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David Irvin May 2019
Inner beauty your heart connects
A world within
Sometimes you will feel alone

But that power within
Never leaves
It’s only our thoughts
We think
Not the truth

Divine our light
Some people are aware
They feel the love
Like a breeze

Inner beauty
Our love to share
We are connected
But do people care

Anger and hatred
Wars and fears,
Tears in your heart
Sometimes tares us apart

Divine our connection
Every moment
We do not lose
When we die

We are eternal
Love is that power
A wonder to surprise
We’re still alive

Physical reality
Just one part of the plan,
Some day
some way
We will understand
David Irvin May 2019
Heaven a peace
within your heart,
a piece of beauty
a place of art

A place you can connect anytime
just think of love
it’s Divine

A wonder to reach
a joy to be,
loved ones and friends
are a thought away

Heaven a peace
like no other place,
Heaven is God’s Peace
Love .
David Irvin May 2019
May the force be with you?
May Love be your guide?
May joy lift your soul?
and your heart be at one

For God is within you
Not on a cloud,
God is Love
That feeling is awesome

Has God
touched your heart?
and brought peace to your soul

That peace we all need
To lift our spirits high,
A wonder to know
That you can never
ever die

Our love carries on
into Heaven,
a place you can reach
Through your loving thoughts

Love is that voice
From our hearts
God speaks

Let that power guide you
Let that power
Forever Love
Be you
David Irvin May 2019
Are you there?
I hear you calling me,
I can’t seem to find you
Am I lost?

But I feel you near
I hear your Heartbeat,
I feel your beauty
Why can’t I see your face?

I know that love
It’s overpowering,
I feel lost
Without your touch

You left me
You went back to heaven,
I miss you so much

Will I survive?
That quake
That soul love

We were one
Now we’re apart,
Days are dark
Without your light

You were my star to guide
But now I’m lost,
I send a prayer to God
To feel your loving essence

Then I feel warmth
in my heart,
Feelings of words form
A voice of love speaks

You’re still with me
by my side
For our hearts beat as one

David Irvin May 2019
This won't hurt
the dentist said

I trusted him

He said it wouldn't take long

I said I only got half hour

Two hour later 

he was still drilling away

The pain was excruciating
There was blood everywhere

He kept saying

You got deep roots

I said I know my ancestors

From years ago

Nearly there

He said an hour ago,

A root canal

It must of been a lake

The nurse was laughing

She was playing 
games on her phone,

She was only there for the gas

I wish I had some

Nearly done

As he puts his feet on my chest,

It need to come out

I wished
Then I passed out

© David Neil Irvin
David Irvin May 2019
Looking at the depth of height

it's long way up


don't look down

Think of something else

think good thoughts 

not of the sky

definitely not the ground

Falling back up

on a ledge

where did I put my screwdriver

o dear it's on the ground

Shall jump at the window

will it break

or will I bounce

into outer space

Times I wish

I was a butterfly

not a care in the world

but love

©  David Neil Irvin
David Irvin May 2019
Worlds apart
People lost,
things happen for a reason
yet we do not understand

Times are changing
People losing faith,
science seems to be
The new God

Everything explained
Knowledge written,
What happens
to the word of God

God’s in your heart
in everyone,
Speaking love
Why don’t you understand?

Physical we are not
molecules in space,
we are spirit with a body
not solid at all

Life a wonder
you will know,
not everything goes to plan

Spiritual a force to conquer
we all know that negative force

It stops many
in their tracks dead,
for only love will conquer fear

For in the end
all there is
Is Love
my dear friend
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