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Duncan Wagner Jan 2020
She asks
what she asks


becomes North
with its Dawn

its eyes

silent clock

There are ways
into this

breech star
of intimacy

Wrap yourself

with it

Each in
Each out

Dawn wonder

Glory upon Glory
Sea and Salt

Wind and Spray
See to it

brick from its heat

Where are the Loves
gone past?

Where, when each to one another
We go

gentle and pleading
innocent and new
Duncan Wagner Jan 2020
Exalted one
I remember you here

your clamor of city
calumnious as the hour

its unknown art
Perhaps tomorrow

I shall forget
whatever is yours

A small path
where you might travel

drying in the light
heated and alone

It knows, what you know
Duncan Wagner Jan 2020
To you I rejoice

to the Hemlocks
that are gone

I find that ghost of a Spring
where you and I once lived


you were really here
perhaps not, mellowed in

the mud and fire
I step out of myself

slide into focus
capturing this space

forgiving You

How I cherish
its southernmost edges

as day drops to what was
this side of the light

of the sharp hills and valleys

raising you

without you

close to Evening

so close

— The End —