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1.7k · Apr 2020
A Shakespearean-Like Sonnet
Though thy fiery wit doth burn my
Lest we should ne'er meet and e'er be
Let thy tongue red pound me to the
And thy true-bred words be to be
        grave meant; ---
For, to blindly love without e'er seeing,
Is like being cut and yet ne'er
Logic it defies, and reason as well,
Causes the mind in confoundment to
So let it be our lot to be content
With each other's malice, spite, and
To speak our needs to each other's
        deaf ears,
And then watch to the sword lay bear
        our cares.
   'Twere better this way our shared
        lives to live
   Than die in the hope and love we
        ne'er give.
732 · Jan 2022
The Story Of The Alamo
Folks, I want to tell you a story
About some brave men, men who gave
          their lives
For the cause of Freedom, men who
          left wives
And children, so that people like you
          and me
Could breathe air rich with the glory
Of human sacrifice given for their
Man: --- Folks, the story of the Alamo!

      In Eighteen hundred and Thirty-
In San Antonio, Texas,
A hundred and eighty-some-odd men,
In late winter of that year, would try
          to fend
Off some four thousand Mexican
At an old, former Catholic church
          called the Alamo.
Headed by the shrimp, Generalissimo
Santa Anna, the Mexicans, camped in
Around the makeshift fortress, were
To capture it, and it concerned them
Not whether the takeo'er was done
          thru surrender
Or destruction. The Texans would
          defender her,
Howe'er, down to the very last man,
And it would be the Alamo's last stand.

     The cause of the battle may be
          stated briefly
For it was a reason as old as
A tyrant declares the freedoms of old
          are abolished
And his new powers must be
The Constitution of Eighteen twenty-
Was swept away and replaced with a
          dictator sore:
The men of the Alamo then showed
         their defiance,
With God and Right for their Reliance.

     Now, tho the situation was
And the Alamo was certain to fall,
Three fiercely independent men
        would stand tall,
And lead the defenders, and with a
Hardly equaled in the annals of
         Human History,
They all valorously engaged the
         hateful enemy.
     Jim Bowie was there, knife and all,
Leading a rag-tag band of volunteers,
And tho he was sickly, bedrid, too, his
Would stand by him and come
         running to his call.
     Davy Crockett, a legend in his own
From Tennessee he came to fight
The Texan Revolutionaries,
And become one of Law and Order's
     William Travis, at age twenty-six,
Was the young colonel, who, with the
         fateful breath
Of courage, laid down the sentiment
Of all those Patriots with the fearless
         words, "Victory or Death!"

     Now, come Sunday, the Sixth of
         March, ere dawn,
In ice-cold weather, the hell-bent foe,
Prodded by a pulsating but fruitless
That caused not one of those gallants
         to cringe,
Launched a mindless, all-out assault
         on the Alamo.
With cannons and rifles flaring, with
         swords drawn,
Heroically, the men inside the battered
Were putting scores of Mexicans out of
As they greeted the tumultuous
O! the bloodletting that was spilt as
         they fought!
The tidal wave of red uniforms scaling
The walls and being pushed back! --
         Failing! -- Failing! --
But then succeeding! as their great
O'ercame the valiant but
         undermanned resistance.
Like an army of ants, the prodigious,
         pernicious persistence
Of the Mexicans paid off, as the
         Alamo's cumbers
They poured o'er. Hand-to-hand
         combat ensued,
 Until every single Texan stalwart was
And kilt! For ninety minutes, the Earth
On her axis, as the early mornin' Sun
         would brook
No interference of his sharp gaze
That on the momentous event he sent
         his rays
Faithful upon for want of deserved

     The end had finally come: all the
Warriors had died at the hands of the
Hostiles, but they did not perish
In vain! for, a deathblow was
On the abhorrent adversary --
One of the most repugnantly feverish
Armies e'er assembled -- in a
         Samsonian form,
For, for each Texan who the Jordan
         crossed and the Gates of Trust
Passed through, eight Mexicans bit the
         dust: ---
The Alamo fell, 'tis true, but Texas was

