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Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
What can change an ugly heart. Love can heal and renew an ugly
heart. When someone esteems you with respect, and trust you with
innocence it breaks your spirit to crush there hearts. The prayer of
your family and friends directs you to be washed upon His blood.
89 · Jul 2020
Rebecca Rosado Jul 2020
A simple taste of coffee
Gives us strength and a smile
Its your choice to make it creamy or
Just plain black
Nothing like the taste of it early in the morning
It fills up your tummy and complements your breakfast
Its origin goes back as Egypt dynasty so lets celebrate the wonderful taste of java java
85 · Feb 2020
Broken By Rebecca Rosado
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
When I am broken and torn apart, I will reach for the hem of your garment and find healing. When life is like a raging ocean and I see you calling me into the waters, I will walk on the waters and reach for your hands. I will find refuge in your arms. In my weakness I will cover myself with your love. When the enemy says; he doesn't love you, and he didn't die for you. I will hold on to the mustered seed and carry my cross to the finish line for I know my Lord will see me through.
81 · May 2021
In search
Rebecca Rosado May 2021
Am I right or am  I wrong.
I grieve for the lost of those that are not looked upon.
I look at them with a mirror staring right back at me.
I look for a temple I can dwell in but I can't find any.
Maybe the shell of me Is the temple I can't see.
I don't want to see a set of rules I must practice everyday.
I don't want to sing hymns, that makes me appear very
righteous then I am.
I deal with a wicked flesh and I need the Lord to heal.
I am in search of God and I am looking for the narrow gate.
Each of us needs to look for our salvation.
Each of us needs to find peace with the Lord.
So this is not a good bye to my brothers and sisters in the Lord.
This is a time for me to search for the Lord.
80 · Feb 2020
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
You showed me to hold on, when I had no arms to hold me up.
You showed me to smile, when I had only sadness and no beauty to sustain me.
Showed me to love when all was given to me was hate.
You showed me to give when nothing was given in return, and when you held my hands and whispered love in my ears, it was then you gave me Christ.
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
Dear mom what faith you have that has brought callous on your knees. You never left your little ones alone, nor disown your partner for his unfaithfulness. You silent your tears and stood without anything to give us all. You was a voice from the Lord preaching love and salvation to the world. God will never forsake His faithful servant. I love you mom. I will never forget you.
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
The great I am has filled me with joy and broke the noise and the rhythm of hatred in my heart. Humbleness is precious to me as fine gold and rubies. The anxiety of collecting items to fill my heart has ended. The reassurance of others is absent upon my heart. The great I Am has filled my heart with joy and showed me that I can rise above me to the Great I Am. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
67 · Feb 2020
Boat By Rebecca Rosado
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
Fight on no matter what storms rage your way. Lift your head up no matter what hand may come your way. Your greatest fight is the thoughts that come from within. So stand on firm ground don't move and take a deep breath, because your boat is coming to get you.
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
Their was only one demand that I upheld to you. But you stood at a distance and kept your silence. Their was struggles along the way and you took care of every obstacle, but that one demand you kept silent. When i faced trails and my life seem to fall apart you held me up and carried me through. But you stood at a distance and kept your silence over that one demand.  I grew in sadness and felt as if I was unworthy of your love. You said my grace is sufficient. My love was always the their.
65 · Feb 2020
Dust by Rebecca Rosado
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
Your hands draws me to mine.
Your eyes showers me with emotion.
Your words take me on a voyage in my endless thoughts.
In my mind we are Romeo and Juliet. Our love can conquer all.
Our life is intrigued by multitude of viewers. Our saga is what
makes people envy our life. My photo is projected on famous
romance covers.
Till the day I looked in the mirror and saw me "the plain jane"
in a room filled with age and dust.
I realize real life
Rebecca Rosado Feb 2020
Loving God is loving oneself.  Its accepting the forgiveness for his life that he gave up for me and you. It's being free of structure and rules. Its spreading love and joy to everyone. Its looking at life through the eyes


— The End —