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Tim Hunt Jan 2020
The cool air of a fall night hits me
Strange blue lights on home and tree
My thighs burn hot like athletes do
And blade of knife to bush I threw
That window broke of shattered glass
Cascading down
on face and ***.
I gut your dad, your mom,
but you I pass.
Into the night I needed to flee
Your socks and shoes fit tight on me.
Now that wind is last I'll feel
The blue lights are cops to jail I'll steal.
Tackled down
by man and dog
I feel it's done
This night in fog.
I made it past night club of blues
To run a mile
In your shoes.
Tim Hunt Dec 2019
Cold and wet
At night we met
Atop my head
Your in bed
Your jaw drops slack
I climbed your back
And then I said
"And now your dead"
As tool sawn down
I took your crown
I wear it now ,
From chin to brow
it's your face I cut
and eyes not shut
I wait for mom
And dad to come
To tuck into bed
new kid, with new head.
Through a window I did creep
To **** a kid, about to sleep
And see the parents gasp in fright
To make this poem, for me to write.
Tim Hunt Jan 2020
From winter came the heat
Scorching  ravenous hotness from winter's relentless feat
We shed our clothes and wet our skin
Missing summers cooling friend
So hot, so hot, we dared not stop
Only towards our Rivers spot
And there we saw, our saving calm
The Rivers edge where lost, now found.
And then we saw a man in red, with matching cross above his head..
A box that too
Had red Cross strew
Unthaw he said, but in River your dead.
Delerius hypo thermal , hypo what? He said? The ground was hot but green it not.
White all round in every spot.
He grabbed me hard ,. He grabbed me tight
And into air we took our flight.
To a bird of steel and wings spun round
So high , so high, far from the ground.
Then blackness set in , my breathing thin.
I dreamed a dream by Rivers edge.
And jumped into
the river blue.
How a rescued man frozen thinks upon saving.
Tim Hunt Jan 2020

To be read like the song

— The End —