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 Feb 2020 Eesha
Song of dark days!
Souls of this dark acrid days
written with dark ink
walted with dark pen.
Wrecked with dark scrolls.

Recited by dark souls.
Remix by dark hearts.
Recked by dark arts.

Legend by dark writers.
Myths by dark tale bearers! !
Recieved dark technology.
Implement by dark nations.

Worshipped by dark religion.
Working in dark industries.
Replicated as dark angelic beings.
Now ruling as darklords in dark void of deluge eternity...
 Feb 2020 Eesha
Dark Coffee for my dark day
Dark Coffee for my dark soul
Dark Coffee for my dark heart
Dark Coffee for the dark Pollutants that surround us
Dark Coffee for the dark Media that swarms us
Dark Coffee For the dark Mind
Dark Coffee for your dark Energy
Dark Coffee for your dark Words
Dark Coffee for your dark Eyes

— The End —