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271 · Dec 2019
My broken heart
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Listen to me, my love and dear
Why did thou art left me in fear,
Was my love that weak?
My broken heart today weeps
204 · Dec 2019
A beautiful dream
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
A beautiful mind and the beautiful truth
Showers the wisdom of  youth
Takes all sorrow
Comming tomorrow
In a land where dreams
Are not just mere illusions of a rig
Where voices do not quake
With the world in wake
Where peace and harmony breaks through the great minds of wisdom
Changing the understanding of freedom
To the beautiful days
That take sorrows away
To the crack of dawn
Everything and beyond
To the world of dreams
I awake and I see
The realm of reality
190 · Dec 2019
Fight Song
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the dawn after night,
Take a lead and fight for light.
Take the step and know your true right,
Remember that the summary of life is to fight.
That is why keep an aim,
Keep a goal and play the game.
For this is the dream of thy strife,
Go write a good story of your life
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the silent woods of the Aokighara,
The sucide forest of Japanese gala .
Lives a woman reknowed for her appeal and beauty
Dareth any man,
Who did his duty
As travelers would say
Every man who went away ,
Was by her, swayed
The witch of the woods was she called
In the walls of the nearby fotress of Hachioji,
Lies her corpse walled.
The same walls which sing a tale,
Of her lost values , betrayals, ****** and escalades.
And of a just king,
Who had her walled to administer justice.
Even after her long demise,
She wanders the premise
In search of her new prey
So tell thou traveller wish to go for searching the way
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the cold dark night,
Without a soul in sight ,
Sits in a corner of the street,
A blind minstrel playing shyama sangeet.
Listening to his deep and mellow voice,
Surround him, a lovely audience of dogs, cats , cows and mice
As he sings his painful tale
Of a lover searching for his beloved in almost icy gail ,
The animals in despair let out a painful wail
Sending sadness in his deep voice,
The animals cry while my neighbours rejoice
Reminding me constantly of my grandfather,
Who has now gone in the lands of yonder
I went to him , once when I was free
And asked him "baba , whom do you play for with such melancholy"
He replied to me "Last year, my son rid himself of his misery, he suicided and is now free. Hence , this song I dedicate to him for all eternity"
That day I realized the worth of a family
I still look at the cowrie he had given
"Keep it for thou remind me of my son"
The next day gone was he, as Bright showed the morning son.
I pray that he is now free,
From thy affairs of the world and his misery
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
कहत रामअली सुनो हमारी कहानी,
न कोई भोला ना कोइ भाणी।
उठे एक लहर, एक वाणी,
रिशतो की एक र्ददभरी कहानी।
एक था राजा, एक थी रानी,
जिसपर जान देता था , राजा अज्ञानी।
था क्या पता उसे, ,था वह अंजान,
उसकी रानी के मन मे था कोई और प्रधान,
न सिर्फ तोड़ा दिल, तोड़ा उसका विशवास
आज भी लगाये बैठा, देख उसकी आस।
कहत रामअली, "ऐरी प्रेम प्रथीनी,
कयो दे तू ऐसी संगीनी"
बोले प्रेम प्रथीनी,
रिश्ते के रत्न पंचनी,
ईमानदारी, प्रतिबद्धता, सत्य, निष्ठा औंर सदाचरिणी।
159 · Dec 2019
Things from the heart
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
O lord
Give me thy strength
To explain to someone I love
Her own worth for herself
Little did she know that I had given
My heart my soul and courage at first sight given
I still love and I might be a fool
But I want to forgive and forget her for all the pain aloof
I want to take her by the arms and tell her what I feel
Tell that I will be there beside
And never leave her because my feeling will subside in future
I will stay by her side no matter what and take her pains on my head even if it costs me everything through lot
I do care even today and will apologize
Whatever happens I will love her all my life
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
कैसा अजब है यह प्रेम बंधन,
जो इंसान को दे एक अलग प्रोत्साहन।
कर जाए वह मुश्किलों को पार,
करें जब प्रेमीका दिल पर वार।
न कर पाए वह नफरत,
न कर सके पयार।
कैसी है ये मीठी आफत,
यही है जिंदगी का सार।
148 · Dec 2019
Meaning of Knowledge
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Knowledge is essential
Knowledge is the key
for life in this universe to exist free
To remove bondages and bring light
To enhance vision and harbor foresight
To seek wisdom beyond gain
But a limitation being for playing the game
Knowledge unused defines no factor
Useless thoughts and inspiration is a person who is at closest and actor
One who seeks paradise
Cannot understand his worth in life
For knowledge gained without wisdom
is as useless as in seldom
One be meticulous ,One be working hard
To gain both as a price in shard
143 · Dec 2019
Kachinoaru kachi
