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102 · Oct 2020
Your a person and me too
You like to do twitter
You think about allot of stuff and you get to be baked
Me i live by mexico
My lifes like cake though
The problem is
Cake ryhmes with hate
Ans i dont like it this way
The air hasnt felt good in years
I birthed 2 kids
Miscarried one
Plus another when i was a kid
But i feel that dead soul inside me
That kid
Dont know how to write about a death
Inside you
It kills you slices you cuts you like a fat whiteline
Like you got none
Nothing but hate no love
Just death
Hate ****
These things filled my life
Writeyour poems think about them hard
I used to talk to trees
Its just a
Empty sleeve
No line
No heart
No soul
No love
No truth
No death
No light
Just a bunch of ****** up stuff
All stuffed up
94 · Oct 2020
Suicide heart
Its not a suicide
Im not going to due tonight
Disclosure your not reading that note
Its a heart with a tendency to melt
The sleeve just shrugs and it slides off
Theres no back bone
It always falls to sorrow
Its a dark hole
That light trys to shine in
Its my life
Sonetimes it does a bit of good
But mostly it poison s and destroy s all that walk through
Its my heart
Its the one i got
Its messed up really twisted in an ugly way
Ruins days and dreams of suicide because it loves so much
Maybe its just confused
The rain knows too
The sun sees it soon
But the moon
It speaks the pain
The barrel to the chin
In the waves
Where a body can be drifted away
Dont fret
Im ok
I wont do this
Because my twisted heart loves too

— The End —