broke Cheddar
Changed my name to
Mr Mozzarella
Thank you
Going to expand this as I think I can work/word it better
Jan 8 · 44
I Don’t
I don't want to get out of bed.
Its 04.00 am
I don't want to leave this sanctuary
Its 04.05 am
I don't want to get dressed
It's 04.10 am
I don't want to draw the curtains
Its 04.15 am
I don’t want to make a coffee
Its 04.20 am
I don’t want to go out side
Its 04.25 am
I don't want to scrape the window screen
Its 04.30 am
I don't want to drive to work
Its ....... hang on
Its my day off
Jan 7 · 54
Dyslexia beatle
Revolution a want you think you so
World the change to want all we
Younger was i when
Today than younger much so
Man egg the am i
Walrus the am i
You love me make you oh
Week a days eight
Submarine yellow a in live all we
Submarine yellow, submarine yellow
Station a in train a on yourself picture
Ties glass looking with porters plasticine with
Just a bit of nonsense Stanley Unwin style
Jan 7 · 195
Stopped at source
I wish I could go back in time.
Correct the errors in my prime
But correcting one destroys another
And the good I would not want to smother
So for all the mistakes I have inflicted
At least three time lines I have predicted
Cheated on the first wife
That error I would correct
But cheated on second wife
That error I would correct
But cheated on third wife
That error I would correct
But not every correction
Is a mistake on reflection
What i didn't realise
Is where the problem lies
So now I know I'm the mistake
I have to stop and make the brake
So back in time I speak to my dad
Tell him not to get  real mad
Explain on this night with my mother
Make dam sure your pens has a cover
Jan 7 · 72
Face front
In public my face is hard
In public my heart is stone
In public my fists are clenched
In public my eyes do stare
In public my back is straight
In public my voice is harsh
This is not me

In private my face is smiling
In private my heart is blue
In private my hands are warm
In private my back does bend
In private my eyes reflect
In private my voice is tempered
This is me

I wonder why the real me is afraid
So many years of this mess I made.
Hidden myself away for all this time
Like I'd committed some horrible crime
The real me has always wanted to break out.
But for so long been full of doubt
So now time is passing me by
I wonder if its to late to try
Jan 7 · 46
0 to death
So I came to this conclusion
That life is just an illusion
Your here today gone tomorrow
With bites of joy and lots of sorrow
Time as a child swift and enlightening
Teenager years mysterious and frightening
Young adult decade building a future
House and a spouse hope they will suit you
Into your thirties mortgage and children
The house that was home us more like a warren
The middle years a crisis is coming
Motorbike revving leave the engine running.
Its getting late time to check on your savings.
Make sure you have enough for all your cravings
So now your rocking in your favorite chair
Look round for your family but realise your in care
People visit you your name the do mention
But your mind is fading into dementia.
Now doctor sleep is stood at your bed
You just woke up to find you are dead.
Jan 6 · 38
Loves End
Just one dark winters night
We had a drunken lovers fight
You reached out and found  a knife
That would ultimately end this life

Cold hard steel it did pierce
As your ****** was so severe
My heart was beating oh so strong
Then the blood did start to run

So now as I start to fade
Pierced by this cold steel blade
Your face through a haze is what i see
Forgiveness is what you ask of me

As I am taking my last breaths
Knowing that I'm close to death
You kneel lovingly  by my side
I whisper tell them it was suicide

Tears are in you big brown eyes
All I can hear is your desperate cries
You keep on screaming why, why
But I will love you till I die
Apr 2020 · 102
Bag for life
David Berwick Apr 2020
For life they said fifty pence.
Such a commitment for one to make.
Strong and durable they said.
All for fifty pence I said.
If it doesn't last a life,we will replace.
I wondered if that was me or the bag.
So seduced by possible immortality.
I paid the princely sum.
This is my life for bag.
Apr 2020 · 98
In our tent
David Berwick Apr 2020
I was in the garden playing in my tent.
Mummy said I could live in there but I must pay rent.
My sister she joined me and said we could live together.
I said that would be lovely as long as its forever.
All our dolls in the tent were fast asleep.
It was ever so quiet you couldn't hear a peep.

I had laid a lovely blanket down for my bed.
And rolled up some towels as a pillow for my head.
My sister had a sleeping bag that zipped up at the side.
She liked to crawl all the way inside and try and hide.
But the zip got stuck and no matter what it wouldn't turn.
She struggled in the sleeping bag like a big fat worm.

We both had some sandwiches and a bottle of fizzy.
But I drank it down too fast and it made me dizzy.
We also had a lovely big piece of chocolate cake.
It was very yummy it was one my mum did bake.
Soon the sun went in and it started getting chilly.
Mum said time to come in,I said dont be silly.