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
While the tests of life,
provide enlightment
The tests of time are built,
to shape a personality and wisen
While the truth security by removing thorns,
Trust cuts down the binding weeds of doubts and scorn
While honesty develops commitment and sincerity,
Confidence will allow thou to never fade into obscurity
All such values are important
As these define the will of fire, predominant
But such is the irony of the present world
Sadly,  values have lost their worth, purpose and word.
143 · Dec 2019
Jinse no Matomè
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
When a dream is achieved by hardwork
Then only one can truly realize it's worth
Only then would you rank
The overall price
With the profits gained from the strife
Only then can you savor
The taste of victory
Only then can you be true and free
Only then can you understand
The importance of the stand,
Made by you to decide
The most beautiful sweet of life
So set up a goal
Never stop or stroll
Work upon your mind
Only when you take the grind
You will rise and shine
Anyway you have to die
So do something worth that time
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the stream of light
I saw no end in sight,
The passing waves and the calm,
Made my mind yearn for warmth,
The dead winds killed hope,
And the sun struck my eyes and made it difficult to cope.
The nights even worse,
With the temperatures low and and winds burst.
The cool water splashing on deck,
Of the lifeboat in risk of an anytime wreck.
With thou creatures of thy sea ,
Creating a misery with mine fears and mine dreams.
With my rations diminishing,
And a hope to live vanishing,
Thy departure not far,
With fear being in power.
Thus I lie
Waiting to die,
Hoping to survive,
thy ravaging sea and strong tide
O reader, with compassion and love
Pray for my good health from above
For thy prayers be answered
With thy showers of concerns
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
It is through personal experience one comes to realize,
that the understanding of love has so changed, with respect to time.
Love started as an eternal emotion,
That set forward things into motion.
that had a deep meaning, had a lot of responsibility
Demanding sacrifices,commitment, honesty and integrity,
Then it changed, to the concept of marriage and societal acceptance.
Then it again underwent into a massive renovation ,
Into a bundling world of desire and romantic perspiration.
But, today remains the ultimate definition,
Where love has been left to nothing but mere hormonal aggression.
How do people live however, by breaking hearts and trust
just to fulfil their unfulfilled lust
is a mystery to me as such
But, that is the new definition of love in the millennial generation
To escape the predicament of responsibility and burden of ramification
All I can say that while time will watch and wait,
the meaning of  love thou shalt see will further deteriorate
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
अगर तुम यह खत ,
पढ़ो कभी किसी वकत।
तो याद करना वो दिन,
जब नहीं जी सकते थे एक दुजे के बिन।
याद करना वह पल,
जब मेरे-तुम्हारे सुख-दुख बनाते थे हमारा कल।
जब हम ना हुए अपने पर हो गए थे आपके,
आपकी मिसाल देते थे सामने सबके।
याद करना वह पल, वह तौफे
जिहने अपने  हाथ कटवाकर बनाए आपके माफे।
ऐसी करी हमने कौनसी खता,
या रखी कौन सी कमी कया पता?
कया ईतना आसान था, ऐ मेरी लता,
कया तेरा प्रेम था बस एक खता।
छोड़ दिया एक पल मे,
एक ऐसे की याद कमे,
जिसकी जिंदगी मे तुम न रखते कोई माईने।
पर घनयवाद तुमहारा, तोड़ा न सिर्फ तुमने मेरा दिल पर साथ ही मेरा भरोसा,
आज से लेता हूँ एक शपथ, कि दोबारा नहीं करूंगा किसी से न प्रेम न भरोसा।
आज से करूंगा सिर्फ एक बरकत,
कुछ जातियों से बेतहाशा नफरत।
यही होता आया हैं भलाई के साथ,
ऐसा ही सिला लगता हैं ऊन भले लड़को के हाथ।
ईसलिए लड़को याद रखना मेरी बात,
कभी न करना प्रेम की सौगात।
120 · Dec 2019
A new years Resolution
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Take a pledge in the new year,
To conquer your fear
To remain true to your values,
You morality and virtue.
To ask for forgiveness for all those you have hurt,
And to fulfil your relationships with your full heart till the end in the dirt.
To follow your god and respect everyone's ways to the same
And stop distinguishing between men, women and other beings of the lane.
To never break someone's trust,
Even if you till that extent must.
To respect every individual
And seek wisdom,service through sensible deliberation,
To stop rioting without any clause
Rather commit to service towards a selfless cause.
For both men and women to seek  commitment rather than love,
And never seek to fulfill infatuations, attractions and try to be a dove
Only once you change yourself shall you see
How the world will transform into a beautiful spree
119 · Jan 2020
The new Love
Ayush Mukherjee Jan 2020
Welcome to the  'new' love,
My dear friend and dove.
Where relationship are emotional, financial and through attraction,
Not with commitment, love, value, morality or dedication.
Love proceedings are now without logic, character or any sense,
