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 Jan 2020 Nanu
Old emotions in new words ran down the depth of the 12 foot end…
Swimming in the rain filled me with a strange nostalgia a happy knowing of happier truth,
I begin to swim faster and faster still till I reach the other end and when I surface I can smell the fresh earth in the first rain.....
It feels like swimming in the boundless ocean of the world through currents warm and cold as the rain falls in neat sheets tempering the warmth of the water……
Standing in the pool I get the feeling of being at two places at once , my legs at the cold surface and my arms scaling the warm bottom of the shallow end....
When the torrential dance of the clouds slows down to a gentle shimmy
I looked up from the blue tiled depth and there are stars on the surface of the water where rain meets the pool, where movement meets stagnation, where the rapid meets the still and it is a calm with a strange eerieness ..
This is what happiness means to me, the gurgle of excitement that leaves my lips bursts as a bubble of laughter at the surface of the pool……..
My tears inconspicuous in the chlorine drift into the murky reflection of the floodlights,
The rain falls soundlessly loud and old emotions in new words run down the depth of the 12 foot end…….

— The End —