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In this world of the insane

Through corridors of retched dark
The mind and soul does now depart
Midst the hallways that twist and wind
In the ruins of a tattered mind.

From a spirit that once roamed free
As open as the endless sea
To a stunted remnant of yesterday
A waste of blackness and decay.

Black is white and East is West
Rational won’t pass the test
Satanic laughter rings the brain
In this world of the insane

Voices speak in silent tongues
Reminding one of wrongs they’ve done
A world of gaping mouths and staring eyes
Where lies are truth and truths are lies

Faceless things lurch and reel
In this world of chaos where nothing heals
And every day is just the same
In this place of no reframe

Darkness rules in this place of grief
Where all is lost and there is no relief
We all wear the mark of Cain
In this world of the insane

Past is future and tomorrows passed
Last is first and first is last
Down is up and up is down
In this demonic world that I have found

There are no tomorrows, there is no hope
Only pain and endless woe
In this place where madness reigns
In the frenzied rage of this domain

And worst of all is the knowledge sure
Of those that in this place endure
No relief, no hope, no gain
In this world of the insane
Just a little bit of Heaven from a time just bare remembered,
My Carolina homeland twixt the mountains and the sea

Home of the Catawba, the Wando, and the Winya, the Sewee, and the Cooso, the Hook and Cherokee.

A paradise of wildlife, too numerous to mention, the Bob Cat and the gator, the home of Whitetail deer.

From the Blue Ridge in the Piedmont, to the vast Atlantic Ocean with the rolling greens, the stands of pine and swamplands caught between.  

Just a little bit of Heaven from a time just bare remembered,
My Carolina homeland twixt the mountains and the sea

A place of history making from the early 1650s, through the War of Independence to shake the British yoke.

The War of Abolition for the rights of Southern freedom that left this ground the final resting place of men in Southern gray.

Not a place of grandiosity but genteel decorum, we still teach our kids the decency of conventionality.

Stand when a lady enters, don’t you dare fall into gaucheness, show respect if its respect you want and always say yes Ma’am and Sir.

Just a little bit of Heaven from a time just bare remembered,
My Carolina homeland twixt the mountains and the sea

My time on earth grows short now; I’ll soon be taken homeward, to a better place I have been told across the glassy sea.

To a place of peace and joy, of eternal sunshine, a place of satisfaction located in eternity.

And as my mind turns inward; in final preparation; one thought prevails my thinking as I ponder all these things.

Though I still have many questions, there is one thing I am sure of; about this place of rest that’s on the other side.

It will be a replication of the little bit of Heaven; that was my Carolina homeland twixt the mountains and the sea
May 02 2018 Dr. Benjamin B. Driggers
Dr. Driggers is originally from Williamsburg County SC
Four friends have I, four men of truth
Four pillars strong this honored group
Words of wisdom you can count upon
Mathew, Mark, Luke and John

The song they sing is one of hope
As they guide you along life’s slippery *****
The homage they pay is to one alone
Whose Father sits upon Heaven’s throne

Christ they serve and he alone
His humble wisdom they intone
Their words they write to glorify
The One Lord of which they testify

Make a choice they say, do not be deceived
Choose the Son of God and be reprieved
To choose any other heart's desire
Leads only to Hell’s eternal fire

The one and only chosen one
Is the one and only chosen Son
He’s the one to put your trust upon
Say my friends Mathew. Mark, Like and John

— The End —