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Feb 2022 · 126
The Last Night Of The Earth
TJ Struska Feb 2022
I arrive at a point
It is elliptical
It is motioning
Many clocks
It is peaceful
And perfectly cold

I am aligned straight as an arrow

It comes like roses full of thunder
It comes like ravens and Van Gogh

It comes

I am sending up
My vacant cloud

It stinks
Like a flood

Into many birds

I am
Cobra light
And fuming

The yellow leaves
Wink and wave
Their little mouths
To rain
      December 09 2020
I write more straight forward poems,
This is more mystical.
I hope you like it. Tj
TJ Struska Feb 2022
The moon, cold and unattainable,
Hangs over the Earth's edge,
Unfaithful in its last light.

In another world
Children hit a tether ball
Around a pole,
Creating a brief, elliptical year,

The weightless, unclarified light of the sun,
Lies like a lover over a lost city,
Westward windows go up in flames.

And here, where the swan revolves in the moon phase,
A black pool invites its cold depth
The night is fixed in motioning stars.
            March 17 2021
I have been on a hiatus, Eliot, it's good to be back, many new poems to come
Jan 2021 · 152
Is This Art Or Mad Rambling
TJ Struska Jan 2021
Shh- swirl the golden cover art
Naw-its the sound of aluminum foil
Redux- it ain't Lucky Strike cigarettes
Nothing- but the swill of oil
In Lieu-of ten cent bottle return
Except- Oregon and Maine
Huh, I'm back for?a spell
Nov 2020 · 143
In The Zeitguist
TJ Struska Nov 2020
I am the water,
The second wave of summer,
A tsunami,
A wall of gray wind.
I am night,
Behold! A black sheet of rain.
Hobbled over the bleak and red ants of fire;
Baring a becoup of wild thyme and sage.
And all that exists is terribly near us,
Like you my dark light, my love, my rage.
Hello, is there anybody in there,
Knock if you can here me,
Is there anyone at home?
Nov 2020 · 120
Trance: An All Hollows Tale
TJ Struska Nov 2020
I am in the aerials,
Where the birds have their burials,
Down among the rushes,
Where the warm blood pulses,
I haunt along the hallow,
Where the river follows,
Weaving through the branches,
I put the birds in trances,
And live among the brambles,
Where the river rambles,
I am the Olden One,
I am the Second Son,
Spread along the stones,
I sleep among the bones,
Down where the mud seeps,
Down where the earth sleeps,
I am the poison arrow,
And I love you to the marrow.
Happy Halloween..TJ Struska
Oct 2020 · 110
A Hush
TJ Struska Oct 2020
The day flutters like ticker-tape
I smile like Buddha
Unzipping the night
A pocketful of whistles

A dark ceiling of stars.

The needle is threaded
Night wide open
The engine cranks over
A cello of moans.

A tattle of gold
My ways of turning
To ripples of silver, a hush.

Was it you who bring
Red lines of lupus
A world of wheals and whirs.

Through the terminus
Blue walls of morphine
A corridor of trains
A thunder of hosts.

Buzz of blue flies
Slip through the eyelet
Me gluing a matchstick of men.

The days drag behind
Seven hours in a sack
Spilling stars
Through a *****'s blind eye.

Unloosen the screws
The singing of prisoners
The clouds fall away
The snow drips impossible light.
This is a second draft of a new poem. I hope you like it. I hope for a response, dear reader. TJ Struska
Sep 2020 · 112
Afternoon Shadows
TJ Struska Sep 2020
Trundling through shadows
To a lone stone wall
Along a ridge an old Yankee farmer tended 'til he died
Slowly overtaken by time
And the wild bloom of flowers
The stone wall crumbles
Back to the field
Silent as the dry passing wind
Only the sound of a river washing stones whispering
We were never really here.
Thank you for your wonderful response for my poems. TJ Struska
TJ Struska Sep 2020
This serpentine shadow.
A ticker-tape wind.
It's a new constellation.
Planets pulse like an idea.
A gathering squall spells out our fortune.
Everything disappears in a wall of gray.
It's not a new form of suicide;
Its as empty as space
And twice as cold
In a dark with no stars.
Not that anyone may read this. But I wrote this today
Why doesn't anyone repond?
Am I on the wrong sight?
What do you sayEloit?
Sep 2020 · 93
Wind And Velocity
TJ Struska Sep 2020
Toward morning I draw the first words
From the place I came yet cannot return
As night crawls back to the hills

Pain is a bright room
Lit in florescent
Here the needle is turning

I wish for the waking of other worlds
The stars are all broken
The ghosts of time pass through me

My eyes are waiting for me in the dusk
I feel my way toward them

I'll find my name written in dust,
There again, I will meet it.
I had to rewrite this from memory. I hope someone will like this short poem..TJ Struska
Sep 2020 · 156
Here, There Be Tygers
TJ Struska Sep 2020
Jacob over the bridge town proper,
Gas lit streets, a string of yellow parking lights
In a slow fog turning to threads,
Barely remembering their colour.
Waking to predawn gloom
The town looks small and elderly.
I light a cigarette,
Spy the old Yankee town.
Here, there be Tygers
Night races up the steeple.
TJ Struska Sep 2020
Watch the wheels and whirs,
Long welts lines like lupus.
My God Man, I'm responsible for this mess.

I thought I'd vacuum to pass the time.
Must not have heard the phone.
My tried and true,
Welcome to the desert.

Lets get started.

The first thing you'll need
Is a well-honed upper body.
Or a shirt.
Do I **** the ending?

The familiar phrase ran up the jaded alley.
Who do you think settled the valley?
The lazy bees outside the window?

The futile logic of the exercise?

Waiting on the circadian rhythm,
Millions of years in the making.
Old Ted Kennedy died this week,
Made me what to play a dirge
To The Three Kings.

I fear the new ones ain't as friendly.
Brandishing sticks instead of branches.
Blessed be the Peacemakers,
They will be called the Children of God.

I got your back, what'd say?
I brought it chapter and verse.
The peace frog forming in
the midst
This strange August.