But with fruitless physical quests and shprt term gains,commitments and threats.
Where women or men don't value a person from inside,
But look for beauty outside
Where aims and motivation have no meaning,
But only looks, precedence and dreaming .
Welcome to the new love,
Where men are playboys and women are se idiots.
Where made for each other,
Is now simply for status and oh brother.
Sans love,
Sans morals,
Sans respect,
Sans commitment,desire or vehement
118 · Dec 2019
The Riot
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The morning with the wet grass,
Started with a full blast
With the lord's name,
A reminder of the past,
A fear in the heart for eternity to last
The reminder of sorrow,
And a grim reminder of an uncertain tomorrow,
Between the burn't houses ,
With each side having it's own voices,
With the aftermath of horror,
With fires of hatred erupted around the  corner,
Streets covered in blood,
Shops which remain burn't,
Dead bodies that lie around ,
Ask in dismay about their faults abound,
Asking which side protected the lord,
Following religious guidelines word to word,
While goons, politicians and the influential count profits,
Countless lives lost in such fruitless conflicts
Such is the sweet desire for revenge,
Such is the need of my lord to be provident ,
By creatures such as we ,
Who are unable to control anything a spree,
For puny mortals who cannot even predict death,
Somehow both sides will justify this at best,
Blaming each other's religion,
Coronating murderers and hooligans,
As heroes protecting their religious strife,
While we sleep in our non-existent lives
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
I tell thou all my dear man
Never go behind a woman
Never give thy heart to her
Focus on thy work, career and prospects
Focus on aims greater than heavens
Conquer your emotions and needs for physical stress
For all the three woll never betray
And will keep you truly happy,
even when, she would leave you with pain
Relationship always remember gives nothing to gain
True relationship I have learnt is without emotions and feelings
Not with attraction but with a deeper meaning
So stop going behind the mordern women
The harsh truth that,
your feelings mean nothing to them
Your resolve and values are your yoke
For this word love is nothing but a joke
What love, that makes thou cheat and betray without thinking
that feelings that  are without values and meaning
Always remember true relationships are with loyalty, commitment and honestly meaning
With responsibilities, without fun, attraction, sensible discussion, adjustment and  genuine dreaming,
Many people in the world succeed together in this ship
Those enjoy the bliss of a true relationship
114 · Dec 2019
Ai no Maindofuru
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Oh thou mind understand!
Stop this useless stand,
She would not come back,
Even if thy heart is positively on track.
My dear friend, realize and rise,
That she was done with your love through thy size
Her needs were over,
She has left you and moved over
Didn't she tell you at that time,
She left over for thou to get over thy crime
Only thou stay back in time,
While she doesn't give a dime
But, then thou art not a machine,
You have a heart and dreams
You will wait, till eternity frames you until date
So move on and move over
For being noble will bring you over
Be bad and enjoy
Life's fruits and joy
114 · Jan 2020
What to know and not
Ayush Mukherjee Jan 2020
Little did I know,
Your love was not more than show.
All your lies,
The crocodile tears and cries.
And those false vows.
Which were broken by you, when and now.
What you said and showed,
Didn't match in the snow
Little did I know
That all you could give me was pain and so,
Insulting me when I gave you the respect and tolerate your row.
112 · Dec 2019
Just another story
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The book of life is a very strange story,
Some win,some lose while some bask in eternal glory,
Watching over stopping by,
No remembrance of what they did in their lie,
Clouding their aims
With life playing it's games,
So on and so forth,
As life draws it's worth,
Yet nobody understands,
their true meaning,worth or their stand
Each running a race,
To be in thy ego's grace.
Though a path that twists,
into the unknown laid out by fog and mists,
But remember mon ami,
You will not be missed.
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the silent night,
In the rare Scotsman village of kite
All those trying to sleep ,
Wake up hearing screams and weep
They then remain awake through the night ,
Hearing those screams till they don't vanish in the stillness of the night.
Renowned academicians and officials remain baffled by this unique existence,
Many accept it as a haunted occurrence.
But one historic phenomena is known,
The death of the last person who safety sleep
After hearing the screams and weep
He made the mistake of shouting
"******* and let me sleep . I don't care about your pain or weep"
In the morning was he found