So we will leave the tent up until tomorrow.
Because taking it down would fill us with sorrow.
So it's time to go in and wash our hands and face.
We both tried to get in at once and it turned into a race
So at last we are in our lovely warm bunk beds.
Off to sleep with dreams whizzing round in our heads
Apr 2020 · 115
David Berwick Apr 2020
In the winter it's wet and dark.
This rain keeps up we'll need an ark.
Soon the puddles they turn to streams.
Not the type of weather for ice creams.

Wellies and hats is what we wear.
Jumping in puddles without a care.
The playground is all wet and muddy.
Glad I'm wearing my favourite hoddie.

Wind blows the leaves from the trees.
In some places they are upto our knees.
A plastic bag blows past onto a parked Mazda.
I recognise the brand it's from Asda.

The sun tries to poke through the clouds.
Come on sun do yourself proud.
But a big dark rain cloud moves in front.
All the kids give a dissatisfied grunt.

The wind picks up the cloud is thinning.
There's a chance the sun could be winning.
It tries to shine on our cold little faces.
Come on sun pretend your at the races.

At last the sun has broken through.
We knew you would,we stayed true.
So keeping on shining on oh so bright.
Because in a few hours it will be night.
Apr 2020 · 70
For Sophie
David Berwick Apr 2020
The farmer he had a cow called Mary
She was full of milk for the dairy
So the farmer started to pull her udder
But his cold hands made her shudder

Please,please said Mary to the farmer
Cant you make your hands warmer
If you could just try and be gentle
Then you wouldn't drive me mental

So the farmer put his hands in warm water
Because he didn't want to upset the bulls daughter
Now his hands were warm and kind
He approached Mary from behind

Stop,stop Mary said with a moo
You really do not have a clue
Dont approach me from the rear
Come to the side were it is clear

So now the farmer was at last ready
On the milking stool he made himself steady
So the udder he was pulling and pushing
And all at once the milk came gushing

Thank you Mary said the farmer
Because of you I feel much calmer
That's okay said Mary eating some hay
I think we've got enough milk for today

So after milking Mary went to the cow shed
We she laid down her sleepy head
She realised all her work was done
As she used her tail to whack a fly off her ***
Sophie loves cows,so I wrote this for her **
Apr 2020 · 76
David Berwick Apr 2020
I could have told you I loved you.
A million times a day.
Sleep walking through my life.
Like a doll all dressed up.
With a party in mind.
But nowhere to go.

I asked you how you see me.
You tell me that love has gone.
That it's for the best if I leave.
I tell you I have no place to go.
Must I start to hate you also.

The cold skies that grow between us.
Tears me up outside in.
I cannot find the answer.
You can't tell me why.
Only that it's over.

I wonder how to make it right.
I dont even know what is wrong.
I wont let it come to me.
I always knew the answer.
No matter how I fear it.

Friends tell me everything will be ok.
I only want me and you to be ok.
The rest can wait or go away.
I've begged God for help.
Knowing for certain he is with you.

Tango orange and pills on my table.
I digest and sleep in mid afternoon.
Woken by my voice of disappointment.
Always aware this was the outcome.
Twenty was never enough.

I rise and fall to my knees.
All in one moment.
Failure of a failed goal.
Only able to be the person I am.
Not the person I want to be
Mar 2020 · 915
Last leaf
David Berwick Mar 2020
The last leaf on the tree.
Yes look up high,that's me.
All my friends have all blown down.
They are waiting for me on the ground.

I started in the summer a lovely green.
But there was thousands I couldn't be seen.
Now in autumn I'm a lovely golden brown.
It feels like I'm the only leaf around.

The wind and rain have tried there best.
But I'm not ready to join the rest.
Even Jack frost tried little me to freeze.
Yet I wont be brought to my knees.

Some lovely white snow fell at night.
Made me heavy and gave me a fright.
Someday soon I know I will fall.
That's nature's way of making a call.

So maybe tomorrow I will take a leap.
Join all my friends on the ground for asleep.
All through the winter we'll huddle and keep warm.
Waiting patiently and quietly for the spring to dawn.
Mar 2020 · 79
David Berwick Mar 2020
On monday I was angry at the sun.
It was always in my eyes,no fun.
On tuesday I was angry at the rain.
Forgot the umbrella boy what a pain.
On wednesday I was angry at the wind.
Blew away the ******* that i had binned.
On thursday I was angry at the cold.
Hurting my bones now I'm getting old.
On friday I was angry at the ice.
Slipped on my ***,was not nice.
On saturday I was angry at the snow.
Stopped me from going where I was to go.
On sunday I was so angry I just stayed in.
Poor old weather it cannot win..
Mar 2020 · 79
David Berwick Mar 2020
When I worked at McDonald's.
Dinner time was eat what you want.
When I worked at Burger King  
Dinner time was get stuck in.
When I worked at the KFC.
Dinner time was grab what you can.
When I worked at Pizza Hut.
Dinner was let's get tasting.
I worked in a brothel.
Dinner time was different.
A little bit sexist,just a little bit.
Mar 2020 · 77
David Berwick Mar 2020
I saw you in the water,still but for your tail.
I was in the tree above,afraid to exhale.
I think you saw me and gave me a wink.
Me precariously on my branch afraid to even blink.