Switching the jeans for basic black
How urbane the lesson.
I should have turned on Randolph,
Had to wait for Ohio,
Turning on Rush to the buzzed suit
Crossing against traffic.
Two on the way, one on the way back,
Looking for the self-park.

Splendid Desolation,
Daddy done drug up the rear
Its like this from here on out.
Nothing but green along Michigan,
A right on Congress,
Two on the way,
One for the way back.
See the Glory of The Royal Scam.
         Sep 03 2009
   (For Walter Becker)
11 years ago tonight I saw the amazing Steely Dan play the Royal Scam.this poem was completed that night. 3 years ago tonight. Walter Becker, the other half of Steely Dan passed away.
This poem is a celebration.
Aug 2020 · 71
TJ Struska Aug 2020
Never mind the silence,
Bring on The *** Pistols
With they're vitriol
And jugular vein jutting
Out when they sing
Probably spitting on the first row.
The chicks dig when the singer's spit on them.
They get quite emotional with fake anger and wild gyrations.
Captivating they're audience.
But I want to know is
When are you finished,
We got a V.A. function going on tomorrow,
And by God I see one of your band members passed out in the front with the paying customers. And your CD not selling at the door and please clean up the puke when you leave.
Just a serious look at high culture.
Aug 2020 · 71
night rain
TJ Struska Aug 2020
the last wind of November
lashing the trees,
unseen rain racing the tiles
the wind rises and echoes
the clouds
the old trees and whithered
with dark branches
gnarled, bent over like an old woman
clutching a rosary at evening mass.
the rain whispers to the sodden silence
as clouds race the half-moon
and the sea is unknown.
is rain falling on the last place on Earth?
I wrote this on Friday. It's a short moody poem. I like it, do you ? Anybody out there?
Aug 2020 · 62
TJ Struska Aug 2020
You pull down the blinds in the arc of the sun,
And nothing happens
And everything does.
And it's highway robbery
With the stinking trucks
Grinding up the street.
While the fan blades whir
A half mile an hour
And Madagascar
Sinks to the sea.
And it's all
Broken bottles and fences,
Garbage can lined alleyways.
Its circular sensors
And half-moons
And Christmas
And Thursday before payday.
And the moon pores silver.
And I dream like
A Persian cat.
This is a better poem that 90 percent of whatever poem they thread for the day. This website reeks of pay-o-la.
TJ Struska Aug 2020
I have broken cups to bring to the rummage sale,
They come cheap off the highway.
Their chipped and worn clear through
Like the thin veneer I wear.
But their good for holding it all in.
I've dug holes filled with regret,
All those sorry trips.
Soon it fades like a slippery dream.
Never blinking back the oncoming darkness.
Fathoming this wake
In the last of the flood.
Well it seems were back to this. I write and get no response. I didn't write on here for two months. Guess I best do it again.
Aug 2020 · 58
Other Gig
TJ Struska Aug 2020
This silent pen,
This flowing aromatic
This spare confessional,
This alchemy of light.

And you light a cigarette,
Prowl the room like a leopard.
And the trains run east to west,
And somehow this comforts you
On the way to your other gig.
And the sun roars against the window,
Your face,
Gliding up the road.
And you think of Yeats,
Shelly, the Shaw Of Iran,
Perestroika, Persian rugs,
Brahms And bikinis,
And you know your friends,
Watch your enemies,
Keep a checklist,
Forget the checklist
As the woman with the legs
Crosses against the light.

And the lights come up,
The movie's ended.
The streetlights shine in the mist.
You walk to your car,
And rain dots the windshield
As cars hiss up the street.
This has always reminded me of fifties bebop jazz and Hitchcock. I don't know why. PS it's anyone out there?
Aug 2020 · 95
Blue Flame
TJ Struska Aug 2020
I watch the harried blonde
Searching her car,
Opening her trunk,
Closing it again,
Get in her ***** 91 Lebaron
Missing a hubcap.
She drive around the corner,
Turns down the street again
Stops, opens her door,
Steps out, slower this time
All legs and ***.
I'm drawn to her pale skin
The curve of leg,
The slant of hip.
I'm a well- worn soldier,
Looking in the heart of darkness,
Or a poet caught up
In lust.

Either way-

Evening descends,
I look up and down
The lane for the harried blonde
With the curve of leg
And slant of hip.
Smoke from my cigarette
Lighting the air-
I breathe in the moment,
Time is invisible
The movement of dust lifts sunlight in air,
Through the cheap window,
The bowed frame
yet it danced
around her like suns
and she was lit
and I was red,
dust and blue smoke,
filled the space with light
swirling and blue,
shimmering red,
and I loved her essence.
Blue smoke
Blue flame
Suns blazing
Motes and darkness
Filled with light
Blue light all around her.
This is a true story. I was a younger single man then, on my staycation
When this nervous vision of loviness went through her motions. I almost approached her then. She saw me we connected she drove off.
Later that night this poem came to me fully formed( sorta like her)
I love poem of the fire of lust..
Aug 2020 · 88
Memo To Bixby
TJ Struska Aug 2020
Letter to self: Roman Numeral 17 drug up on charges unrelated to the home invasion on Milwaukee Avenue-seen fleeing with female.
Learned secrets of the Serengeti. A catch torn to pieces. Note: Roman Colosseum desecrated. A raptor in the fan blades.
A diamond in the zealous.
Man, don't ride dem bones.
Some doo-*** ditty- bop of Saint and sinner, stewbums and deadbeat killer clowns.
Open, thy cup runneth over.
Loosen the ties binding to the bone.
The Rorschach Tune-Up Allotment Sale Now Through
Apocalypse Day 7.
Memo to Bixby: Gyroscope Hot Tub Blowout relaxing the flow chart boys uptown. A filtered out flummox of impedance Bixby, Jimmywalk spared the lewd and lascivious. Spike the routers Roman Numeral 17 seen in vicinity, Apocryphal papers flown to Helsinki. Eradicate memo with extreme prejudice. Yours Turner.
This is an older work with minor revision. This was a hands down fire of fun. Just opening up and letting words overtake you.
Aug 2020 · 96
Dusk In Winter
TJ Struska Aug 2020
A silence consumes the cold depth of winter,
I wonder will death be as silent as dusk?
A cold room unlit in shadow
Winter holds the the small death of loss.
The cold comes taking birds with it.
Finches and sparrows nettled in branches,
Worry for the hawks ravaging claw.
In dusk I leave no trace my shadow.
My spirit gone to wind by dawn.
This is a poem of growing older. Dusk and winter are powerful representations of dying.
TJ Struska Aug 2020
And it switched my man,
Ain't one found of his bones
Creaking in the closet
With the bare bulbs and spiders crawling the dust
Of the night show

