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Oct 2019 · 133
Tosin Morakinyo Oct 2019
Billboard stood at alert
At the meeting point of Èsù
Like an awoken manhood
Ready to dive into the ocean.

Reasons for gathered heads
In front of it like crusade time
Struck a chord in me
"Check it out!" He told me.

Since my mind never for once
Politrick me to any good vices
I opted for his suggestion
And off to the site my leg went.

A closer look at the inscription
Boldly lettered on the board
"Vacancy for the revered
Post of Jesus Christ!"
That got laughter to **** me.

Come to think of it
Should that post still be vacant?
My thought kept rubbing me
Of the reality I lost.

We lust after the lostful desires
That becloud mankind's mind
With a zero knowledge of where
The master claimed he'd prepared.

Two millennia ago and nineteen
The reporter told the tale
That the master even almost
Lust after his creation with his cross.

Fast forward to now
Many robed hungry souls
Carry placards of repping him
Only to live by bread alone.

Little wonder, his post on earth
Seems vacant thirsting for
Who's really get enough to fit in
The filler must be void of blemish.

Off I go to my abode
To search for he who
Can fittingly wear his cap
Else, he won't come back.

For as long as black bears black
He won't come at least to the blacks
We let him buy us
Now we sell him to eat.

Till the song cease to be
"Jerusalem on high!"
And turns torrent to become
"Africa on high!"
He ain't ready for us yet.

So, let the vacancy linger on
Till we sense...*light out!

Tosin Morakinyo

— The End —