Life begins at conception.
For a human being to be able to love, she/he must first be loved, usually by her/his biological parents, other times by her/his surrogate parents. If the newborn is not loved, she/he will suffer great pain, possibly even dying.
Most human beings do not receive the love they need; thus, they will unconsciously compensate usually in one or more of three ways: accrual of power, not to empower others, but to oppress them; aggrandizement of wealth; or achievement of fleeting fame.
If, on the other hand, they are loved, they will love all others throughout their lives, realizing their personhood, which is their innate sacredness. If they are not loved, they will realize one or more of their deleterious behaviors.
When all die, those who realized their personhood will not return to Earth to live another life, because their soul has become pure love that bonds with the pure love of infinity, which is reality that has no form, no beginning, no end. They have become enlightened and will be so forever.
Those who did not attain their personhood, realizing only one or more of their deleterious behaviors, will need to return to Earth in a new life unconsciously to make another attempt to attain enlightenment.
Love is infinite, the finite illusory. The latter remains nonetheless the paradoxical path to the reality of eternal love.
Know truth by untruth.