1965- you're the protagonist with your analyst at 280 an hour,
50 minutes on the shrink watch.
Staring in the oblivion of Tuesday.
And you remember 1942, and your ****** and your scared,
And you hide in the ***** dens.
You don't smoke it, you just low,
Knowing the hopheads won't hurt you.
And the old man can't find you here.
You wait for him to leave for work.
Because you wanted to **** him.
And you swore he'd answer for those moments.
I occasionally like to do three short works together with a loose theme. The last one I'm thinking of expanding. What do you think. Does anyone read on Hello Poetry anymore?
Jul 2020 · 61
End Of The Night
TJ Struska Jul 2020
I crawled into the belly of the beast,
It smelled of beer and *******.
It was as empty as a billion dead suns,
Hell between the tavern walls.
Sleeping off the new job at the cleaners, or the road crew, or the factory,
Whoever was hiring.
Happy to see your sorry *** go.
Picking your friends as you picked them clean,
Or they used you,
And you all went down together.
And you meant to shine like the stars,
But you spaced out to Pink Floyd instead.
Coke and voices and beer on the table,
You rode to the sun and shivered on the moon.
The glint of the mirror, coke on the table,
And everyone babbling at once.
And the coke runs out and you look like hell,
And someone cuts you a line And your somebody again.
Opening a beer in a cheap motel,
You come down as the day comes up.
And you dare not look at yourself in the mirror.
You smell like hell and your three quarters there.
You walk out the ***** motel
And the blind eye of the sun
Draws you back inside,
Back into the belly of the beast.
I wrote this about a terrible time in my life. I never write on here anymore because it seems my poems ever get read. I dare someone to respond to this poem. Go ahead, I dare you.
Jun 2020 · 96
Jamming The Frequency
TJ Struska Jun 2020
Where the trains run parallel
I run the perimeter,
Looking for a way through This heat covered flesh.
A new kind of madness
Invades my brain,
I cannot describe the freedom
****** on the edged of the rim.
A subliminal contract
With no strings attached.
All the clouds run counterproductive,
Its a new kind of system.
I've jammed all the frequencies,
Only radio transmissions
From 1953.
Caught in the warble,
I'll drop the pill in the vat,
You'll will feel it momentarily.
You will surrender to its properties,
A fugue of dark wonder.
You will enter it's pinkish light,
You'll hear your Mother's voice from the womb.
You'll not transcend this new kind of madness.
You'll fall into it light a cliff diver in Yucatan,
It will be your friend,
Your great undoing,
Clock towers and spires will Resolve your transmission.
You're in curved space time now,
Nothing can touch this unlimited freedom.
There will be no further interruption.
Come with me now to the place of still water,
Let me show you the shape under the sheet.
Can you smell the rain?
It's an acid bath of elation.
Isn't it buzzing in your toes?
I've factored in retrograde,
Will be there within the hour
Them we'll see what else transpires along the realm.
We'll kick Baal down the steps,
Get him wobbling down
Where all the trains run backward.
The Christ figure will blind him,
Bind him in sackcloth and ash.
It will be a celebration
I figured in the overload,
Put it through sine and cotangent-
Then it's all peaches.
Like coming up for air.
It will be a beast,
A bull, a drama.
It will be a fly in the ointment,
And grease on the rails.
It's a symphony in the speakers,
Where nothing floats but saucer shaped thoughts.
Stick figures hang from a tree,
You'll wish to be one of them.
You'll want to swim in it,
Through it, into it.
It's a blue filter night dream.
A cerulean blue blaze of pixel
It will drive your dreams to monochrome.
You'll lose 27 minutes upon reentry.
You'll be through the stars.
It only requires gasoline and guts.
I drew the schematics straight out of nowhere.
They filtered down from Central,
Forgetting new Area Codes
I dreamt up last Sunday.
Its Arkansas in the sun,
It's a page witch dance,
It's ****** with a mallet,
It shines to a T.
Wait by the phone for further instruction.
This is my rock n roll psychedelic poem. I was a Hippie ( still am) in the Seventies. This is my Pink Floyd apocalypse now style poem
Jun 2020 · 82
Johnny Flip The Finger.
TJ Struska Jun 2020
The poem arrives same as last week,
It's shirttail sticking out
Slurring of meter.
It knows form like the Devil knows Christmas,
Your free spirit simile
Has more holes in it than Sonny Coleone.
Ballads, sonnets and well metered stanza
Wake hungover in flea bag motel,
With empty beer cans dribbling prose.
Johnny Flip The Finger
Burps out and ending.
Checking his pants he finds 3 crumpled ones.
An old one from this Salty Dog.
Jun 2020 · 73
Dusk In Winter
TJ Struska Jun 2020
A silence consumes the cold depth of winter,
I wonder will death be as silent as dusk?
A cold room unlit in shadow,
Winter holds with it the small death of loss.
The cold snow comes taking birds with it,
Finchs and sparrows netted in branches,
Worry the hawks ravaging claw.
In dusk I leave no trace of shadow before me,
My spirit gone to wind by dawn.
I'm getting older, as dusk grows shorter and time moves faster
Jun 2020 · 58
TJ Struska Jun 2020
Now splashing through fire,
Now burning in water,
Night all drunk up and moonlit.
Now I'm insane and stare at wallpaper
The way one looks at a Piccaso.
And the worms sing my bones.
Birds fly fire roses open like smoke,
And words thread hot needles like wire.
I pray for California,
I pray for rain,
I pray a quick death
As a spider crawls up the wall.
And all the tunnels go down in the dark,
As we go down in the dark.
And I ask for a cup of myrrh,
And I'm handed a snake instead.
I dream like London
And blue carbon gas.
I float through alleyways of wine soaked fights.
Ravens cluck the hour,
The bottom of my soles.
Jesus sleeps in Nebraska tonight.
Adam and I both fall to dust.
There's a stone in my heart,
A fly in a frenzy
There's Tulsa and crab cakes
And 3 for a dollar,
And something for the little lady.
Watch a drunk slam into 7 parked cars
As the world go as mad as a roach.
While old St Benedect dreams in his shoes of endless
Bikinis and bottles of beer.
And my bottle goes Blam,
And I pick up another,
And I go with it.
My mind is a symphony now
Of wire and spit spray
And I go with it,
I go with it,
Into it now, Into the terror,
Roaring, Roaring, Roaring.
This is kind of a poem of rage and release. Im a softly with a lion's heart.
Jun 2020 · 73
Afternoon Shadow
TJ Struska Jun 2020
Trundling a shadowed vale
To a low stone wall
Along a sloping ridge
An Old Yankee farmer
Tended his field til he died.
Slowly overtaken by time and the wild boom of flower
The stone wall crumbles
Silent as dry passing wind.
But for the sound of a river
Washing stones
Whispering we were never really here
I wrote this today. It has a peaceful reflective quality. Feedback needed
Jun 2020 · 162
TJ Struska Jun 2020
Soon it is over and dust covers pages.
You come to the page with blood on your hands.
When you turn around its always the past.
And rain falls forever somewhere.
Inside we empty the minutes to hours,
And the days are horses running the hills.
I wait by the door of unknown tomorrow,
And gaze at the past's unsettling dream.
This ensemble draped in scarlet begonia,
I breathe night's intoxicated hour,
As all the days have fallen to dusk.
In days of dripping sinks and emptied vases,
As the hours used up are spilled from the cup.
A sheen of rain falls on the living,
As the dead dream of Heaven no more.
A whisper of wind scattering pages,
A church of words built from the ground.
Where's my specter, the color of silence?
Caught up in echoing air?
Where are the Exiles, they're hands smeared with berries,
Do they witness to a choir of clouds.
A lute of dark birds gathered in shadow,
As wind stirs the dry husk of leaves.
A void overtakes the yellowing pages.
A dark house consuming my winter of words.
I have/was going through writers block. This way my way to bring it to light
May 2020 · 100
Life In Romans 7 (rev.)
TJ Struska May 2020
But how can that be?
Was it the law that caused my doom?
The wrong I don't mean to do, I do anyway,
Though every higher thing Within me,
Screams at this outrage...
Led to be a monk,
I fell from the top rung.
You're fate at your fingers
( yeah, I'm at war with those too).
I'm my own martyr in motion,
At war with my wanton ways.
But I got a woman in the other room- know what I mean?
She tries to keep me out of Romans 7,
But she only gets me in deeper.
Ah- between the pills and drama,
It's psychotropic Hades before your eyes.
Seems I have to have it by 4,
Or it's a bumpy ride all the way home.
It's a Tilt-A- Whirl, a real wild ride.
This Act of Contrition,
I've surely brought on myself
Nowhere in Romans 7,
Do you go it alone,
Yet there remains a certain isolation,
A turning away.
Even in the presence of others,
There's an aloneness,
A shrinking of the spirit.
Crying out to Him,
I sometimes only hear the wind.