****** dry and cut into peices alive
Adding to the list
He is the 100th victim of the mist
So traveller dareth thou pay a visit
Into the strange and haunting mist
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
इन तनहाइयों के आलम मे,
कहा खो गए वह छोटीसी यादें,
कहा गई वो मीठी-मीठी मुरादें।
जिस तनहाई मे छोड़ गए आप,
आज भी देख उसकी रहा,
अपने रास्ते चल रहा।
हैं तो बस एक ही आस,
बीती यादो मे ढूंढ़ कुछ खास।
110 · Dec 2019
Iron Truth
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Respect and reputation,
Are anything but hard-earned
Lost in one moment
With one wrong move and step
You are judged adrift and adept
With what you wear and what you believe
Matters to thy world you perceive
Even though your heart may be true
And your values may be true
That matters not
For your appearance is first given a thought
Your aims and motivations affront
Are judged by people who are ironically envious
Are given by people who have failed
That is how the world works in the present days
109 · Dec 2019
Inochi no Tegami
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Do everything in life
Tell a lie, drink wine,
Indulge in everything thy feel alive.
However, never deceit or cheat l,
Somebody's genuine feelings.
For deceit is by far the greatest of sins,
Even if it allows thou to win
Do keep in mind
The following thoughts of time
Remember the wrongs thou art tonight,
Will keep thou in sight
The sins of thy past,
Will haunt thou everlast
That is why refrain from things infame
That will make thou bow thy head in shame
107 · Dec 2019
The New World
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
I have never understood the meaning of casual relationships,
But I must admit it's a good way to avoid responsibility and hardship.
To satisfy your physical need ,
And show how cheap a personas are indeed.
They say that relationships are emotional in nature,
But,that I find to be the biggest delusion in stature.
For what is the value of such emotions,
Whose definitions can be altered in any notion.
I always new that relationship is something about putting others before yourself,
In the millennial generation women taught me the opposite of such values themself.
I was taught that relationship is about commitment and taking decisions together,
But in my college learnt the concept, me before us and oh,brother.
What the hell is happening to the world
In the name of feminism,racism,religion  and freedom?,
Where has everyone lost their values , morality and reason
107 · Dec 2019
Lessons of life
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Many types of people came into my life,
Everyone taught me something or the other meaningful through this strife,
While one friend taught to remain practical,
Another taught to analyze and be tactical .
One embraced me with reality,
Another taught me virtues like truth and morality.
One taught me, the significance of depth knowledge,
Another taught me whom and what  to respect and acknowledge.
I was learnt true strife,
The meaning of courage, honor and significance of life.
But a lot was also taught till now, bt two women
One who never acknowledged, while other who broke my trust and heart in one moment.
I learnt from one, never to keep emotions for a person who never cares or respects them.
While from the other I realized, the meaning of true relationships that are made not through love but honor,mutual respect and commitment.
Never Break an honest person's heart
And never break an  someone's trust, always value true commitment
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The language of each religion is that of mercy,
All vanished in the present spree.
While the concept of each religion is that of understanding,
The root of every religion is respect.
While the flag-bearer to all religion in magnanimity,
The root of all religion is service, duty and its effect.
Remember the value of all religions is to teach, harbour and imbibe discipline,
while applying the concept of love, harmony and baptism.
While the concept and need was made to benefit and assist the society,
the selfish and influential converted it into a weapon of monstrosity.
Time and time again religion has been misused  for a diplomatic cause,
Even today as well, same has being done  
without a pause.
And so we have a this differentiation,
due to wrong notions.
We harbour hatred and abomination,
owing to a blast of wrong emotions.
Today time live in a world where one is wronged in the path to approach the lord,
That's because the right path is defined only by powerful overlords.
Today religion is a weapon of world *******,
Long lost are the values of tolerance, beauty, groeth and mordenization
But all is not lost as yet
A new world can take over ahead
Just one step needs to be taken
In a positive direction without being anymore mistaken
But who will take the first step
Thou, me or the world up ahead
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The feeling of love and emotions
is nothing but a temporary notion,
