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Jul 2019 · 71
My love
Jenny Jul 2019
Like the wind she came and went without a sound she wept her beauty over came us.
What once was a narrow branch blossomed into a majestic tree and just like that we woke up and she was gone.
She engraved her essence into the roots which lasted an eternity
It created a forest where we all wander through in search of her.
When we ask where we may find her the trees begin to dance and then we realize she was there all along.
She was in the background guiding us and teaching us to thrive and soar into the people we were always meant to be.
She never had a care in the world or what it thought of her.
She defined beauty but was never seen.
Beauty is something that does not have to be seen but something that one must feel.
So when we look around and ask where she has gone. We stop and realize she never left but she is where she belongs.
Jul 2019 · 100
Jenny Jul 2019
A riveting and selfish thing
It comes and goes as it pleases
It comes when you are at peace
It takes your happiest thoughts and turns them into agonizing memories
It gives you a glimpse of what could’ve been but what can never be
It ignites every inch of your body and feeds into your aching soul
It eats away at your heart until there’s nothing left but the crumbs
Pain carefully decides who it will tarnish and knows when it is not wanted
Pain is not a friend nor an enemy
It is an energy that resonates in all and is engorged in only a few
For those who have not met pain yet, you will
For those who have encountered the ugly beast
It does not get better and just may get worse
You will grow to realize that pain will be a part of you forever
Just when you thought it went away it fights back harder than it ever was
Live your life curiously and don’t let pain scare you
Even though it will always be there you must remember
Pain wants to be you, will you let it?

— The End —