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Jungiansoulbuck Jun 2019
Sandy white beaches, beyond luna's smile.
Wreaths abound of all your favorite flora.
Palm spring coconut flowers bloom.


Hand in hand in perfect rythum.
So much I want to say but words continue to escape logic.
To see you smile as I look to you.
I never want to abandon this moment.

My heart beets.
Booming as waves crash, dissipate and return.


Life springs deep in me.
Reborn again.
A happiness part of me never thought I'd live to have.

Myst among myth.

A passion courses through my veins, surging.

Two hearts joining in this dance.

Although the breeze is cool we lay nestled in cascading ******.
The sun sets to a purple hugh.
Blue moon. Prepossessing third feeling.


Sadate but never more alive.
Don't speak. Don't blink.
Speak no words just rest assured everything I feel now transcends time over mountains, below deepest oceans and raining above the sky and the stars.
I've never been more certain of anything when I say the words; I love you.
Jungiansoulbuck Jun 2019
Flames burn from a Cole pit.
Beds expand for you as the pain dissipates away.
Lift and dance away from your fears that wich brings you to your limits.
Walk on white Sandy beaches.
Hold my hand.
The sun and moon both smile for you.
Luminescent neon fires, expanding like veiny envertrbred fruit ever glowing as we embrace.
Just believe.
Corral sands swim past the ever long tears of joy that illuminate my eyes.
I look out.
In my world I hold our child. A product of our love.
This child will breathe and swim never to know the sting of the pain of this world outside our eyes.
Held high.
To embrace.
Closer now.
To be with you my love.
Be awake.
Be free.
Breath. Just breath.
Jungiansoulbuck Jun 2019
Out walking. Still late night.
Houses and churches.
Yellow windows lighting temples of aquamarine stone.
Reliefs and statues looking oppon me.
Marry of marble white, give me strength.
I can't escape this burned out feeling.
I breath in and tell myself "everyone's different"

Everyone fears the ***** of Oakville.
No one cares and they all stay away.
He rusts and grinds in his pain.
Looking out only heightens his sorrow.
He ventures out only at night.
He dare not want or need.
A splinter in his troubled mind.
He dare not focus on that wich hurts him the most.
He can't let her in or even try to be seen.
Mind bound and bandaged with heartache and angst.
Deceit to him. Look away you fool.
No one will understand or even dare try.
That awfull ***** of Oakville.
Reaching out from the churches.
Dry leaves crunch under crippled feet.
Songs chime in his mind from better days as he sheds tears that burn with the ash of forgotten sunlight.
He wears a mask. Longing for love, for friends.
He wears the mask of the one you least understand.
To have the things in life and not be driven to cry out.
Daylight? a wife? children? Acceptance.
The nasty ***** of Oakville. Moonlight will not smile oppon or suffer you.
Forgotten, denied and unloved.
The one you least understand.
Forgotten, denied, unloved and alone.
Jungiansoulbuck Jun 2019
Prepoised and wide awake in my stance.
My heart sits as still as the rotating shining rock in my mind.
Pre jitter-jitters.

I won't rest until I know.
Perhaps a weaker man would know by now but a stronger man I have yet to be.

My chest pounds.
Be still. Rest.

My heartbeat still echoes through the mattress as I toss and turn.


Stillness if just for a moment.
I will rest.

Our elders tell me not to get ahead of myself.
I've always been far too sensitive.
Heart on my sleeve.
What will you think? What will you feel? Why?

I want to run and hide from these thoughts.
Return to innocence.
Not feel like a clown inside.
Store these feelings.
You bring out the best and the worst in me making me smile on both counts.
I frequently dream of the day and the outpour of emotions.
Hand and hand you will help me learn as origami doves of peace and serenity take flight.

The world will see.
Notions continue to flow in my brain.
My friends all tell me that guys don't think like this but nothing makes me feel like a man more then seeing you look out from under that veil.

Here and now I need no stronger feeling.

We will rock this temple.
We will shake the earth.
If I only knew.

Be strong.

Love as long as time.
To have you by my side.
Will you take my hand?
Devoid of the worries of time? Time will only let me know.

— The End —