Now, my friends, no story about the
         Alamo would be complete
If the battle of the following month
Included: At the San Jacinto,
The Mexicans were taking a siesta,
When the Texan Army, under the
         tactical sheet
Of surprise, stormed them, and what
         that resting outfit heard,
Besides the fire of arms, was a war cry,
Louder and more powerful than that
         rising, sleepy-eyed
Belligerent could have e'er dreamed
         of, for --- lo! ---
It 'twere the God-like war cry of ... ----
         "Remember the Alamo!"

From the bowels of a whale's belly,
Jonah cried out to God Almighty,
And God heard Jonah's earnest plea,
And caused the whale to blow him out completely.

So you see, from this poet's humble point of view,
If you find yourself for escape in a fix with no avenue,
Remember the good Lord above! and He'll pull you through,
Just as He did Jonah in the middle of the deep sea blue.
259 · Dec 2019
The Beetle And The Ant
"Why am I always hurryin'?" asked the beetle
To the little ant.  "Because," said the ant, "you're always doin' things illegal."
"Nay!" cried the beetle in self-defense,
"I am a victim of circumstance!"
"Likely story," retorted the ant.  "But it's true!"
Complained the beetle, "Just ask the morning dew; she'll tell you."

So the little ant sought out the morning dew,
And asked her if what the beetle had said was true.
The morning dew wiped the drops from her eyes,
And answered, "If that's what the beetle said, I'm not one to criticize."
The ant shrugged his shoulders upon hearing the morning dew's words,
And muttered to himself, as he walked away, that she and the beetle
were for the birds.
213 · Dec 2019
A Mind Changed
A crocodile
From 'long the river Nile
Went thru a turnstile
In a New York City subway station,
But after some heavy contemplation,
He turned round,
Headed uptown,
And stopped in at Cairo Joe's Music Sound.
184 · Dec 2019
The Light And The Glory
Killjoy left his mark
      On the sycamore tree;
      No doubt that he
Took special bits of bark

And not just some loose
       Pieces.  When I first espied
       It, I relied
On my friend, Caboose,

To bring me back to
       My senses, which he
       Did effectively.
Since then, I am to

Visit regularly
       The family doctor.
       Now, the able proctor
At the asylum duly

Requires of me certain
        Tasks that I must
        Perform in just
The correct form, to pertain

With his strict standards; ---
        But funny, the rabbit,
        He would grab it ---
The clip board --- and Bandards ---
The doctor --- he goes berserk!
        So I quit everything.
        Occasionally I bring
Some goodies to my place of work.
Little Storping in the Swuff
Of murders and murders could ne'er
       get enough;
   Its appetite for homicide was so
   That it e'en made jealous the father
       of Hate; --
When along came Mrs. Peel, and her
       friend, Paul,
Who thought Little Storping in the
       Swuff would be a friend to all;
   But little did he know, nor Mrs. Peel,
   That Little Storping in the Swuff was
       a gravedigger's weal!
This poem was inspired by The Avengers' episode "Murdersville" which starred Diana Rigg (of Game of Thrones fame).  The Avengers' episodes with Diana Rigg are an absolute must to watch.
Judas Iscariot
Bought himself a chariot;
He said, "I'm goin' to Jerusalem
To buy me some chewin' gum!"

But when he got there,
All he could find was Jesus's stare;
So he said to his self sunny,
"I'm gonna make some money
Off that guy's face so funny."

So he went to where the guards lived,
And they talked 'round, e'en quipped!
Till finally, one of them said,
"Well, where is this 'Jesus' who can
    make body from bread?"
"For thirty pieces of silver I'll show
    you where!"
Judas said to them as he put in them a
But they paid him off, and he
"Let's get Christ!" and off they

In the garden Jesus was praying;
"There he is!" Judas was saying;
"So, you fulfilled your betrayal,"
Jesus said to Judas upon their arrival;
Judas just kissed Him (of all things),
    and looked away;
Uttered to himself in his uniquely
    inimitable, inimical way,
"Now! this is what I call 'a good day's

Later, Iscariot
Drove his chariot
To a place not too well known,
And realizing the deed he had done,
He took his own life: he became none.

