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There is a strange hollow void
A storm. A darkness. A thrill.
I see it, and at times I dare to touch it

I know it seeks to takes hold of me.
Deep down I want its excitement,
I long for its elevation.
And though I fear it, I even desire its blackness

I’m left frozen by its awesome power
to plunge into my roots
to surround each extending branch
to sink its teeth into the core
of my being

My heart beats faster and louder when I approach it
Fervently knocking
on the bones of my chest
Rattling in its cage -
aroused and alive

My lungs force me to breath deeper
My fists clench, my muscles strain
My soul is overcome
My eyes shut tight as imagination fills every point of space
Thought and feeling flowing like a river
Pulsing through every vein in my body

Transporting me,
Changing me,
Moving me.

But then leaving me,
More numb, and less
than before

— The End —