At the bottom of these stairs,
It's shadow looming over light.
And the only shadow I fear,
Is the one I leave.
Is there a way out?
None you see from here.
Alas- 2 10-325's,
Climbing the dark stairs to the bottom.
Zoom, here goes nothing to Nowhere.
Where's God's love in the depth of addiction?
Closer than the sin I wear.
I offer my sin, and take it back up again.
Romans 7, my salvation and my despair.
Making mud pies in the alley
Than castles on the shore.
How far I've wandered To find where I am.
As darkness knows no presence other than it's own.
I know this other light,
And Who Within it Dwells.
His name is Peace,
He who comes to to set the captives free.
This poem is my true story of love, addiction an forgiveness. I'm like Johnny Cash in a sense. I have my devils to tangle with.But I have an Awesome God who delivers me from them.
TJ Struska May 2020
Insolent candy pop skull,
Easy on the eyes
Short on stature,
I get your final comedown.
Here, behind the nape of neck,
Exposed to blue sun-
Pruning the Sycamore for full summer.

It all moves in contemptible silence.
I rigged it from the go.
I see the sun once more
Along Amelia Avenue.
Such is the slant
Drawn up in low light.
Here comes a lover moon
Rising in dusk;
Where every Mother's Son
Hangs a weary star
On its crescent.

Night, with it's visceral lassitude Adding
Insanity to it's notion.
I'll say it's random,
Not much lately,
But enough anyway.
I saw a dream once,
Falling like light in a doorway
A tulip dying in drought.
Just a little three piece work intended to be the movement of day to dusk to night..TJ
May 2020 · 102
TJ Struska May 2020
Is there only a moon
And stars and silence?
And I see night as it is,
As a stillness settles over
And irragates the silence.
And a dripping faucet,
And I breathe in
And a drip,
And I breathe out And nothing changes.
And the pen conspires With my soul.
And everything turns
On its axis
And you dream of headwinds and far off Tahiti.
As you live
With the briar
And rose
As seasons
Slant with the sun.
And I broke
On the wheel
I wish
For no one.
We are bound up
In Glory
And laid low
In sin.
And November creaks
In crevices of night.
And the moon is
Pale And cold.
And your pen is a
Beast bucking
The gate.
And you finally
Let it run.
An early poem of revision. Hope it worked
May 2020 · 99
Seven- Ish
TJ Struska May 2020
Its all tickety boo
All the squirrels go swingeling along.
Here, have another.
How did you hear about yourself?
Perhaps from the flatware,
They all had lunch one us.
Voluptuous potato pancakes
In pickling brine.
Who would draw up such schematics?
Prudent farming engineers, that's who.
My lesions are legend,
I know them all by name.
They came up all Humpty Dumpty.
It configured a conflagration,
It was like a coming out party
We took up a collection,
It was a formal gratuity-
Like graduating from Radio school.
Who said "ALL ****"?
Sounds uppity at the cocktail convention,
With the swaggering lounge music.
Its really quite benign,
Like sipping soup through a straw.
Its been factory sealed for your protection.
It's safer than a school of sleepy piranhas.
Have I blown the 9 hour interview?
I wore my best Captain Crunch uniform,
It's standard issue.
I checked the latest at Phlegm Central,
They said I best check my shirt.
Then we had light refreshments.