           *             *            *           *

So now, one and all, the moral of this
Should it ever be told,
Is: Don't bask in the glory
Of ill-gotten gold!

                          The End
160 · Dec 2019
Donald Trump's Contumely
Donald Trump's contumely:
Will it rocket him to the presidency?
I asked that same question very
To a friend of mine just recently
And he said that time will tell only;
In response, I muttered to  myself, "Time slips away,
But Donald Trump's contumely is here to stay."

With that sage wisdom, I closed the book on that subject,
And asked the question: Will Hillary Clinton's server foot-fault her
presidential aspirations to the pile reject?
                 -alternative ending-
With that sage wisdom, on that subject I closed the book
And spent the rest of the afternoon thumbing through an old magazine LOOK.
this poem was written before the election and either shortly before the nomination or just after the nomination in 2016
The sky is like a feline
All girly and sublime
Yet one questions if
It hasn't lost its time

The heavens being yellow and green
On days when no one can be seen
Tend to make a robin sing
After stealing food like a fiend

But the kites soar high
Undaunted by the flight
Of beasts of prey or airplane's cripe
And one ponders if the string holds tight

The clouds receive the day's adventurers
Resting under the stars beyond all numbers
The people below are slow to slumber
As a pretty girl looks up in wonder
149 · Mar 2020
Monique The Unique
The Unique
Runs a boutique
On the Caribbean island of Martinique.

The chic Monique
Is breathtakingly sleek
As she gracefully operates on Street St.
Her little shop from week to week.

Her clientele think it grand and sweet
To visit her and buy from her line
Of merchandise rare and neat,
And they love the way that she will

Them. Monique the Unique is a thrill
For all her shoppers for she can fill
Each one of them with a joy
Inexpressible with whatsoever no

Monique the Unique is by far
The most beautiful star
To ever enhance this little world of
With her lovely charm-filled powers.

