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146 · Sep 2019
A true lie
Moon Sep 2019
I was never part of your play
Same as other puppet and  obey

Lake of curiosity drowned me
You used Me and thrown me

Was like lil innocent girl, who unknow this new world
Harshness of people , turn me dull

knowing the truth you still covered your eyes
This pain was greater that those behind

Punished myself for being kind
This world of fake people with dual mind

I was never part of your play
Same as other puppet and obey

You remind me of those dark days
When i cried you laughed and you went away

Question that haut me every night
Why you stab my back when i hugged so tight

Stop that fake smile that give me pain everytime
m petrified, you are free bird now you fly

Show me that love and care if you want me back
Your truth and promises you did when i was so mad

Day by day you fading away
Your insecurity and your fake play

Now m laughting so hard you remind me of my mistake that i did in past
no regret  no pain,  Now m a new human
123 · Aug 2019
Path on its way
Moon Aug 2019
Waiting for this dark cloud to fade away....

Hopes of shine and brightness of moon on my way...

When things go unanswer let its fine its own way....

LBeing made of love still we hate ,forget that we all are just clay.....

Days turn into a months and end with years.....the joy and sorrow we shared and heard.....

Every blink of star will remind me who you are.....

End up with the tag of sinner ...

Committed a crime of ....................

123 · Dec 2019
Devil night
Moon Dec 2019
cloud so dark
Rain of blood
Silence of mourning
Dullness of bright
far from this world
Stain of tears hiding under fears
I close my eyes and search my self in dark
Nor human nor a god
A dust that last
Close to god but near to a devil
Smell so vicious that is my jewel
I gain my lost
Another battle
A tragedy that happens
Born without a soul
A son of saturn
Another dark night
Losing my self in searching the light
104 · Oct 2020
A walk to the dreamland
Moon Oct 2020
There is a planet that live inside my  mind
Full of greenery and exotic view

Place where there is a perfect balance of green and blue
There is no disease or flu.

Place where nor god or demon exist
Nor man or woman live
Nor heaven or hell council
It's a visual world with full of blessedness.

Every sunset and deem touch of the moon
Lovers engaged in love
Romancing the romance
Singing the songs
Dancing in love tune.

Island where there is no shame
Sweetness fruits and purest food
Crystal water and huts are build with mud and palm brunches
Still no invention of plastics.

Beings of this planets has shimmery skin
Dark blue eyes
Each and every look prettifull
Their toung taste only words of kind
Sparking hair that glitter up during day

— The End —