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David Irvin May 2019
One hundred angels
dancing in your heart,
waiting to spread love and joy
waoting to spread the word

Love and angels
alltogether as one,
that force that power
love that song

Your hearts the door to open
so come along,
one hundred angels
sining that call
within your heart

Let that song
lift your spirit,
let it touch your soul

Angels, we are one
with the divine power

One hundred angels
lights are shining
plus yours makes
one hundred and one
We are all angels in the making, all on diffrent levels
David Irvin May 2019
Wow in ways
i've never saw that before,
a light it was brilliant
it captured my heart

I felt uplifted
I feel I could fly,
a wonderful feeling
I felt no pain

I fell from the cliff top
about two thousand feet,
it was dark at first
but then the light began to shine

I feel wonderful
there is nothing in my mind,
I feel free as a bird
I can see angels surround

There's a wonderful sound
like harps and a choir,
Is this heaven?
am I dead
for I still feel alive
David Irvin May 2019
Beauty in a peace
In a place to find,
A door to open
Listen to your heart

Some doors have no keys
They have no locks,
The way of opening
Just listen to
Your heart
David Irvin May 2019
Love which is our heaven
that place of peace it is divine.
May that peace be forever in our hearts
for love is the door to reach heaven

May your light be the truth
for us to be guided,
your light shines bright
like the sun

May your light
illuminate our darkness
that path we sometimes
have to go through

For your love
that's sent unconditionally
that joy makes our hearts
sing for more

We are all apart of your heart
that beat,
that's in tune with the universe

Your word
your power
it's called love,
may we never forget
we are all one

It's love
that bonds us together
that joy we are all
a part of you

Though art the light
your power is love
that doorway
it leads us to heaven

Forever with love
we live unto you
we are all
Looking at the lords prayer, these words came to me
David Irvin May 2019
Worlds apart
People lost,
things happen for a reason
yet we do not understand

Times are changing
People losing faith,
science seems to be
The new God

Everything explained
Knowledge written,
What happens
to the word of God

God’s in your heart
in everyone,
Speaking love
Why don’t you understand?

Physical we are not
molecules in space,
we are spirit with a body
not solid at all

Life a wonder
you will know,
not everything goes to plan

Spiritual a force to conquer
we all know that negative force

It stops many
in their tracks dead,
for only love will conquer fear

For in the end
all there is
Is Love
my dear friend
David Irvin May 2019
Looking at the depth of height

it's long way up


don't look down

Think of something else

think good thoughts 

not of the sky

definitely not the ground

Falling back up

on a ledge

where did I put my screwdriver

o dear it's on the ground

Shall jump at the window

will it break

or will I bounce

into outer space

Times I wish

I was a butterfly

not a care in the world

but love

©  David Neil Irvin
David Irvin May 2019
Friends come in all shapes and sizes

they're from all different backgrounds.

Some are big
and some are small

It's what they have in their hearts

that makes them tall.

Friends to the last

standing by your side,

fighting with you in battles

but don't runaway

Friends have beauty

they speak with heart

wonders they are

they do not judge,

they accept the way

you truly are
David Irvin May 2019
The things we do not think of
the life, the air we breathe.
All the things that happen in our life,
the good the bad and the strange.

Then the joy, the fun, and happiness
then the laughter,
then there's tears of sorrow.

All the angry thoughts
of what might happen tomorrow,
those thoughts that bring us fear.

Thank You for life and death
and those strange diseases,
They teach us
we are not invincible

But the greatest gift
is love to share,
To be as one
with all
David Irvin May 2019
Losing a battle
Winning a war
What joys in love
To explore

Life running smooth
Then you hit a bump,
Life a challenge
For you to uncover

Strength comes from within
Your heart is the door,
You can accomplish
Your love is the core

Joy is that song
Sing in your heart,
Know there’s no start
You create your world
David Irvin May 2019
It’s nearly done
The long road travelled
Seven years in making
Sweat ,blood and tears

Loads of fears
Of what to expect
What if nothing happens
no one wants to read

A deadline approaches
All the effort to inspire
No tire
keep going along
it's nearly done

It’s here at last
A gasp of air
The final draft
like a flash

Now marketing to be done
O dear
Another job
will it ever end
David Irvin Jun 2019
The first time
I saw a ghost
it was solid
not see through at all

It didn't frighten me
just sad
just looked at me

I first thought
it was dummy
not moving
just still

But the look
right through me,
as though I wasn't
meant to be there

The first time
of many
no fear
only love
David Irvin May 2019
Love a meaning
sometimes gets lost in translation,
your heart to understand
that voice
your soul speaks

We sometimes think
our love
instead of feeling,
not really expressing
just a word

We take love from someone
but do we give it back,
some are greedy
thay take all the love

Then there's people
that give and give
as though there is an abundance,
is there a world we enter into
like turning on a tap

Love within us
ourselves we need to give first,
for only then
can we truly
live love someone else
like a friend
Words of love from your heart not your mind. Taken from the ebook: Love is the voice of heaven forever and always we live
David Irvin May 2019
Words you speak
create your world
around you, listen with your heart
and be

Harsh words create a void
many slip into
and are lost

The world is made up of
diffrent cultures,
many words get lost
in translation

Words from the heart
are never lost,
that beauty
that enriches your soul

People afraid
to speak in love
strength in beauty
not all see

Words harsh sometimes
breaking, someones barrier

But it will return to them
just wait and see
David Irvin May 2019
This won't hurt
the dentist said