     Monique the Unique --
     Elle est magnifique!
145 · Dec 2019
Music Saves The Day
He took a dead leaf from on top of a thriving, lush bush, and crumpled it in his hand;
Then his son he started to reprimand:
"I've told you a million times to leave them lizards alone!
Now you've done it!
We're out of a home
Because of it!
Whadda we do now?"
Through his tears the boy answered somehow:
"I'm sorry, Pop; I know it aint right,
But them lizards, they was gunnin' for a fight!
And as far as our house is concerned,
I don't care if it burned
To the ground!" the young
whippersnapper said.
The father shook his head
Hysterically and said,
"Well, Son, we might as well head
For the middle of the ocean,
'Cause I don't have any notion
Now where we can go."
The lad answered, "We'll show
Them lizards, Pop; they won't
Get the better of us.  Don't
Worry; I'll take care of everything!"
The sire began to laugh, then to sing
A silly little song that broke
The tension and awoke
In them both a sense of relief,
And the belief
That everything would be okay
Seemed to mark their way
As they walked along.
Yes, the father and son felt no wrong,
Despite the lizards' protestations;
And so they continued on with their epic perambulations.
145 · Dec 2019
A Piece Of Excellence
Ingeniously and earnestly he worked thru the night
      To get it right;
Feverishly and painstakingly he sought the light,
      And used his might
To make it perfect and spotless, immaculate and true
      To all of you; ---
And here you see the product of his hands and sweat-filled toil:
      A most royal
Engine of ingenuity, cleverness, and craft
      To ever waft
Thru the masses of humankind, and lay the foundation
      Of creation
Creative for hundreds of generations to come,
      And benefit from.
143 · Dec 2019
It Happened One Day
I was walking thro the park one day,
When I came across a closet on my way.
I opened the door and saw an abyss,
And the sound that I heard was like a hiss.
My curiosity urged me onward,
So reluctantly I sheepishly went forward.
It was so dark I almost started to cry,
But bravely I continued, tho I don't know why.
Eventually, I came upon a little man
Who wore a green cap and carried a cane.
He asked me to where I was going;
I told him no place special, just following
My instincts.  He told me to beware
Of strange animals, and witches, who spare
No one whom they meet.  I thanked him for
His advice, and continued furthering more,
Till I came upon a stream
That resembled a dream,
And tarried there to get refreshed.
My body rested, my face splashed, my thirst quenched,
I betook myself to resume my journey
On the unknown path before me.
As it was still quite exceptionally dark,
I started wishing I was back at the park,
When suddenly an elevator appeared.
I looked it over carefully, and then steered
Myself inside; whereupon, I saw, to my dismay,
A control board, with arrows pointing every which way.
I pushed the one that upwards showed,
And immediately, Easter lilies down thro the ceiling flowed.
I stood in awe as the car filled with flowers;
Tho it was only a few minutes, it seemed like hours.
Finally, the rain of those soft white horns ceased,
And the door opened, and I was released
From my flowery captivity.  I unhesitatingly exited,
And found myself back at the park which earlier I had visited.
I turned 'round, but there was nothing there to remind me
Of where I'd been; so, I put those occurrences behind me,
And I began anew my stroll thro the park,
Which was ornamented muchly by fallen, wind-blown bark.
Can things be sharp if things are dull?
Can things be empty if things are full?
Can red be white on blue sunny days bright?
Or darkness be lit if there isn't any light?
Can squares be round when silence has sound?
Or an ounce be weighty when it doesn't make a pound?
Stop scratching your head in wonderment!
This is no time for "yonder tent!"
Here is where we ought to start!
Not back there in Mr. Yawrley's yard!
When are you going to come to your senses!
I know, I know, -- "...when verbs are used in their proper tenses."
OK, all right, have it your way: --
We'll begin again come next Tuesday;
But until then, don't forget what I said:
Your feet ar'n't concordant if they're filled with lead,
Whether or not you go out on a limb
For them, us, her, it, or him.
139 · Dec 2019
The Kitchen Sink
The universal waterhole
Where things unsaid
Stay unsaid but somehow are spirited,
Lifted to burdenless heights;
And where people who have never
Met become acquainted,
Tho miles, cultures, and languages apart;
A special place tho common as can be,
Where work and pleasure
Unite to form a single camaraderie.
I once had a skillet that did me fine,
'Til a hag came along and blew my
She took my skillet and hid it from
And to this day I stay ever hungry.
131 · Dec 2019
Barking Up The Wrong Tree
In the hillsides of a common town
People gather from all around
To pay their tributes for services rendered
By an old gentleman, who surrendered

His back-breaking cause of years defending
While nobly never one person offending,
But who left many noncomprehending
And e'er digging for clues ne'er forthcoming.

He laid down his flag in peaceful compliance,
Happy and content, for his reliance
He placed in the Supreme Judge of all,
And satisfied was he of the end o'erall.

They say that the old gentleman "spent his time wee
Chasing squirrels and barking up the wrong tree,"
But if Truth would have it, his hours were spent
Being guided by a spirit ever reverent.
129 · Mar 2020
The Heroine
It was old Ebenezer
Who sent me to seize her
And send her to Caesar
Who would ultimately release her
If she would cease her
     Seditious ways.

She refused to comply,
However, and he was forced to apply
Means he came to rely
On over the years that would supply
His demands with positive results,
          and imply
      An agreement worthy of praise.

She fought off his attempts, though,
And refused to acquiesce so,
And remained obstinate in a manner
That would've made the American
          colonists glow
In a blushing red from head to toe
      For days and days.