Later that Century,
I was feeding the current machine.
Greedy Son Of A. B!#ch,
It was such a de-happening.
It became much to empirical.
Like a month of Tuesdays every other weekend,
That's the price to be paid
When you haul it up. Snaggletooth Mountain.
It was bemusing, if not hunderstruck.
We crossed into the International Sinus Zone,
From there it got a bit hazy-
All the trains were late.
It went well with the weather.
Cletus wore his camisole nightie,
While I was in my haberdasher hair shirt.
It effulgent, in mocking undertones.
It's peanut pastime of reinforced paint peels.
How does that make me an irregular object.
Let's all get up and March
To the swinging sounds of Sherezade,
Forgetting your conscience as we sidle along.
Hold up the Opera while I make up the lyrics.
How do you turn this **** thing down?
Many poets try to sound like other poets. Me included. I am trying go go back to natural voice.. I'm not putting a star out there. I would like to see if my natural voice sells
May 2020 · 136
Hob Nail Boot
TJ Struska May 2020
If were lucky, it's all a terrible time.
Tattered goldfish smearing the bowl.
Its more a failed distraction,
An instinct driven drama,
It's like fish swimming in anxious sleep,
It's lame excuses and narcotic visions,
All these trippy hours.
Chopin lurking in shadow.
It's the all organic experience,
I brought nothing but light off the levee,
The stink of Reynolds Aluminum,
Copper and mud.
A thousand noxious cars passing the window,
I don't mean to meddle,
Like a drunk hag hanging on your sleeve-
But where the hell is Shambhala?
It's such a drag doing penance in a bathrobe,
I hear Pharisees and jailers are there,
Doing straight time in Purgatory,
Tinkling like a million bad dreams.
It's rusty bells in little black cups.
Sorry about the clock tower,
It warbles electric.
It's use to substandard time.
I'll perch a Screwtape Letter.
It's obtuse when hungover.
Baal and Beelzebub boogied for the coast.
It's a pestilence of petunia,
A trip to the triage,
The same lame reaction.
Assuage with me to the vat of ammonia,
Its a train leading to Leipzig,
It's Brahms Nocturnal Dream In A Minor,
It's a mansion on the moon,
An olfactory schism of the senses,
Stealing time in half-hour segments,
A volatile mixture metered for meltdown.
Eponymous splotch of illustrious nails,
Railed to the cross one by one
Pilate washed at the sink,
He was clocking in overtime.
I've assembled mirrors to my hobnail boots,
It sluices the sunlight
Gets the light dancing every which way.
Its like being at the circus,
It. So captivating.
What hour is it?
I come awake to a tomahawk tapping.
I'm historically hysterical,
An unknown tangent.
The factory affiliate controls the production.
He measures the sunshine in fabulous droplets.
Let's grab the Metro for a ride through the ghetto,
While you draw designs on lovers faces.
Counting backward from zero to one.
I wrote this poem this week. This is truly my style. I pray someone reads this
May 2020 · 102
Assembly Of Ghosts
TJ Struska May 2020
Arcane wove the gray
Before morning,
A windscreen of fronds
And muzzling bees.
Birds weave they're own dreams
Littered with red berries.
All the words have dissolved now,
Disappearing in green *****
Avenging the clouds.
The day's final doing,
A rapturous melody
Of audible wind.
In this vale
I'll smoke out the sunrise,
Dawn limping along
On one bad foot.
As earthworm and frog
Form they're own pact,
Dividing the pond and
Lilly patch between them,
They share they're own secret with the sun.
We grieve our loss
As dry husks we sheave
From the plow.
We have assembled together
Here in our nightshirt,
To remember old Clancy's field of ghosts,
Quaking night dreams
Of voluptuous roses,
The winnowing echo
Gathers the storm.
Autumn waves dark wands
Chasing the gray winds.
Where will it go,
Can I go with it,
Will I remember
Who I am this time?
C'mon someone anyone. Am I the invisible poet now. Who am I kidding. Will anyone read this? Why should I care. Because I'm a poet and I do. Do I write to an assembly of ghosts
May 2020 · 93
TJ Struska May 2020
( author's note, I know I'm writing to a ghost town, I get snubbed, but here goes anyway)

