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CarlosT Aug 2021
I can't help if reality changes your perception of me, you've just been engulfed in your life to long to notice that iv'e changed , and so have you , and thats Ok because were not supposed to stay stagnant , so run far ,and i'll fly , and if our paths do once again collide , then perhaphs our journey's were always intertwined and the purpose of our falllout was to reconcile and lock eyes just one more time.
who knows , maybe it was all a lie but regardless of what our truh is we'll only discover it by slaying the darkness lurking in our eyes and freeing the ravaging spirit that hides(Aka True Self)

Look in the Mirror
CarlosT Mar 2021
I’m typing but I don’t know what I’m writing, that’s ultimately the story of life. An unknown journey with different twists and turns , that leads to both happiness and unavoidable despair.
CarlosT Jun 2020
Not everyday will be sunshine’s and  rainbows , but having patience and keeping a positive outlook will give light to the gloomiest of days.
CarlosT Jun 2020
We try so hard to be normal by society standards that we hide who we truly are

We post pictures with fake smiles and deliberate upon catchy captions

We sacrifice our own opinions and thoughts , in fear of being different than everyone else

Life is too short to play a role , so stop playing by everyone else rules and form your own personal constitution.
CarlosT Jun 2020
Things happen for  a reason . Positive experiences push you to reach higher horizons.Negative experiences are "meant" Teach you lessons. "Meant" because as humans , many of us use negative experiences to justify our toxic behaviors. We use them as a reason to just be Ok with our lives. We focus on what happened to us rather than the lesson , and because of that we don't grow. So Here's a not so secret new flash , Life *****  but it could also be beautiful. We cant let our dark paths define us or alter our course. We need to understand that bad things will always  happen in this world and we can't allow ourselves to be consumed by them. What we can control are the good things. We could manifest our lives into anything we desire.  But it all starts with YOU. Be Yourself , Do what makes you happy , Face your Internal and external problems with courage , Analyze what negative experiences want to teach you and you'll see , That Life could be Truly Amazing.
CarlosT Jun 2020
There are more days then life so whatever issues arise today , you have a blank amount of days to resolve it , your life however , can be gone in an instant , so don't stress and just live.
CarlosT Oct 2019
Selflessness is a curse but also a gift .If you exert all of your energy catering to others you will know them more than you know yourself.
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