He finally relented
After his garb he rent it
And allowed her passage back to her  
Community where her fame was
In the minds of each person there
           who  assented
      To her winning forays.
126 · Jan 2020
Only The Spirit Remained
Along the coastline of Washington
I watched my dreams evaporate.
    Atop a boulder, high above the sand,
    The last limpid hope I held grand
Was dissolved into nothingness from
I stood underneath the sun's glare.

All purposefulness and meaning were
Only I remained, alone, one.
    I reached for a dim promise from
        the sea,
    But, 'twas an empty-handed sea;
Hence, I left that oceanic commune
To seek newer ground, and fortune.
125 · Mar 2020
Philadelphia!  Philadelphia!
    City of Brotherly Love!
  Let me embrace you in my arms
    As the angels from up above
  Rain down on you their cares and

Philadelphia!  Philadelphia!
    Home of the Liberty Bell!
  Ring aloud your pride and glory
    To every hill, brook and dell,
  And let Happiness be your story.

Philadelphia!  Philadelphia!
    City of Independence!
  Continue on with your journey epic,
    And by your bare presence,
  Shine forth! your brilliance historic.
121 · Jan 2020
Tough As Nails
He's tough as nails;
    He won't take for an answer "no";
Billow'd are his sails;
    He's a forthright, determined fellow.

His mind is steadfast;
    His eyes are set firm;
His step is true and sure to last:
    These his noble heart will affirm.

He's stood the test of time;
    He's weather'd all kinds of gales;
His detractors he's left behind,
    For, the fact is, he's tough as nails!
119 · Jan 2020
Slipped My Mind
I had a thought
But it turned to naught
      Because it slipped my mind; --
I had a date
But it was too late
      For it had slipped my mind; --
Of things I had a list
But all those things I missed
      Because the list it slipped my mind; --
I was going to go somewhere
But in time I went nowhere
      Due to it having had slipped my mind; --
I had an errand to do
But I never did it when the day was thru
      On account of the fact that it'd slipped my mind; --
Things I cannot find; --
Memories dull that once shined; --
Fleeting moments gone that instants defined: ----
       They were lost because they slipped my mind.
119 · Dec 2019
A Dozen Roses
The thought came to me,
How wonderfully splendid it would be
If I were to buy for my lassie
     A dozen roses.

How happy she would be,
How surprised and full of glee
She would be when she should see
     A dozen roses.

Cheerfully she would receive,
I would joyfully perceive,
And from my clasped hands would leave
      A dozen roses.

Is there such a love
Here on earth or heaven above
That could compare with my love's love of
      A dozen roses from me?
117 · Dec 2020
oak tree
go to the window
to see the meadow
and there ought to be
a big live oak tree
right there in the middle.
it's a kind that doesn't meddle
in other trees' affairs
and its branches and leaves it wears
stately and proudly.
a small creek loudly
proclaims the tree's dignity
as it passes close by.
this oak tree has a storied past
and its hallowed history will forever
115 · May 2020
Long hair flowin';
Marijuana smokin';
"Peace!" declarin';
Colorful clothes wearin';
Guitars strummin';
Rides thumbin';
"Flower children" bein';
Social bridges buildin';
In communes livin';
Thoughts on love givin';
The land travelin';
The older generation's perfidy bravin';
These were the hippies
Of the Sixties,
An extinct type
Of people for whose emergence the
  time was ripe;
Who "the Establishment" defied
And a new society contrived.
111 · Feb 2020
Lying Tongue
My name is Lying Tongue.
I have done nothing wrong.
    I prevaricate and prevaricate
    Because of Truth! whom I hate.
With Truth I have tried to make
But he refuses to be friends!

I have traveled the world over:
Paris, Moscow, Tokyo, Dover ---
    Everywhere! --- I've been received
        with open arms;
    People just love for my charms;
That's why, with Truth, I will never see
Why he won't shake hands with me.