Everything covered
In a rim of dull rain,
A dark train pulling
A cab car of ghosts,
A vivid night dream
The color of rust.
A half jug of wine
Spilled on the floor.
A decorum of ghetto,
My shadow ceased moving
A half-life ago.
Your eyes chasms
My tunic of rust.
A storm pyre peacock
Of dust metal soot-
The walls have all fallen,
Corrosion of weeping
In an acid bath rain.
A scale sheen of darkness,
Helsinki in ruin,
I seem to twisting
Like an rusted *****,
A photograph curled
In a darkening room.
I don't know why I still care what anyone says about my poetry, but I still do. Hello Poetry and my old readers have broken my heart.
May 2020 · 55
No Loose Ends
TJ Struska May 2020
First it's a fish,
Then it's a rock,
Then it's an island,
Then its a play
For all the neighbors to see.
Then it's ready for the plucking,
Then it goes down easy,
Then you know your ready.
I let in the sun,
It died in the lawn,
Then I drug it out
To the frozen ground.
First its a dog,
Then it's an elephant,
Then its a cobra
Asleep in the sun.
First it's a lesson,
This is the sum
Of every blazing summer
And every wicked winter,
A blue orb circling
The last lonely sun.
This is my weapon,
This is my tool,
This is the place
Where my Mother lies
And does not complain
Of wind or weather,
Or rain or sun
Or the change of season,
Or sun or moon or lack thereof.
Its a fact born of fiction,
The truth and the lie,
Its glass in the alley
And chains gone to rust.
It's the last dream of childhood,
A dream of witches,
And a dream of earth,
It's ice cream stands
And cold shakes,
Its a dream of my Father
In 1967,
Its downtown
And cops and taxis,
Whistles and buildings,
Ice and slush
And black and white
Photographs of sad smiling children.
It's a moonrise
Orange and ominous,
A double locked door
And voices in the hallway,
Police and sirens
And blood at the scene.
This is me on my deathbed,
This is you sleeping,
This is the hour
That becomes you,
The minute that
Becomes me,
This is the second we share.
This is time moving backward,
This is a speck
On the sun,
This is an island,
A rock,
A fish,
I don't know what has happened. I used to love to write on this site. I wrote a poem on this site called A Poem For No One. I got responses. Now I feel like om writing A Poem For no one. I am devistated. I read these so called poems of the day, most are terrible, like something I wrote in 8th grade. I write on All Poetry, I get responses, encouragement. I've bad two poems on their front page. They're poems are more savvy. I write good poems and don't get a hit. Well I said what I said. This probably won't get read either.
May 2020 · 130
This Last Ember
TJ Struska May 2020
Tracing the hour,
The distance I follow,
Wands and Auroras,
These echoing phrases,
These expiates of shadow.
Angels and Sailors of far of seas,
Ghosts ships of carrion,
This unknowledgeable surrender,
This last ember,
A blazing Supernova.
This rung down the ladder,
Barkok and Liszt,
Stickball in high summer,
Unraveling spector
Of chariots and Pharaohs,
Matresses of mourning,
Days of black shoes,
Pairs that tread the same dirt road.
Venturing clouds,
These invisible evenings,
A burned mound of wheels,
Converging signals
Alinged to one.
Horses braying a symphony of dust.
The end and the beginning Never touching the middle,
Straddling curve space time,
A stratosphere of clouds.
Cobweb hung planets,
Their rings revolving
The shining simmer
In the final arc of sun.
Just outside Nebraska,
Down Highway 1A,
Charles Starkweather Haunts
Gretchen lost ghost.
The dark specter residing
In old Elmer's cornfield,
It moans and shudders
The grave hours passing
Like strands on a string.
Bombardiers blasting
The last metal gun tower,
As Churchill railed the invading Blitzkrieg,
Sending out the Valiant
To apocalypse the hour.
Long rainy seasons,
The trees weeping
The last wilting flower's lonely despair..
The rim of the hour
Dialing shadows dreary filing
Down corridors of clocks,
A Canticle of stars, the dark night revolving,
One billion Angels sing to the light.
This was a profound poem for me.
Lately I feel that I only write to myself on this website. Why, doesn't anyone read these beautiful poems anymore😞
May 2020 · 86
TJ Struska May 2020
I awake on fire
A carnal ghost,
Shuttering lamplight
I cling to my host.

The wrens are all sleeping,
They flitter and rust,
Bedsprings squeaking
Dark chasms of lust.

The Vespers of skeletons
Stitched to the bone
Here in the church
They whisper and drone

What blood beast obscenity
What fathom to cross,
Here the *****
Sleeps with the lost.
I wrote tis mysterious poem two hours ago,
I like it, what about you.
May 2020 · 148
A Crumbing Wall
TJ Struska May 2020
A pale horse riding
Atop a dark Vista,
Knowing what name
Is writ in the dust

Eschewing lineage
Of Abel's dark brother,
Red roses bleed
In Neptune's cold sun.

Here at the bottom
Of Mickey's lost hour,
All rails terminate,
The end if the line.

The pen is my muse
A linier connection,
Writing Mozart's
Concerto of rust,

An ill wind finds
It's way with the weather,

A muttering stranger
Lost in the rain.

These bleating words coming
In hollow smoke signals,
Chittering of nothing
Drunk on the stoop

Pinned to your sleeve
Like a hag in a *******,
A crumb for the gods
So easily amused.

Dredging the dregs
Of one's own possessions,
Setting them down
In buckets of rain.

A sad reminder
Rimmed with compulsion,
A harbinger skittering
Alone in the dirt.

Here in the mill
Stinking of textile,
Memories haunt
A crumbling wall.

No need to mention,
It comes when it wants to,
A brutish devil
Whispers obliquely,

I cannot remember
What dream I've become.

I kneel in the night,
The tigers surround me,
Strange dreams in half- life
Blue saucers of sun.

Here in the dark square,
Ring up Odessa,
It presees the future,
So fast and so numb.

In the depth of the Maelstrom,
Abyss in the darkness,
Hollow upon
A billion blood sea,

As fish swim Lakes
Black at the bottom,
Ghosts of oblivion
Dance in the clouds.

