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14 · Mar 2020
Qaima Mar 2020
I didn't know that being a mother meant
Screaming, kicking and crying,
Emotional blackmail, abuse and crocodile tears.

I didn't know that being a mother meant
Assuming your daughter is a *****
That too of Babylonian proportions.
Pretending to understand,
Looking like the innocent flower but being the serpent underneath.

I thought having a mother meant
Having a friend,
Someone who wouldn't hit you,
With words and hands,
Because they know exactly where it hurts.

I thought having a mother meant
Going home to someone
Someone who doesn't make you question every word you say,
A never ending battle between "Should I say this?" and "How would she react?"
I thought a mother made you feel
Not waves upon waves of unrelenting anger,
The kind of anger that makes you want to rip your brain out
The kind of anger that spills over lines
The kind that can't be contained in a single sentence
But you try to do all that
And more
Because if you don't
You're the worst person on this planet
And it's all your ******* fault.

— The End —