As it is, tho, I am happy with my fate;
Why, I really haven't got a single
     O sure, with Truth I'd love a truce,
     But I'm not about to be a dumb
So, in a nutshell, then, all in all, I have
Peace, peace, and MORE peace, or my
        name ain't Lying Tongue.
109 · Mar 2020
One Smart Dragon
The dragon of the moat
Was given a note
That stated the dos and don'ts
    Of fencing.

The dragon perused the note,
Then threw it in the moat,
For he got turned off by the don'ts,
    And went fishing.
109 · Mar 2020
They say, "Ignorance
Is no excuse!"
I surmise,
If it's earnest,
Is a muse
In disguise!
107 · Feb 2020
The Apprentices' Pact
As we repair to the workroom
To continue the repair of Mathilda's broom,
       Let us keep nigh in mind
          Our main objective, namely: ---
       To keep refined
          The weird sisters three, respectively; ---
             For, in this way only
     Can we hope to attain
             Our weather-beaten status lowly
     In the witches' domain.
107 · Feb 2020
That Special Something
I makes it a point of buyin'
  My bacon
  In Macon
And nowheres else, no lyin'.

The porkers there
  Gotst a taste
  That doesn't waste
My time square.

I gotst to travels a good way --
  That's true --
  But, you'd, too!
For that flavor pay.

Besides, the folks
  Up there in them those parts
  Have real gentle hearts
That knows hows to coax!

Yessirreebob!  I makes it a point of buyin'
  My bacon
  In Macon
And nowheres else, n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o lyin'!
I was reading a book that had quotes of Abraham Lincoln in the '80s and he called hogs and pigs "porkers"; I had never heard of them being referred to as "porkers," and I never even heard of the word before, either; and the first chance I got to use it -- in this poem -- I didn't hesitate.
105 · Feb 2020
An Antsy Thought
I shall rue the day
  When men wax froward,
And all one can say,
  Is, it pays to be a coward.
103 · Jan 2020
Love is a feeling immeasurable
That conquers all that is miserable:
It is the loftiest of mountains
And the most beautiful of fountains;
It separates life from death
And is the wellspring of immortal breath;
Love has no boundaries, no limits;
Infinite are her bountiful merits;
Ceaseless is her guiding light,
Emboldening the meek with spirit bright,
Strengthening the weak with tremendous might;
Grasping firm the titles and deeds of right;
It is her path to tread softly
On the lives of those who would seek her truly,
And to spread her wings over all
Who long to be numbered within her stall:
As I gaze upon the depthless skies,
Encountering the mysteries before my eyes,
I know the secret that's there above:
It is the watch of sacred Love.
Whether we can weather the weather
Is a question we must answer together,
For, in numbers only is there strength
And only that will pull us through at length.
The odds are against us right now,
But, with a little luck, we will get through somehow.
We must put our shoulders to the wheel,
And let no man crack, break, or squeal!
We can bear this burden with great aplomb
And withstand Mother Nature's fury for years to come.
100 · Oct 2020
The cop
   traded in his Glock
   for a clock
right there on the spot;

And then sailed
   to Jobaloongma
   in the South Pacific-a
where he was immediately jailed

For not having a valid passport.
   He pled his case,
   and the judge had a sympathetic
and dismissed the court.

He then built a bungalow
   and let his beard grow,
   went sailing to and fro,
and made Jobaloongma his permanent
Richmond in Sixty five we
     resourcefully fled,
And Petersburg, too, where so many
And to the west Lee our great army
For the mountains of Virginia the aim
     was kindled,
But advancing Union troops our end
     still signaled,
Till, at Appomattox, to Grant
Lee gave in, and in that instant,
Our fine army was summarily sent
To the Pages of History, where we
     dutifully went.
95 · Mar 2020
Ruin followed me to the ends of the earth,
And when I finally had a chance to ask Ruin what his motive was,
Ruin responded, "Hey! it's my job!"
94 · Feb 2020
Johnny Crow
"Johnny Crow,
With eyes all a-glow,
Where'd you go
When I needed you mo'?"

"I went o'er a hill
To neck with Jill
And I'd be there still
If 'twer'n't for Bill."