Twice what it's worth
Is half it undoing,

No I remember
What dream I've become.
I woke up on Monday dizzy and disoriented, it lasted for days, I was afraid I couldn't write. My depression heightened. In this four days, I wrote 2 poems, this is the one about depression. I think many poets can relate..TJ
May 2020 · 131
TJ Struska May 2020
The hoofs and horses burn in the twilight,
As you count breaths between the stirring Of bees.
Oncoming traffic like a beads on a string,
The Woodworker's rasp,
The beekeeper's screen,
Diamond headlights,
Oncoming rain,
A transparent light,
The stirrings of leaves,
Gravity ground in a ceiling of sky.
In a dry place, the Oracle's
Lost meaning,
A hole in the center of the Sphinx blind eye.
I ply my hand to broken wheel moonlight,
A servitude of stars,
These muttering clouds,
A musty collection of shanties and shacks.
I caught the last sleep to black and white rails,
Slap boards passing, a flickering screen,
In a a theatre of stars and orbits,
A string hang on a ceiling so sweet.
As dogs and birds welcome Blue Heaven,
JESUS SAVES plasters Route 10, Is it West Mex or East Tex
Or is it the same?
Dark buttes, silhouettes, bare bulbs and bugs.
Ariels deep in dark desert valley,
The scent of box elder set in the sun.
The Oracle of day draws you in deeper,
Like a reptile burrowed in the heat of high noon.
A trial by fire, a light like no other,
What wildflowers lurk in the Devil's dark garden?
Witch grass and juniper smelling like rain.
A limestone Chateaux dreary long hours,
In a place surrounded by four walls and a bed,
Scavenging shoes in the dark of the day.
Black spiders in closets hunt along runnels,
A quivering fly caught in a trance.
A brief disconnection,
Ten thousand night and five Fridays ago,
So said the tombstone to each blade of grass.
Gravity Good Mother, teach us a lesson, tied to this tether,
This searing vibration,
A rust belt corrodes the American Dream,
As gulls wheel industrial blight.
Cherry Blue Jewel, the last drop of water,
Glass curtains cover the winnowing storm.
Twilight and half moons,
Long shiny autos,
All the starlets rise with the night.
Pieces and fragments, in abstract arrangement,
Aged black men fishing rivers of cattails.
Asleep in the dusk, a tinkling currant,
My own echo leaving a hollow in air.
Times emollient, 5 beads on a string,
Pharaohs and Pharisees,
A beekeeper's screen,
Shadows caught in a quivering dream.
If any of my readers know this, I've been working hard to become more lyrical. I am proud of this poem, I pray someone will read this and give me feedback. Please...TJ STRUSKA
TJ Struska May 2020
In a time without clocks,
I dial the sun,
All these sketches drawn
In the dirt.,
My grief is among them,
Drawing dark clouds.
These mechanics of night,
The stars are a whirring,
Relics and rust, sand belts of ruin,
How does one fathom such loss?
This felicity of loss,
Why pander such madness?
At the rim of hour,
The sky holds no grievance,
The orchestra mimics the fifth movement if time.
They wave to the sentries,
The stars have all vanished.
Skylarks and Seraphim
Flit the high wire.
The stone farmhouse,
Still life in winter,
A decanter of dreams,
What were we saying?
Hands move in the motion of dark clocks of ruin,
Picture framed ghosts,
Sure they dark wonder,
Adjoining shadows of dreary
Dark rain.
Cobweb hung night dreams,
Rooms full of clutter never waking the day.
Vespers hung on a string of no stars.
Trembling already, God strips me naked,
Walks with me to a river of stones.
Shadows mingle around us so mottled,
While other shadow gather,
We remember their name.
Never touching the other,
They flee to the darkness.
Unraveling clouds, they witness to others,
In hieroglyphics boxcar of rain.
Wheels turning, the dark engines rumble,
Ghost sparks and whistles,
Through hillbilly towns that have no name.
This poem was selected for a contest. I hope someone reads it, if Eliot puts it out there..TJ STRUSKA
May 2020 · 98
Blood Page
TJ Struska May 2020
This is the blood page,
Where nothing counts.
But your shadow

This is the blood page,
Writ in ink
And sealed in nothing.

This is the blood page,
A dissolvable nightmare.

This is the blood page,
A wisp of wind
And dark creaking trees.

This is the blood page,
Where nothing good
Happens after nine.

This is the blood page,
Where rusted machinery
Moans with the night.

This is the blood page,
Where churning Maelstroms
Pull you inside.

This is the blood page,
Where leapers crowd nightmares
And noon becomes night.

This is the blood page
Of burning sun
And hardpan horizon.

This is the blood page,
Of ghosts towns
And junk cars.

This is the blood page,
Where trains run backward
And death is on time.

This is the blood page,
Where time disappears
And you with it.
Speaking of disappearing. Where have my readers gone.
Do you want to disappear also?
Apr 2020 · 201
End Notes:
TJ Struska Apr 2020
Fro and yaw,
I've taken on water,
Jamming the frequency with static.
A strange adjustment of ratchets and pawls.
Hot Cherry, bane of my life,
I get your final comedown.
Some feely f#€k encounter,
**** the story,
It's here,
And here, and here.

Moonlit, the silence of dirt,
I've got to tear down these walls,
You swore it was Heaven,
The way the carwash was lit
With the last of summer,
A blip on the cosmic calendar
Everything pales in the plain,
Silverfish run under the streetlights,
Put it all on dust radio,
And it comes down when it **** well pleases.

It all pales in the noon,
Some obscure ghosts,
Brandy Alexander's in the moonlight,
Practiced Pretty Boy nod off
At the bar,
Some swimming nighttime dark Enchantress,
Vexing succubus, Waking
To the stench of smelly sheets
Drawing in this manifold nightmare,
Red toenails and blood wisp at midnight.

Like a hollow drum I pound,
Pierced and yellowed
And worn clear through.
There's a fog along New Gloucester
And a monster prowls the highway,
Running along darkened trails,
******* what light there is.
It has some fact and form,
It's mostly obscured by clouds,
Hiding in the scrim of a bare field,
It moans the hour of waking.

Suffer the children to come to Thee,
There lies the Kingdom of Glory,
While I bide my time in this Habit,
Cinched up tight for your disapproval.
I may mire and muck the proceedings.
I'm like a train wreak at noon
And a wheel turning in the sun.
And I'll mercy your begotten Laury,
And ****** away the light.

Weak words like tea in an old woman's cup,
There here amongst the clutter,
Perhaps in this room with a broken clock,
An old wristwatch,
A dusty beer bottle stood on end.
Broken records with pirate songs of old,
More a distant cry,
A mournful calling.

O sure, I've spent time on the Du Da Ranch,
Dreaming potato pancakes,
A Denver with coffee.
Who said time would sneak up like this,
Nipping at our heels?
Stealing time like a thief.
It's a swan in the lake,
A spider in the room,
Shoeboxes of old photos covered in dust.
A rusted ***** stuck in the jamb.
Bleak moments in the rain,
Holocaust survivors in grainy images.
Here comes Herman Goring
Dressed as Santa,
All smiles and candy for the children.

