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Harumi Mar 2020
Some fell for angels
For they loved them
Like they love heaven
And others fell for devils
Just as long as they loved them
Like hell
Harumi Dec 2019
A wild look filled her eyes
And something sharp snaped within her.
The wind violently shook her hair
And the tears ran down her face
She feel to her knees,
screaming and yelling
As the fire consumed her eyes...
Harumi Feb 2020
I'll let you hold the gun to my head
While my lip bites down
Into a thorny rose
And blood drips down
My chin
While you promise
Not to
Pull the trigger
Harumi Nov 2019
Kissing the sweet honey
Off your lips
Is my favorite
Thing to do
Harumi Nov 2019
can you hear them?
the dead....
their cold fingers
playing with your hair.
The silent things crunching
in the leaves.
things whisper from down below
and watch you before you go.
The dead roam these woods
I know you hear them.....
Harumi Dec 2019
It never leaves.
It patiently watches over.
It knows.
It knows why the broken hearted
Drunk, and lost are awake at 3 am
Why they sleep to forget the pain.
It watches them curl up in a ball
And cry.
Harumi Nov 2019
Come here lost flower
And lay in the dusk
Find yourself in the stars
Feel the thumping of the earth
Plant your roots deep below.
Come here lost girl and wipe your
Harumi Nov 2019
A Wild look filled her sad eyes
As she keelt in the rain, in the storm
She sang a lost song
And whispered to herself
Her broken soul
And the wind shook her hair beautifully and wild.
Her body trembled
And the thunder rumbled
Her sad eyes filled with tears
And they mixed with the rain
She was but dust
She was broken
And she couldn't even touch
The one thing that would heal her.
Harumi Jan 2020
And they tend to forget
That fire
Turns to ashes
Harumi Dec 2019
I know I haven't  posted in a long time, sorry about that. School you know. Anyways I'm going to try and write more often...and if i don't it's cause of school...
Harumi Jan 2020
Stuck in an eternity
Is being stuck in your own head,
Round and round you go
Till you lose yourself in
An eternity.
Harumi Dec 2019
Her thoughts roamed
All the places she never
Wanted to explore
Harumi Nov 2019
She had
The most
Pair of
Sad eyes
Harumi Nov 2019
There's a flame in his eyes.
And I want to be
consumed by it.
Harumi Nov 2019
You know that smile,
That sippin whisky
Kinda risky
Kind of smile
Harumi Dec 2019
There she was,
Sipping on the poison
her mind fed  her.
Harumi Nov 2019
I kissed the dew
off his lips
that had fallen
while he slept
Harumi Mar 2020
He was the darkness that
Lurked in her mind
He planted flowers
In her soul
And thought her to
Never fear the dark
Harumi Nov 2019
What a sad thing it is,
To drown ourselves
In tears.
Harumi Dec 2019
She sat by the dieing fire
Staring at something so powerful
So lovly so beautifully sad
Fade into the night
Harumi Nov 2019
I tangled myself up
In the problems
I made
In my own
Harumi Nov 2019
She ran, ran far away    
The ocean whispered her name
And she ran away from the problems
She made in her own head.
The tears streaked down her face
She gasped
could barely breath.
She fell, the sand all over her face  
Crawling to the waves she sobbed
The sand went in her eyes and blood driped from her nose.
She had nothing left but the ocean
She shook in the presences of the waves.
Take my body she yelled
all I want is all I need is All I need is.....
And the ocean took her.
Her lifeless body
Floating up and down the waves
Harumi Nov 2019
The stars watched meekly
The moon mourned
And she sang all I want
She sang to the campfire
To the ashes
She clunched her heart
And tears ran like rivers
All I want she whispered...
And she slipped into the night.
Harumi Nov 2019
She was drawn to him
Like the ocean is
Drawn to the moon
Harumi Dec 2019
There was nothing more painful
Then sitting in the dusk
Next to a dieing fire
Watching yourself bleed out
And wondering why
Or what if
Harumi Jan 2020
Get the body bag
Get my burdens
Shove em in
Don't dare look
Inside again.
-Don't ask me things
I don't know the answer to
Harumi Nov 2019
Come here child
And tell me of how the universe has been unfair to you. Tell me of your heart breaks of your lost of your flowers wilting on your windowsill. Tell me of the pain that has made you bitter and tell me of the dark. Tell me child of how the universe has been unfair to you.

— The End —