"Well, then, off you go,
Johnny Crow,
For I don't need you anymo',
And that's so!"
94 · Jan 2020
How shall I measure you, Time?
What is the answer to your riddle and rhyme?
   Is it the hours appearing on a clock,
   Or when it's filled by many ships a dock?
Is it the second hand moving slowly 'round,
Or the nighttime bells when they sound?

Do I dare to trust time with my fate,
To place myself in his hands great;
    Or would I be better off to entrust
    Myself to God, Who made me from dust,
And thereby get to know Time's business better
As I go about my business to the letter?

I ask, Is Time my friend
Who will stick with me to the end,
    Or just a veiled hoax, a cloaked heathen, whose
    Only duty is making sure I pay my dues?
Calculative contemplation is needed, for, the time is
Getting late!  Am I, or am I not, his?

Time, you are a dimly understood figure.
Your myriad shapes are of a mysterious nature.
     Come and go as you please,
     I am left to pay the fees.
Responsible for light and night,
Why, you change so often! are you my right?
94 · Mar 2020
Which way, sir, is it to insanity?
Have you even the slightest vanity?
Myself, methinks it's when the cuckoo clock
Strikes twelve on the dot, and the mental block
That you once had melts down to a blank care,
And on the tube's the nimble Fred Astaire
Dancing on the ceiling. Now of course I
May be wrong, and this I will not deny,
But if every picture tells a story
And is worth a thousand words, then glory
Be! I'm probably right smack on target!
So the next time you head for the market,
   You remember these few choice words of mine;
   They just might help you clear your cluttered mind!
93 · Feb 2020
The Pigeon
The pigeon
    just a smidgeon
      of his food
        would he give away,
          and then, only
              for his mood
                would not permit
                   a larger giveaway,
                     lest its hollow hideaway
                       it'd have to quit,
                         for a cove
somewhere way up high within the regions of Love.
92 · Feb 2020
Fancy Nancy
Fancy Nancy
   Went to the ball
Wearin' high-heeled shoes
   And lookin' real tall,

When in walked a beggar
    Lookin' for help,
When no one came forward
    He started to yelp,

And poor Fancy Nancy,
    She got all disconcerted,
She threw off her shoes
    And the ball she deserted.
90 · Mar 2020
What art thou?
For, I am a noun!
Where art thou going?
For, I am going to Wyoming!
Why do you always say "for"?
For, it is the correct way to speak! for,
If I did not say "for," I would be a bore!
Yes, but, it makes me very sore,
And it's something I can't endure,
To hear you always repeat the word "for".
Well, I'm sorry for that, for, I
Mean you no harm, but, I must speak my mind,
Or, I should consider myself some kind
Of a nut! for living a lie!
For, I am an honest man of honest intent,
And, I must admit,
I enjoy! using the word "for," for, "for's" sound
Is quite profound,
And, what's more, "for"
Has a tendency to open many a closed door!
90 · Jan 2020
Play Through, Please
The bee from the gardenia bush
Got mixed up about whether to push
Or pull the entrance door to the hive,
And some other bees, maybe four,
   maybe five,
Were quite visibly bothered by it;
So she decided to fly by it,
Come around after they'd entered
And try again unfettered
By bees in the waiting.
This she did, and, by and by,
Whether to the entrance door of the
   hive push
Or pull, the bee from the gardenia
Just gave up patience and smashed
Thru the portal and away her pollen
88 · Feb 2020
Conspiracy Theory
Citizen A conspired with Citizen C
To overthrow the Government, don't you see?
Together with Citizens B, D, and E,
They were going to topple "The Land of the Free".
When Citizens G, H, and I
Got into the act, it became a piece of pie!  -----
Washington fell like there was no tomorrow;
Such was why Citizens X, Y, and Z had felt such great sorrow.
   Be that as it may, howe'er, and tho not to make you very weary,
   This, indeed, is, (or was), the Conspiracy Theory!

— The End —