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Jul 2019 · 38
While I slept
Terence O'Connor Jul 2019
My right hand
Drifting to your hair
Cradling Beauty,
Our heads tilted sideways,
Better to savour,
The touch of each other’s Lips.

My left tracing the line
Of your lower back,
That intimate touch
Of the inward curve
Allowing me to hold you close.

I had long looked into those eyes,
Listened to the timbre of your voice
It’s song resounding in my chest.
Eyes across a table
Across a room
Outside our stage,
At our cars where we kissed.

Not strangers,
Not Lovers,
Two people lost in a kiss
Nothing supernumerary
And it was fine

Separated in time,
And distance,
I dreamed I kissed you.

© Terence O’Connor 23rd of May 2018

— The End —