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68 · Aug 2019
Poetry Interest Aug 2019
I get it all the time
Being judged in a world I have never lived but only visited
Therefore you feel my help is very limited and to you my advice is prohibited

After all you do know better than me, that i do agree
But i am not about that judgemental ****
I have never judged you so don't ******* judge me

Remember what it was like living in this NORMIE world as an addict?
People looking at a ****** like a freak but you were just a human who got in too deep

Don't tell me i don't know what it's like to be sick or to abuse the drugs because that's what i was about but apparently you already have me figured out

**** i craved the high too
Laid in bed sick as **** praying to die to a God I didn't believe in, so lost in my own little downward spiral, I knew if I didn't quit it would be an ongoing cycle

The depression got the best of me too
The anger and pain of living in my own head, the devil kept telling me i was better off dead

I tried to end it, i really did but i was a ******* coward. That knife up to my wrist, the thought of not being here
I knew all my pain would quickly disappear

I may not know it all but i don't ******* claim to either, i know God has a purpose for me and it's to be a ******* leader

So you might wanna stop telling yourself that i can do you no good
I'm choosing to be in your world, to help show you your life is well deserved
Stop looking at me like I'm the freak and those demons and that addiction we can work together to beat

****, what else you got to lose, seems your options have run out
I don't see people lining up at your door to help, so let me help you help your **** self
60 · Aug 2019
Poetry Interest Aug 2019
Nobody gets the **** I've been through but at times I felt it was best to die too, Your addiction didn't just **** you it killed me too, I wasn't the one popping those pills so why am i the left feeling lost and abused

We were best friends yo, you weren't just my little bro
I'm sorry i left, I know it was my fault but i was 19 and had to get away from our familys cult

But i know you had to find a way to deal with things too
you found a new best friend, but never knew what he would do to you

He was good to you yeah, numbed all your freaking pain
All i wanted was my best friend back while i was watching a stranger go down the drain

I know what it's like to be sick too, people don't understand
At one point I was starting to fall in love while the liquor was holding my hand

But just before it was too late i realized my new friend was toxic, it was time to stop making up excuses....
I mean ****, we were just having fun right?

See i wasn't an addict yet, but it hurt to let her go, i was sick too. I prayed to a God i didn't believe in because i didn't know what else to do

Now don't get me wrong, i wasn't head over heals yet
I prayed for God to take me but he still didn't answer that prayer yet

— The End —