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131 · Nov 2019
Far Far Away
Chris Lucas Nov 2019
Touch me now
                                        My spirit is weak
                                      It is you who i seek
                                    The course wretched
                                        The future bleak
                                         Touch me now
                               My hands folded together
                                           Need i say
                           Searching searching Searching
                                This is my time of need
                                       Touch me now
                              The way there far beyond
                                  Journey there far far
                             In my thoughts of despair
                                       Touch me now
                            Through the light may i see
                           Far far away has come to me
                      Touch me now with folded hands
                           Touch me now far far away
126 · Nov 2019
Chris Lucas Nov 2019
Shining light in front of me
                           Conscious thought comes to me
                               Precious gift of hair so fair
                            Wondrous heart does adore
                     A gift from my mother in front of me
                         With forgiveness she does adorn
                       Ebbing streams sounds and rejoyce
                               Summer day not far away
                             Conscious thought i do think
                              Not away with just a blink
                             Depth so far you cannot see
                            A gift from life in front of me
                             Summer day be here to stay
                           Precious gift from high above
                             Shining light in front of me
124 · Nov 2019
From MANIC To Now
Chris Lucas Nov 2019
To the top I did go, The evil seeds that I did sow, There was nothing that I could not do, It was God who I thought I was at this time, Wasted so much and cursed I did, The hole so deep that I have dug, The way back is only with love, Try as I may to forget this wretched time, From my hole I shovel the slime, From the top of heap to total despair, Flood back it does with memories of total destruction invade my mind, I ask of God this time that is now, Give me strength to carry on,
110 · Dec 2019
On The Streets
Chris Lucas Dec 2019
On the streets is where we reside] Out here there is no where to hide] A blanket a box a musky flavour in the air] My hat lay flat on the pavement for coins] The city so hot and people stroll past] This day I wish it would not last] Drugs and ***** I dare not take] I am here from another mistake] These days they wither me and make me look old] Much more than my years I have been told]Normality a far distant dream] The heartless the rich that do not care] just look upon us with a blank stare] From days to night and back again] The time repeats the same old thing] Move along we are told on so many days] We just scoop up our gear and get on our way] Just a look and  a smile as you walk past] That's all I really need to last] Another day on the streets]
109 · Dec 2020
Online Friend
Chris Lucas Dec 2020
She loved my poem

                                              Happy man
                                        Doubt fading away
                              Bring thy heart from the pocket
                                       Be fearful of the light
                                No let it free to seek the light
                        Fleeting moment has come back to me
                         Heart in my pocket come to the day
                           Come seek this beautiful delight
87 · Dec 2020
online meeting
Chris Lucas Dec 2020
Piercing eyes
             Black hair gleaming like silk
      Complexion shining like mothers milk
                        No Barbie doll
              Style and grace flows over  
          In your mind you see none of this
             Some things need to be told
     My wish for you to see me not as bold
             See me as a bearer of truth
           A truth that needs to be told
               If for a fleeting moment
              I can claim your attention 
               Happy me for this time
                If told go on my way
          Fleeting moment memory is here to stay

— The End —