I trusted him

He said it wouldn't take long

I said I only got half hour

Two hour later 

he was still drilling away

The pain was excruciating
There was blood everywhere

He kept saying

You got deep roots

I said I know my ancestors

From years ago

Nearly there

He said an hour ago,

A root canal

It must of been a lake

The nurse was laughing

She was playing 
games on her phone,

She was only there for the gas

I wish I had some

Nearly done

As he puts his feet on my chest,

It need to come out

I wished
Then I passed out

© David Neil Irvin
David Irvin Jun 2019
I want to feel
your heartbeat like a song,
that wonder
I thought had gone

To walk along
the sands of time,
to feel your warmth
like summer

To be beside you
like a dream,
knowing each other
as one

what wonders in love
to hear you speak,
like an angel
please wrap your wings
around my being

For now
David Irvin May 2019
Beauty that feeling
your whole body tinggles
you feel you want to fly
the world is of song

Love a moment
it can last forever
but our mind
always gets in the way

Thinking sometimes block
a fear arives
we feel lost
when we could feel love

Experience come
some good
some bad
but it's how you deal with it
that shines your soul

We are on this earth
for a reason
perhaps you have lost your way

In time we all realise
we are complicated
we exist in two worlds

The physical and spiritual
a time in your life
you will come to know as one
David Irvin May 2019
Inner beauty your heart connects
A world within
Sometimes you will feel alone

But that power within
Never leaves
It’s only our thoughts
We think
Not the truth

Divine our light
Some people are aware
They feel the love
Like a breeze

Inner beauty
Our love to share
We are connected
But do people care

Anger and hatred
Wars and fears,
Tears in your heart
Sometimes tares us apart

Divine our connection
Every moment
We do not lose
When we die

We are eternal
Love is that power
A wonder to surprise
We’re still alive

Physical reality
Just one part of the plan,
Some day
some way
We will understand
David Irvin May 2019
Love never dies
when your feeling low,
When the world seems to heavy
and it's about to snow

Love is there waiting
to spring a surprise,
ready to capture
your heart
do not cry

Love never dies
when you feel you have lost,
For a battle you didn't win
But you could win a war

Love is everywhere
open your heart,
live at its your last day
for love lives in your heart
David Irvin May 2019
When we depart the earth
we come together
death is just a word

Within a beat of your heart
we live within your love,
we are closer than you could imagine

In every heartbeat
in every tear,
we're living in your memories
you hold dear

We love within your life
we feel your pain
and sorrow,
we know your world
for it is our own

We live within you
in your love
we breathe,
in every heartbeat
we love your life

You're never alone
in a beat of your heart,
we live within your love
for it's forever
When our time is up, we don't just disaprear. Death is just a word, for our spirit lives on forever
David Irvin Jun 2019
What inner joy
lay in your depths,
those wonders
that capture my heart
and sing

Moments in anticipation
of your touch,
to feel your sweet lips
against my skin

We are together
in heart
we beat at one
in soul

Worlds within worlds
your beauty speaks,
not words
but feelings
like the break of dawn

Knowing your beauty
as a song in my heart,
lets sing together
forever in
David Irvin May 2019
Time with you was like heaven
a bed of roses everyday,
joy was always in my heart

I lived to love
there was no dark,
beauty sand in my soul
no words
could truly describe

But now I am lost
you went away,
you never said
goodbye that day

We argued about
something trivial,
a silly thing
nothing at all

I left not thinking
not to see you anymore,
we'd always been together
since we were kids

I wished I hadn't of argued,
I wish things
could of been diffrent

A time I am now at a loss
for now you're in heaven
God took you back

Will you wait for me?
for I don't know
how long i've got

I sit and think
of you beauty,
how you brought wonder
to my life

I wish the words I speak
reaches you
somehow in heaven

Will you wait for me
If I am late,
I will always love you
Sometimes it's when we lose things, that we truly cherish what we had. Taken from the ebook: Love is the voice of heaven forever and always we live
David Irvin May 2019
You are the meaning
to the world of my love,
like the moon that shines bright
high above

You twinkle like a star
in the nights sky,
I wish upon your light
to guide be safe

I see your love
in people's eye's,
in children playing
that wonder to behold

You bring joy into my heart
that truth I know,
like the sun that shines bright
on a summers day,
that warm glow

I know you're close
I feel the warmth in my heart,
for your love
that wonder
that lights my soul

In darkness you're there
lighting the way clear,
in love and always
you beat within my heart

Troubles and wars
you hold me close,
in grief
you wipe away my tears
you bring laughter to my soul

You're there when I need you
you hear my hearts call

For death is only a word
for within my love,
you live again
once more
Love cannot be broken in death. Taken from the ebook: Love is the voice of heaven forever and always we live
David Irvin May 2019
Inspirational words
from spirit
through the beauty
of your heart

That inner place
that preace
called love
David Irvin May 2019
Are you there?
I hear you calling me,
I can’t seem to find you
Am I lost?

But I feel you near
I hear your Heartbeat,
I feel your beauty
Why can’t I see your face?

I know that love
It’s overpowering,
I feel lost
Without your touch

You left me
You went back to heaven,
I miss you so much

Will I survive?
That quake
That soul love

We were one
Now we’re apart,
Days are dark
Without your light

You were my star to guide
But now I’m lost,
I send a prayer to God
To feel your loving essence

Then I feel warmth
in my heart,
Feelings of words form
A voice of love speaks

You’re still with me
by my side
For our hearts beat as one


— The End —