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308 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020

233 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
She lied there that day. All I now picture, is blood stains from unwanted needle work, and eyes redly diluted from sufferd pain.

She starved herself that day!
Not from food!
But Hypoxia. ❤❤
225 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
A for Anne Sexton, again and again!
The love and the anger had come back again!
B for Bob Dylan, ballad of a thin man!
Walk into a room with a pencil in your hand!
C for Charles Baudelaire, am not shore on his French!
D for Dylan Thomas, that child's Christmas made sense!
E for Edgar Allan Poe Annabel Lee!
It was a many a many a year ago, in a kingdom by the sea!
F for Francisco de Quevedo, the Spanish I couldn't understand!
G for George Eliot, her proper names Mary Anne!
H for homer the Iliad book 13!
Wolfs in the Forrest, and the battle could be seen!
I for Isabella Velancy Crawford, A Harvest song!
Her poetry was so lovely, and nothing spelt wrong!
J for Jim Morrison, My bestest poet of all!
Is music is "king" his rock stood so tall!
K for Kahlil Gibran, I awaken I stare at the sun!
An artist, a poet, a writer, but sadly all his works been done!
L for Lewis Carrol, the hunting of the snark!
M for Matsuo Basho, the true master of his heart!
N for Nizar Qabbani, a poet that was so sweet!
A diplomat a publisher, I hope you R.I.P.
O for Oscar Wilde, in the good room - A Harmony!
Ivory hands, on the Ivory keys!
Strayed in a fitful fantasy!
P for Pablo Picasso, the morning of the world!
A painter, a sculptor, a print maker, a ceramicist not known to us all!
Q for Quincy Troupe, skulls along the river!
What a greater poet, and what a greater performer!
R for Robert Frost, nothing gold can stay!
1864 - 1963!
S for Sylvia Plath, she wrote love is a parallax!
She also got found with her head in the oven, the poor soul died of inhaling gas R.I.P
T for Ted Hughes, a poet and children's writer!
U for all you poets!
Your futures looking brighter!
V for Victor Hugo, the grave and the Rose!
He wrote about the Dews of dawn!
And always mentioned his Rose!
W for William Shakespeare, a poet that he was!
He'll be up there somewhere special!
Playing and writing for the Gods!
X for --xtra space, I couldn't leave it blank!
Y for Yoda Buson!
And Z will have to stay blank-----------
199 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
Easter bunnies coming, he's getting old and fat!
He's stolen all the chocolate, and ran back down the track!
He's chewed up all the cream eggs,
Maltesers, crunches, and mars!
And took all the children’s treats,
Including there magic stars!
He stores them down his burrow,
And chomps them all year round!
Until another Easter comes,
You'll shorly make him proud.
196 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
I Loved her!
He drugged her!
He stamped all over her!

He killed her.
R.I.P sweetheart ❤❤
148 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
You were my strength my darling,
My first love!
I picture you today, has I did 25 years ago!
Sweetheart you were barely 18 year old!
Why? Just why?
You said, you would wait for me!
My punished time was almost served,
All our promised ventures, would now have been complete!
You loved me, and I loved you!
You chose the "Devil" that night my darling!
And he certainly did his work on you.
R.I.P sweetheart.❤❤
147 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
Roses are red, roses are white,
I miss you forever and all through the nights!
I smell your scent wherever I go,
All over my clothes, All over my coat!
You brightened the days and filled them with good,
I'll always miss that sweetheart love💑
143 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
I'm longing to jot these lines today,
I love your poetry and what you say!
Some minds are strong, some minds are weak,
I think it's great on how you think!
I feel your pain, I feel your sorrow,
I'll read your poems today and tomorrow!
Some of your poems are one of a kinds,
They hit me so hard and stay on my mind!
I feel the hurt, the aching inside,
I feel the depression it's so hard to hide!
Some souls are happy,
Some souls are sad!
Some hearts will cry,
For loved ones they lost.
140 · Feb 2020
John parker Feb 2020
I'm scared today, my thinkings all sad!
I'm missing my Mum, I need her so bad!
I'm feeling all lonely, and butterflies inside!
I'm feeling real sick, but so hard to cry.😟😟
134 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
I'm sorry my Mum, I live so far away,
One day I'll visit and finish your grave!
I'll make it look magic, and get you that plaque,
I'll get you that head stone in diamonds and black!
All the flowers you fondness so much,
And tulips a must. 🌷🌷🌷
133 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
She was happy, a day before Christmas, 10 year ago! Though she never had much, just an empty bedroom, with a small  portable t.v and a 12 inc Christmas tree! But she was happy, she was watching her Christmas soaps that night! I had noticed she had a cough, and started messing her self! I rang for a ambulance! Paramedics took her and never brought her back! She died boxing day night, not long after 8pm! She died of alsorts, problems I never even new she had! And what breaks my heart the most, I never really told her, how much I loved her, only when she laid there dead and that person was Mother.❤❤R.I.P.
129 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
I sence that summers coming!
The days will be long and bright!
I'm glad the cold is going!
And all the dark long nights!
It's time for them flowers to petal!
And shine there beauty brights!
Them lovely bright coulours!
And all them velvet lights. 🌹🌼🌻
126 · Feb 2020
John parker Feb 2020
The sun my brightest my desperate friend, I kneel for you and peacefully pray for your forever lasting life.❤
126 · Feb 2020
John parker Feb 2020
I'm feeling low, upset and need to cry!
Feeling all anxious, and locked up inside!
I want to let them stream out fast,
Down my face to fill a glass!
I've tried my best to freedom my tears,
In that volt right up my stairs!
I'd like to free these with no hesitation,
It's not gonna happen I have no combination. ☹
125 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
I fell for her 💑
And got 5 stitches.
121 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
A mother's love is pure and strong!
You'll shorly miss her when she's gone!
She brought us up and taught us right!
She cuddled us through them lonely nights!
She stuck around and hung on tight!
She thought our battles when we'd fight!
She kept us clean right from the start!
She kept us safe out in the dark!
Now she's gone it's not the same!
I'll always miss that beautiful name.

Which is ❤❤MUM❤❤
112 · Feb 2020
John parker Feb 2020
I have my highs, I have my lows!
I suffer depression, it never goes!
It eats away and makes me sad!
Sometimes mental, sometimes mad!
Sometimes happy, sometimes glad!
Especially when I'm around my lad!
He's only 4, I have to be strong!
To share his days and help him along.☹☹
111 · Mar 2020
John parker Mar 2020
I wished upon a star!
That star was the sun!
And I wished!
The sun!
Would live forever ❤

— The End —