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53 · Dec 2019
The August Rain
Samjedisra Dec 2019
To remember you by is such a pain
My tears flow like the August rain
I twist and turn at night as I see your face
I dream of you and your lovely gaze

Oh Lovely one! how the time has flown and gone
A joy it was when you were running about
A day in which my world was spinning, until
Your heart was beating but then it was still

The bitterness of death is nothing compared
To the agony of loneliness that I have left in spare
For you are no longer with me this day
And at night I think of your passing away

You are the joy and love that was lost
To the cruelty of fate, as cold as frost
You were the joy that did not last
like a winter day that ends so fast

I remember the evening I saw you lay
I knew as soon as I saw you that way
You were unwell, your life was still here
But your heart was faint and your eyes unclear

You groaned with agony I knew not what to do
I picked you up and covered you through
I comforted you as best and sat by your side
But the Harbinger of Death was already waiting inside

Then you coughed and groaned for now it was cold
I saw your life flowing out of your throat
The life that was inside, had flown out of the door
The crimson red river had come out with a groan

I remember your sleep and you were still
Your heart beat was gone so was your feisty will
Now there you lay as cold as the night
For the shadow had won and there was no light

To remember you by is still a pain
My tears flow like the August rain
For you were my dear and you were so young
But fate decided to have you and share with none.
44 · Dec 2019
The Silent cry
Samjedisra Dec 2019
Walked into the grey hive, slowly she did
All eight of her legs, hasty to bid
“A beautiful home, amongst the thick ply
Drink I shall, the nectar of the fly!”

Those were the dreams of a visitor astray
Little Did she know, of the danger that lay
Not from creatures that hunts, for she was one
But a creature that delights, in the suffering of some

On the floor the spider, was a walking dead
For her eyes did see, no danger ahead
But a shadow overcame, from behind her back
With thoughts of hatred, and a Heart just as black

Neither the spider, nor her babies knew
That the end was near, and the hours so few
The spider now moved, as if she sensed the end
But her tiny legs, lacked the speed to defend

Another came upon her, with weight so great
Her little heart now knew, what would be her fate
For those legs obeyed, the command of its master
And she saw it now, her heart raced faster

The leg was well placed, with precision unheard
The death of a spider, is not so absurd
Everyone kills, a pest that invades
The sanctity of a home, that is ours not theirs

The cry was not heard, by the creature which stood
Pride in the action, of the killing he took
A creature lesser than he, does not really deserve
The walls or the roof, neither the straight nor the curve

Her legs twitched, for now she would die
The life that was, is now but a silent cry
The creature looked down, and watched this mime
He went back and stepped on her, one last time
25 · Feb 2020
The Path I Lost
Samjedisra Feb 2020
I walked this walk far I have come
I can no longer go back and change what is done
Regrets I had and felt no joy
Painful imagination played me like a toy

I was given a chance at the life I wanted
A life I was meant for, so now I am haunted
I had everything I wished for, but I hoped I was right
I said to myself, this does not sound alright

On my foolishness I leaned, like a fool cutting his legs
“I do not walk, so I do not need these legs”
Ergo, I did not cut my foot, for I did walk away
Wish I had cut them off, so I could talk or simply stay

What a joy I would have had, if indeed I did stay
I would have flown to a paradise, far far away.
Like the dandelion seed, I would have flown in the air
Far away to a land green, and with a life that was fair

But in my head, I thought to leave
To a greener pasture, as I perceived
But a vicious lie, I fed myself that day
“I would fare worse, if I take the other way”

I walked away with haughty eyes, I did not stay
All I needed was to stay, and the wind would carry me away
But the path I took, was neither the greener nor was it fair
It was but filled with thorns and stones, and I was caught unaware

I looked at the path, and saw two roads
I felt I should take the one, that had the lesser loads
I thought to ease my burden, through this tough walk but
A voice called out and said to me, “Wait, you will fall in a rut”

He called again “Friend, come this way
It is better here”, but I said “Nay!
It looks to be a far more difficult road
If you are friend, join me, you toad!”

I kept the path, that hurt the other
who came my way, under this cloudy weather
I hurt him more, with my every act
I did this so, he quits or reacts

Still he did not leave, or said good bye
He did not leave, but always had a sigh
He led me back, to the life I need
Taking great pain, with every deed

Still I kept pushing him away, again and again
To make my lousy, selfish gains
But he stood by my side, and never let go
He stayed with me, in my every lows

Soon I trusted him, and relieved at last
I found my way back, but now alas
I pushed him around, for way too long
I no more see him, walk or come along

But he was there, it took him awhile
Yet I cursed him with rage, but still he smiled
“I looked for you, these past three days
But you were selfish, and went your way”

He smiled at me, “Dear friend you’re wrong
See this path on which, you stand upon
I filled the chasm, that lies beneath
And here with anger, you whine and seethe”

I gasped and asked, “What did you use
To fill this hole, so that my life wouldn’t loose”
He smiled and said “ I shed my blood
And on the clot now you stand, as if it was made of mud”

Now looking back, I thought at last
Why do I regret, my dreaded past
For now I have gained, more than what I had lost
I gained a friend, who will never be lost

— The End —