They are never the basis of any relationship,
But are nothing but sinking ships
But will always lead to fraud, betrayal and pain,
But worse remains to come for love will in time refrain,
And the only thing is for the other side is to bear the strain
With no fault of one, will the other person will  suffer
So don't be a duffer
Remember the truth and keep on mind
Only through a combination of five things
Respect, commitment, loyalty, honesty and integrity can lead to something developing
One thing I learnt
Nothing but is my feeling
That is never love someone deeply or truly
Who never considers the emotional meaning
Maybe thou will learn and thou will be safe
from your feelings be played
I say this not only for men
but also for the many women
106 · Dec 2019
My failed love life
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In one of thy useless class
I saw a beautiful lass
Though being taught
My eyes couldn't wander thereoff
Even at night I kept on thinking
How beautiful was she looking
Amidst the same old boring class
I just couldn't take my mind of the lass
In time I collected my wits and guts combined
I didn't want to but asked her for date in time
And lo and behold with an affirmative reply
My was I ever not so surprised
I liked her for her wisdom and way of speech
The next day I proposed her ignoring everything
But sadly it was not to last
A relation that I wanted to have with my lass
I still love and wanted to
Take her hand and guide her through
Give her so much of love,faith and trust  that she would move on and walk on the path of dusk
Little does she know I had no ill-intent
When I said the cruel things I had wrongly said
I know apologies cannot solve it all
But I was hurt because she was just hurting herself at all
I know it's her personal choice but I can't really get my feelings to subside
I was going through the same as her
And I know if anything it hurts a lot thereof
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Thy girl first he loved thee
Never even cared to even talk to him
Even when he gave her everything
He had free
People thy say, "What a fool was he?
Why did he even fall in love to be"
Then came she
A girl who he had fallen for in spree
He asked her out and did everything to tell, how happy was he to tell
But after using him and giving him a dream
Madam said in glee
"I leave you to be
I don't feel anything for thee.
I had a crush on a boy, who I longed for to be
Concising everything told in that jiffy
Thou were just an experiment for me"
Thus said he to the girl who art free
"But what about my feelings for you, I proclaim thee
"Please reconsider and think properly
Relationships are never based on feelings of attraction that are always afree.
But, with loyalty,honesty,commitment and true integrity.
So come join,hands with me
Take a positive note together towards the future and let's be free "
Intent to be free the girl told him without feeling
"This be our last meeting
I leave thou in a month so thou will quickly get over all feeling.
I did not feel the same as I felt for the boy
Hence I leave thou to regret and feel sorry for me."
103 · Dec 2019
The last rites of my friend
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In his dying breath,
Lay our hero in utter regret.
His only fault till his last,
Was to love her till eternity past.
Even after she left,
He never said anything adeft.
I knew he suffered inside,
But endured everything with a smile.
She did not only break his heart,
But so his trust alas.
The poor man suffered till his breath last.
Twis he now tell me to take his ashes to her after being burnt with spree.
He wants to see her last,
For, his only fault, was to love her till eternity past.
But forgive me dear friend ,
I will take your ashes condemn
I will floweth them alone in the river and in grief glare,
As she has already thrown you out of her life without care.
She is now married with a happy life in the town nearby
She has forgotten you after breaking your trust, heart and taking your life.
But don't worry for I will be always there indeed
A true friend is a friend in need
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
छत पर बैठा एक प्रेमी,
अपनी प्रेमिका को करें याद।
बोलना चाहे पर ना बोल पाए ,
अपनी प्रेमिका को अपने दिल की बात।
किये थे वादे उन्होंने क्भी हजार,
पर प्रेमिका को थी किसी औंर का गुलज़ार।
आज भी छत पर देख उसकी राह,
पुछे मुझे "कया था मेरा गुनाह?"।
कैसे है यह जसबात, कैसा अहसास,
जो न छोड़े, देकर एक आभास।
उनहीं लंभो को बार-बार याद कर,
घुट रहा मेरे यार का दिल,
हाए ये तुम कया कर गई,
ऐ कातिल,
ऐ कातिल,
ऐ कातिल।
102 · Dec 2019
La rue de la mort
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
After a long walk through
thy mysterious road of pebbles
Lies before me with a treble
From pipes coursing in the background
With a light breeze and the same sound
Challenging me through
Thy twisted paths of youth
Thy same road
Nor narrow nor broad
rumored to have swallowed many
Leaving nothing but fear and envy
For it takes a man great courage
To walk through thy path
Treading quietly, without a tharwth
