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Aug 2019 · 94
Oli Gorman Aug 2019
I could take a beating
From paddles thick and thin
As long as there is hope tomorrow
Then, count me, I am in

You could punch me firm and squarely
Right between the eyes
There is always hope tomorrow
When the sun curves through the sky

She could look right through me
As though I wasn’t there
But maybe there is hope tomorrow
Maybe then she’ll care

I could walk so heavy
Down roads I know too well
Because hope is always there tomorrow
There’s more rope left to sell

Hollow dreams and lovers lost
Could break my aching soul
When hope reveals itself tomorrow
Then I will be whole

Every word I write today
Could fall on cold death ears
For surely there is hope tomorrow
And they’ll echo through the years

Nothing that you say to me
Will make me stop or think
About how the hopes of tomorrow
Pass each time I blink

Doors that never open
Will not be there tomorrow
All I need is another day
Have you got one I could borrow?
Aug 2019 · 103
An ordinary man
Oli Gorman Aug 2019
He handles the two wheelie bins with such assurance
As he blinks wrinkled eyelids over steeled cow eyes
He bumps them down the raised curb and doesn’t disturb
Even the smallest of the neighbour’s oven-cooked fries

He opens the plastic white door with effortless relentlessness
He brushes each shoe off with the other foot
He breathes in his life and thinks ‘how can I repent for this?’
But thinks it in different words, different words all covered in soot

He has made the money and this woman has made the tasteless dinner
And that’s all each of them has made this year
They can’t make conversation, so tonight it will be the endless radio station
That evaporates all the jail-breaking tears

After another dreamless night disturbed only by nature’s disturbed sigh
He drives his clean and well-running car with competency through traffic streams
Maybe he could buy a new one next year
Which he could drive with competency and then clean

Sitting at work and working while he sits
There’s no time to think or hope or cry or love
To fail is to be human and a true man always knows
That to be clouded in failure is a silver-lined blessing from above

His writing is readable and adept but nothing he writes is his own
He records and copies and he never smudges
But everything he writes takes nothing from his lightless nights
He holds his pen like he holds his grudges

Fast forward forty years, if only it were that easy
He has done it all real time with every wheelie bin he’s lifted
Every drop of the curb he’s cushioned with his wrist
He’s done the forty years, done it; hasn’t lived it

So what is there to say, what can you say about this man lying here?
He was born, he did, then he died
He left a fading memory and three kids
And the peeling paint on the garage that he’d once applied

But no need to worry because his youngest was a son
Who watched his father on the pavement and watched him in the rain
He’s passed his driving test and today is Thursday
Don’t disturb the neighbours, and do it all again
Oli Gorman Aug 2019
Why are all the girls simpering
Over young Norman Bates?
His life comes to him
On food carts and plates

My mum would let me
Leave anytime
And not lock me up
In her dreams of lost crimes

But no, they’re for Norman
They’re aching for him
They like his strange eyes
His thick crayoned skin

They wait on the corners
They text him in town
To them he’s a curio
Not a sick clown

They sing with sympathy
And swoon in real spice
“Oh isn’t he cutesy
Incredibly nice”

Those girls thinks he’s weird
In a wholly good way
How wrong they are
What would mother say?

Plenty of time to make it
More than enough to care
Why don’t you swing by his house?
There’s always a room to spare
Aug 2019 · 91
Another day
Oli Gorman Aug 2019
The sordid teeth of a broken dawn
Gnaw the bones of silent prey
Skeleton trees are killed and born
Shadows know no rules
But still play

A figure awakes from a dream that felt so real
They yawn and breath the sickly air
Stamp upon the day a seal
Which melts with the cloying heat
That we share

Place each foot upon the cracks
At least you won’t make more
The crack of dawn or the crack of backs
Each will break for now
And evermore

— The End —