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Mar 2020 · 81
Ranjit Kr Baruah Mar 2020
She stopped loving her private parts,
Bundled them to oblivion
(as we throw the old under wares to
gloomy corners  of a divan)
never to think of again

Winter prolonged necessarily
or unnecessarily,
No idea how and what

Rumors making round  the corners
( she doesn’t give a ****),that
Ice freezes water to eternity

Ah ! Antarctica started melting,
Some hesitantly whispers
Someone is bent with evidence

A thin streak of water flows down
the mountain slopes
that can’t be seen but be felt ,
Surprisingly, adamant winter shivers
in that warmth of   feel

Winter can’t be permanent
Warmth of love cracks it  again and again

She proclaims with humility
to start loving them again
Mar 2020 · 135
Ranjit Kr Baruah Mar 2020
If we sunder
we become Earth,
an insignificant dot
in the sky of universe

Let’s be rational
to bury our past
dismiss future too

Solitude will melt away
in the warmth of our prologue
under whispering pines
on pebbled  Umngot
Mar 2020 · 84
Ranjit Kr Baruah Mar 2020
You came in as first shower of
of spring and

sat on the swing in my
balcony. Contented like meadow

of Pench. Colour peach
adorned you all the while
in its entirety.

“  ক’ৰ এজাক সপোন যেন বৰষুণ.....”
   (Whence has come this shower drenched in dreams….)
Mar 2020 · 125
Ranjit Kr Baruah Mar 2020
We reached out to  
Umngot and  erected
a tiny cairn

Celebrated concurrence
in the comfort of that
cherry afternoon

Let’s pull out of rubble,
tread softly in our emotive eyes
to rest in for ever
Mar 2020 · 84
soul talking
Ranjit Kr Baruah Mar 2020
Our souls should have talked
more on that day and
listened too to each other more

It was me to initiate the dialogue,
But became infatuated with
other silly things

Talking opens up
innumerable flood gates
of understanding
to energize efforts to stay together

It’s an expensive missed opportunity
as I know lately that
you do not chase
Mar 2020 · 58
Ranjit Kr Baruah Mar 2020
A dissected heart
looking at me with tears

I stitched the dissection wounds
and pumped my oxygen
through her mouth

she came back,
waved at me and
showed how she pumping
my blood with a smile

fragrance of union percolates
into every crevice ,
gets moulded and begin  to stay
till we touch the base before bidding adieu
Sep 2019 · 179
The paradise lake”
Ranjit Kr Baruah Sep 2019
Clouds close all windows to light,
Undaunted, you  strive to proclaim
“am” always there!

Suddenly Sun carries laughter when only it surfaces,
You are there to bury the sorrow
“all” in stock-still time!
The beautiful Paradise Lake,at the Sela Pass, 13,700 ft from Sea Level,Arunachal Pradesh,India (March 2015)

I still remember the moment. It was chilling wind,drizzles,dark like all around, can't see 50 feet beyond,....suddenly rays come for few seconds giving a golden hue all around to become dark again as suddenly as it came...BUT she stays back...proud ,proclaiming the stubbornness even in darkness to take all your sorrow in her heart..undaunting....only you need a true friend by your side at that moment..unfortunately I had none and so I looked forward to her...and she obliged..MY PARADISE LAKE !!!!!
Sep 2019 · 94
Number 10
Ranjit Kr Baruah Sep 2019
A bubbly Sun suddenly zooms
in unsuspected  doorway
of a retrograde pathway,
Pulls through holes of the net .

Hairy nylon threads giggle
on  loose skin ,
Sun glows through cheek of a girl,
attained womanhood a few weeks back

God dazzles with his lanky legs,
a bunch of wild hair galloping with every stride
one side of jersey  pulled up to elbow
and eyes open a sky beyond the shaky net.
Dedicated to my Hero of my time  when I played football (1971-76) and I felt his presence in every moment of my efforts ….. Johan Cruyff, The Holland football legend (25 .04. 1947 – 24 .05. 2016)
Sep 2019 · 91
Grow wings
Ranjit Kr Baruah Sep 2019
Kites Grow wings and put some grey,
fly from harbor to harbor searching prey

Over waving blue and under pouring  blue,
Keep on calling and listen too

fly albeit not at will,
Threads control and wind distort

Blues of ocean and sky,
Between everyday you fly

Harbor a heart  ,
(Wings need it )
Grow wings and try
Sep 2019 · 117
I love my impotent Husband
Ranjit Kr Baruah Sep 2019
Opened the window,
A waiting Breeze from the East
Percolated through  steaming heart

Saw him sleeping on sofa
Turned to Left , heaves hurling chest

Travelled again  through his closed eyes
to the Evergreen meadows
(the old acquaintance !)

I remain a ****** till
all the flames of
the Last fire
The world crashed
in the beginning of the night

Sound of breaking glass
Hurricane uprooting trees
Snapping of electrical wires

The night was prolonged
(Shakuni continued the Game of Dice)

An eerie silence surfaced
Through brutal  turmoil
Shakuni... maternal uncle of Kaurava in Mahabharata
Aug 2019 · 179
I love you
Ranjit Kr Baruah Aug 2019
“ I love you”

man whispered to the woman
across the curtain in the doorway

Umiam started settling down in
her eyes  not because she did not expect
but for her submerged heart was attempted
to be touched and caressed

“  I don’t know”

woman whispered back to the man
across the swinging curtain in the doorway

Umiam started flowing  , warm and passionate,
understanding well the “know” under “ don’t know” !

Umiam= a lake in Meghalaya ,India
= in local language, Umiam means Tears
Jul 2019 · 141
Cold soldering
Ranjit Kr Baruah Jul 2019
Clean and smooth ,both are,
***** and plate, keep on tightening till
Air displaces, vacuum sets in ,
And they are cold soldered
Life long!

Some do it passionately,
Maqbool Fida Husain ,  
Tajmahal erupts, by the witnessing Yamuna.

Not all, always, can
Do it ; end of Alma Tunnel is not
Explored beyond its ends, steps
Stop only few inches from
The entrance !

Rain pours in ,like,
Broken porcelain on watermelon,
Wind gusts in like hammer,
And the rock is made sand, if,
You can’t carve  Khajuraho  
With your head and heart.

Cold soldering, it works,
and doesn’t always,
depend , entirely on you.
Ranjit Kr Baruah Jul 2019
Raring  to explore tunnels
in the eyes
molded by desolate  solitude

Shore may be there
in other end round
strewn with trees of
abandoned  flowers & fruits

Compassionate waves of sea  
have come down upon the shore
to caress wounded  tress
and have come, not for no one

This too will pass away
in a  road of
sharing & caring Sohra clouds
descending upon Umiam lake

Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Let’s stay together  in a violin night
with a table, a chair, a bowl of fruit

Let’s  be happy
together to be
nothing else need be
inspired by
1. Let's Stay Together by Al Green
2. Albert Einstein
Ranjit Kr Baruah Jul 2019
Lewd fingers crawl valiantly
on the un-surrendered valley

Silent rage surfaces into a scream
aerated water bubbles from deep within

Can this scream return breathing
to the gothic language of humanity
and tell them to carry a portrait of daughters
on their  scandalous fingers

“To smash this night,
To break this shadow” !

Megalomaniac dark hands will be burnt
By the  thousands lights of sun  

And a daughter not lose her father again
To the fiery of another war !
(Inspired by “As I Grew Older - Langston Hughes”)

— The End —