For nothing shall harm
The walk will just charm
Don't even think about running
Or try avoiding
For once entered there is no escaping
Enter traveler do you dare
Thy road of traps and snares
102 · Dec 2019
The game of life
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In shadows of grief I lie
In the streets of darkness I survive
In the world of pain
where you have nothing to gain
In the overall road paved
There is something that I crave
For many though life and love is just a game
It takes a lot to remain
Loyal to a name
A vision to change
With nothing in range
Mostly sane
A lion hiding under his mane
In this path of life
Through the strife
Nothing to set aside
With the future and past tormenting my sides
Don't worry I will walk and survive
For even, if I die and move in aside
I will take pride
In the belief of my ideals and values by my side
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Never fall in love
Refrain from the above,
My friend
for your honesty,dedication and commitments,
have no meaning, no predicaments,
Never believe truly and honestly,
anything heard or your own feelings  
Be wise and look for a better meaning
for the only thing returned,
would be a tight slap with guilt and utter depression turned
Rather you will be played
And left to in array,
Beware mon ami , Don't fall a prey
from her innocence looks or paltry games,
for all this is nothing but a joke,
Your emotions,feelings and respect will not bring you any hope,
Before you even realize,
You will be traumatized,
for faults and reasons unkown,
Your beliefs, principles and values will be challenged two-fold,
Everywhere you will hear
Playboys are never held dear,
Then why do they walk without fear,
Never respect, never commit, never trust and never commit,
For these things have no meaning ,
Over something called  infatuations, lust and feelings
Trust me mon ami I have been through it all
for I got nothing but pain forgone
But I will wait , I will stand
for I am still a fool who has truly loved someone with a genuine hand
100 · Dec 2019
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
When thou ast with me
Conquering the world was so easy
Nothing done was ever greasy
Life had it's own spree
When thou ast with me
The short grass and tall trees
Were filled with glee
For the first time in mine life
Was I free
When thou ast with me
Never before did I experience such happiness and glee
Where paradise met in frenzy
Thy became thee
But time passed alas
It was never to last
The difficulties faced by me
Now haunt in the reminiscence of your sweet memory
While I bend mine knee
With thy world watches in glee
Mine pride
Mine life
All shattered in thy torment of belight
Thy separation haunts
Thy poet of the faunts
99 · Dec 2019
The price of love
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The day she left,
I had a lot in my heart, was I going  to tell
That day I was going to propose in stage,
For me and her to be engaged
To tell her that I would love her till eternity past,
didn't know about her, but I planned to last.
To tell her, that my soul and heart, belonged in her wake.
That I would miss her a lot alive and awake.
I wanted to ask her to be in my life,
Forever, today,tomorrow as my wife
To say that I would always be  there,
whenever she would need me to adhere.
To say that I belonged to nobody else,
Past, present and future ifelse.
To tell her that, I would wait,
Forever even if it would cost me everything to-date
But alas, was it not meant to be,
For that was the day she left me
For somebody she loved thee,
A person who never cared for her and was with another in spree,
But I thank her in the end,
after being used as an experiment
A lesson learnt by me,
Never again will I ever love a woman with spree
Today I lose my values and bury all thoughts of revenge,
Never again will I take any relationship with a serious end.
I will be like others who are preffered,
People who use others as clothes and remain unconcerned.
97 · Dec 2019
Les Oiseaux du paradis
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Birds of paradise
Come to thee,
Take darkness and misfortunes with yee.
Thy golden wonder fill this world be,
With blossom, wonder and with golden  glee.
Thy sentinel flight honor thy dead,
Of the past glories that lost by them
Thy penitent soul bring to me,
The will of the lord to be free
Thy wings dispel instead,
Thy aura of gloom and shadow abeth
Thy beauty teach thy people of the dream
The path to true  enlightenment through harmony, peace,
And to what life truly means
Thy birds of paradise
Guide me through this strife of life
Through thy back shall I seep,
The eternal glory of heaven for which I weep
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The most beautiful thing in this universe
Would be nothing but a little peace in this torn multiverse
Are thou not done, are thou not tired of this
Why not take a step forward to stop all bloodshed?
Are thou not tired of this segregation by thy name
Thy family and this stupid game