It's a mad dash for the Happy Trails Back Home.
Venus, my baby, tell me
Something on this naked night?
Good God Night Love,
Grab the rails.
It's a dinosaur running the highway,
Overloaded from Michigan
To Indy City,
Funky info to nowhere.
I got another Disco Mania Movement
All drew up in my mind.
Nothing in the pipes, no matter,
No more pizzazz along the avenue,
Kinda lay out and lay low,
Get my drift,
While I pick dead man's bones one at a time.
I got 209 of em-
What's your story?
I hope someone will read this. This is my Magnus Opus poem. The Big Boy I been holding back.
I imagine if Stephen King wrote a poem, It may be of this nature..TJ STRUSKA
Apr 2020 · 63
Power Down
TJ Struska Apr 2020
At the impasse
I Cluadius
Blinked in the moonlight.
None taken I'll say
To the neo ******
Come home to roost
Twice round the maypole,
Once round the clock,
It take one more revolution
To beat me fair out
I got a power surge
Down in the pinions
I got this puppy all locked down.
Boy Howdy, none taken,
So said once round the cusp.
Eros, punk sandwich
Lettuce and fries.
Post time in Baghdad
One Big Time surprise.
Here comes the late show
Loving One Up,
Its all so contemporal,
Lost on the moonlight.
I see you come Sunday
Come hell of high water,
It out poops Dresden
One dream door today
I'll see you in Scranton
One light year away.
Well folks I just made this up as I went. Is Thomas C my only friend now? Tom this one's for you.
Apr 2020 · 79
Beggar's Death
TJ Struska Apr 2020
The Queen
You Die
Beggar's death
In a
7's and 3's
Is less
Than the
Its means,
Which is
And that
Which is
A short mystical poem to no one out there. This site has turned into a ghost town Jen Annn where'd you go?
Apr 2020 · 68
Real Gone
TJ Struska Apr 2020
Real Gone baby,
All zithers and strings,
A rust bucket special,
A killer of dreams,
Shh- ***** kitty,
I'll **** ya with love,
It's quiet as slippers
And fits like a glove.
Real Gone baby,
It rattles the walls,
It's a snake that slithers
And a bug that crawls,
Crawls up the alley,
Crawls up your dream,
Its a cat in the curtains,
A mouse on the floor,
A midnight special
And a ten dollar *****.
All riff-raff to Cairo,
Dark hills and coal,
Junk cars and shanties,
Straight time in Sheol.
Real Gone baby,
You won't miss a beat,
Worms in a bucket
And crime on the street.
Real Gone baby,
It's a real drum down,
Its hillbilly heaven,
One hell of a town.
Come on pretty baby,
Give me your hand,
Real Gone baby,
Down in the whale,
Down in the sand.
Real Gone baby
Give me your hand,
Down with the sinners,
Down with the ******.
I am a Spiritual person. A follow of Jesus. But I'm a writer, I have a light and darkness,
Goodness and sin. This is a poem exploring that dark side we all carry
Apr 2020 · 55
Anger Kills
TJ Struska Apr 2020
Its little,
Used up.
Sent packing
To the place
Reside on couches
Digging fodder
From the dung heap.
I've sense
Cut the throttle,
Brought it
Gave up
Blue vistas
Orange sunshine,
From a tepid
Clouded dreams
I'll never
Tisk, tisk,
So much
The sellout.
Cheap swill,
Nothing better
This cheap
On fumes.
Nothing left
The tank.
I hope someone likes this.
Someone anyone?
Apr 2020 · 72
TJ Struska Apr 2020
You pull down the shade
In the arc of the sun,
And nothing happens
And everything does.
And it's highway robbery
With stinking trucks
Grinding up the street,
Whil fan blades whir
And Madagascar
Sinks to the sea.
You learn out the window
Sliucing dreams in moonshine.
This symphony
Of broken bottles,
Shadows and fences
And garbage can lined alleyways.
And I'm thinking
I'm on to something-
Beyond the region,
Some revelation
And the addle minded,
Those saddled to the outskirts
It's really circular sensors
And half moons
And Christmas
And Thursday before payday,
As the moon pores silver,
And I dream
Like a Persian cat.
Well, have all my readers blown away again? Is anybody home?
Apr 2020 · 95
Drunken Festival
TJ Struska Apr 2020
It ended up a free for all
After the hotdog eating contest,
A maylay to the left of the stage,
As Steppenwolf
( one blind guy and four nobodies) sputter through
Sookie Sue
As someone jumps onstage
And turns it into a real Fourth of July
       7/ 04/ 2005
Just a fun little poem. By the way STEPPENWOLF ROCKS!
TJ Struska Apr 2020
Fill They may, fill the fulcrum,
Fill the feather dream.
And my bane is my doom,
And my dream is the desert,
And the horses blaze beyond
El Dorado,
13 months revolve in the moment,
And the moment is calculated
In that thereof.
As bees circle flowers
Erupting the earth,
I fall into a new type
Of madness,
Drawn in spires and suns
And dark whirring clock towers.
Ghost ships in fog dream the doldrums,
They creak and yaw
Their dead sailors inside.
And the moon never shines
In the blackness of noon.
Corolla, Corolla,
What do you bring?
Candy dirt, black lillies
And bugs in the sun,
A relish, a treat for boweevles to sup.
A stir of leaves,
A wish of wind,
One house below,
One house above.
What dark matter,
What sensuous core,
Red dreams of roses
Spread on the floor.
Alone at last, my name the dust,
I construct this tower,
A tower of rust.
Here I burrow among
The twigs,
A being asleep in the fulcrum of dusk.
This poem I wrote on Tuesday. I had a sense of the mystical,
Of deep woods on late fall,
A bit of Blair Witch imagery..TJ STRUSKA
Apr 2020 · 56
TJ Struska Apr 2020
I lean on the moon,
Catch a ride to the stars,
I'll zoom by Neptune
On my way to Vega,
Past stars born in chaos,
And constellations
Whirring as clocks-
Clouds of winged horses,
And Sea Captains with pipes
Riding Galileo's shortcut
Drawn on a napkin
As Thomas rails
The dying of the light
While Rimbaud
Rides a bicycle
Pulling wheelies in the sun.
A poem for poet's and non poet's alike.
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