Now it was you who had me stationary and still.
I thought it was me who was moving in for the ****.
You gave your tail a quick flip as if to flee.
That was a move I believe to try and capture me.

Now for an hour we have played this game of chess.
How the hell did man and fish get into this mess.
After all this time of hidden here my body starts to ache.
But I'm afraid to make a move incase this bow does break.

So at last I cautiously move my position.
Here's hoping I've made the correct decision.
But now as I am nearly ready to concede.
I realise that what I thought was fish,is just a piece of ****.
Mar 2020 · 70
I sense something.
David Berwick Mar 2020
Corona so what ha.
I can't see you.
Corona whatever ha.
I can't touch you
Corona face bothered ha.
I can't smell you.
Corona yeah ha.
I can't hear you.
Corona never ha.
Corona I can't taste you.
Mar 2020 · 65
Who you gonna call...
David Berwick Mar 2020
Trapped in mortal danger .
Oh please God help.
Shocked by the slaughter of innocents.
I ask god,why.
The anger of confusion.
Please for gods sake.
The majesty of nature.
Praise to god.
Do you believe in god they ask.
God no I say.
This is about people who dont believe in god but use his name for praise or blame.
Mar 2020 · 65
The mornings outlook is..
David Berwick Mar 2020
Breakfast news at seven.
Sun's out it's heaven.
Good morning Britain at eight.
It was drizzling alright.
Rip off Britain  at nine.
Heavy rain is on time.
Homes under the hammer at ten .
It's starting to blow again.
Call out the sheriffs at eleven.
Starting to snow,that's a given
Bargain hunt at midday
Thankfully the sun is on it's way.
Can't wait for the news.
Wonder what weather is for this afternoon.
Just nonsense but sometimes that's ok.
Mar 2020 · 72
Casual bully
David Berwick Mar 2020
I had a wonderful time in school.
Lots of friends.
Lots of laughs.
Lots of looking.
Lots of listening.
Lots of playing.
Lots of growing
You didn't have a wonderful time in school.
Friends who hit you.
Laughing at your pain.
Listening to your cries.
Looking the other way.
It's only playing.
I did not know I hadn't grown
I had a good life when I left school.
Got a good job
Made good money
Bought a car
Went on holidays.
Meet a lovely girl
Got on with my life.
You didn't have a good life when you left school.
You couldn't hold down a job.
You never made much money.
You walked everywhere you went.
You stayed in all the time.
You couldn't  meet others.
You couldn't get on with life.
Mar 2020 · 98
Mr Frog
David Berwick Mar 2020
One day when I was out for a walk
I came across a frog and he could talk
Good morning the frog spoke to me
I was so shocked I hid up a tree
Sorry said the frog I didn't mean to make you jump
As I fell from the tree with a bump

Well what is it I can do for you mr frog
Please can you help me get out of this bog
But why dont you just take a hop
And out of the bog you will pop
No I cannot hop my legs are stuck
So I am unable to escape this muck

Will you promise me just one thing
If I free you please will you sing
Of course I will he replied
As I bent down by his side
So gently I lifted him with my hand
What a lovely frog he looked so grand

There,you are now free to hop and jump
But he was slippery and fell to the ground with a bump
Sorry,sorry you poor  little frog
As he laid spread eagle in the bog
But the frog he just laughed and giggled
As laid on his back he did wiggle

So this time with both hands tight
I lifted him with all my might
With a slop and a pop he came free
And kept his promise and sang for me
His little voice was so sweet and sublime
I was so happy although I was covered in slime
I know this is a bit of light poetry but I try to write two or three a week for my grand daughters and they write poetry to me which I think is a good thing.
Mar 2020 · 73
David Berwick Mar 2020
I've seen darkness.
It didn't scare me.
I've seen light
It didn't dazzle me.
I've touched despair.
It didn't make me shudder.
I've touched hope.
It didn't lift me.
I've reached out.
It didn't come to me.
I've stretched my mind.
It didn't fulfill me.
My mother held me in her arms.
It filled every void in my life
There are times when you just want your mum.

— The End —