In this world
Where values have lost their word
The only thing we will ever leave for our future
The feelings of hatred to nurture
The loss of emotions seeping only to the path of hate, lie and evil
Soon we will all become nothing more than the demon's weevils
Thus said the lord " O man I give thee, the power of creativity
Now up to your deeds shall it be
To become lower than the lowest animal
or to rise above me"
So come past and come forth
Take a step of true worth
To bring first, true equality and cultivate true values  in thy mind
Before thou ever try to teach the world the meaning of a dime
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Aiming towards a goal
He met someone down the road
Startled was he,shocked was he
She led him to believe his worth.
From that day on he made her his goal
Striving and Toiling for years to alone
He worked days, he worked nights
Always doing what he thought was right.
Taking all the world's plight,
He never lost his goal in sight
With expectations and conditions to fulfill
He hoped to meet her until
With this hope did he carry on
Lay ahead a path full of thorns,
Suffering and pain made him regret,
For she was always in his mind underneath.
Failures and depression came his way,
With a smile he hid them away
Treading through high and low, did he move on
With his memories and dreams,
Fading away, between life's thorns
But, when it came her time to answer and appreciate
She found him improper and desperate
That day, he cried, without a soul in sight
One hand he lived a sad, lonely and in despair
On the other she moved on without a care
His grave lies in the silence of the night
Still awaiting his beloved insight
As for, who was wrong or right?
Mon ami, I leave thou to decide
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In an officer's mess
Sat together an doctor, lawyer, Teacher,scientist, soldier and engineer together at rest.
Each describeth their own  glorious career.
Starting with thy doctor, who say thee "My profession is equivalent to god as an institutional proctor,
The  most noble service is of a doctor
I save lives with my experience in the field,
With my instruments and positive spree"
Then came thy lawyer who said
"Oh keep thou,
What life is without the notion of justice
That spendeth my life fighting towards injustice
By fighting for thy rights towards mine peak
Saving thy dignity and integrity with a positive streak"
Then came thy Teacher, who say thee
" Ah keep thou,
More important than thy life and justice is the right to education of the county
And so, I do my duty with my full passion and honesty
Anyway, people become what you all are today
For without a teacher to guide it is impossible anyway"
Then came thy scientist who say thee
" All your ideals and ideas given were researched by me"
Then came  thy soldier, who say thee
" The reason thou sleepeth peacefully
Is because of me"
In the background sat thy engineer quiet
The one designeth the implements used by thee
That is why always remember service in any norm,
is service to God in all form
86 · Dec 2019
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Early in the morning,
Through the smog,
I saw a man selling books,
While on jog.
He carried the heavy load around,
Asking people to buy one being loud,
Little did he care,
That people would shun him ignoring his despair.
To this old man none,
Offered neither a seat but shunned,
For earning a living by selling,
Instead of the easiest task of begging.
"O old man"
I asked thee,
"Why do you keep sell books instead of just asking for a penny?",
To which he replied truly,
"This world would be blind without me. For knowledge is a gift I sell through these books many stories I have, to tell
The world may not acknowledge me
But I do my job thinking of my family.
Always makes me forget the misery"
Today I learn't that
Whatever in life comes be,
One must never think and never suffer the poisonous hand of stress and anxiety,
For only through pain can one realize,
The importance of life,love,happiness and family
81 · Dec 2019
Thy world of thy lord
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Thy leaves of life fall below
From thy tree of time,
Which grows mellow
In thy woods of silence, peace and calm
Looking afar,
Looking within,
thy gatekeeper of death, with a wisp in his palm
Thy keeper  looking grim
With an extinguished lamp with a wisp on it's rim
Thy fallen leaves burn't by him
With thy hatred burning within,
With love rises,
Thy soul makes new choices
To be reborn within thy leaves of life
Or dissapear in the fire of hatred and strife
Thy leaves full of life
Always green and showing a drive
A place of hallow for young souls survive
Attracting new, giving hope to thrive
Supported by thy tree of time
Thus is thy will of
Thy lord,
Thy fate,
Thy world,
Thy mind
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
There is a sinister beauty in failure
While everybody looks for success
Funny but even crazier,
through failure that victory can be accessed.

The sinister beauty of failure
Is something to allure
Is the inner burning emotion
For some it strives passion
Others utter despair and depression

This beauty of failure
That teaches to endure
Simply beyond understanding
Shrouds in a tempora of light and darkness equally standing

In thy world, there is so much wonder
Some people get things in a platter
While some left to ponder
Some left to inspire
While others perspire
Some left to get inspired through success
Other's are left to the darkness
Yet Thou might have seen quite a few
Working for failure anew
Thou art learned from ants
To work despite death and failure without a rant
Thou are well different
As very few can actually stay committed
Even as the arms of failure wrap around thy neck
Feel that thou are different beyond adept
63 · Jan 2020
The Summary of Life
Ayush Mukherjee Jan 2020
The devil or satan lives in the shadows,

Guiding the Son of God into the gallows.

The betrayal of Judas teaches our kin,

Cheating and receiving someone is the greatest sin.

But thou shalt not fret,thou shalt not fear

For the lord is ever kind, merciful and truly forgiving , my dear.

So sleep thy, and enjoy ,

Thy sweet feeling of thy dream and joy.

Feel his love and spread it around,

Keep thy family safe and sound.

Always spread preach and teach goodwill,

Keep away and resist forever, the slithering pangs of evil.

Remember thy will

Have faith on thy skill

— The End —