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395 · May 2019
Knowing yourself
Raj May 2019
Knowing yourself gives the direction to our our soul path .

Knowing yourself gives the happiness of our soul.

Knowing yourself gives the meaning to our living life.
318 · May 2019
Raj May 2019
Everything comes with cost.
Even the food we eat,
The clothes,
The books,
The house,
Even the love and friendship seeks cost to develop ,that cost is faith and belief in other people.
Relationship are the reflection of our mutual understanding in the mirror of relationships.
Develop a relationship which has more elasticity,
That is worth living feeling , isn't it.
278 · May 2019
Raj May 2019
Love is collection of sweat and lovely moments which made from heart.
Faith is buliding block of love.
276 · Jul 2019
Everyone comes with purpose
Raj Jul 2019
-Everything has purpose.
-God sends the"angel of  life" in everyone life for a life to live a beautiful ambitious life.
-Any thing happens around us for a particular reason to bring you to your destined destiny.
Every people comes in our life with some hidden powerful purpose ,
         # Some comes to teach us the
             important lessons of life.
         #Some to give us the
             required  love.
         #some  to save us from trouble.
         # and several others purposes.
Some believe it
Some not
-depend on one choice...
But i'm sure these things matter in everyone life in hidden ways.
239 · May 2019
Raj May 2019
Time can build anything.

Time can ruin anything.

It has power to change to everything.

It has most powerful weapon even form the nuclear
Because it can ruin nuclear too

It can change people too
Me and you are best example

For me it is the best gift god has given
That is make your time by yourself,
Some had done,you know their name

Some Like you and me on their way.
236 · May 2019
Free mind- bird
Raj May 2019
Free mind is like a independent bird.

Free to do ,what's comes next in his way ,
Be like bird in your thoughts.
235 · May 2019
A student life ...
Raj May 2019
A student life has many phases.
a sincere and responsible student.
a solitude loner in the world.
a  struggler of success.,
on way to know real myself.,

a good child to fulfill his parents dream ,for which they are waiting since long time.

a revolutionist towards negative norms around us.,

to become a good man.
A match with competition so to get a good job.

A student life isn't that easy as it looks
He deals with many challenges which makes a survival of fittest for the upcoming world for him.
224 · Jul 2019
Life -meaning to u
Raj Jul 2019
Life is beautiful.
         Isn't it?? Ask from traveler.
#Life is honourable.
         Isn't it? Ask from officer.
#Life is hard.
         Isn't it ?ask from labour.
#Life is name of opportunities.
         Isn't it ?ask from sportsperson.
#Life is always a new lesson.
        Isn't it ?ask from learner.
#Life is name of creating a invention.
        Isn't it ?ask from scientist.
#Life is name of love.
        Isn't it?ask from lover.
#life is name of serving in border.
        Isn't it ? Ask from soldier.
Life has a different meaning all the people living all over and living it to fullest.
200 · May 2019
Without you...
Raj May 2019
I saw you coming towards me.
First ,You gave me a pleasurable then it became worst living felling.
I didn't know it was short period.
Then, it became an unbearable pain with fathomless bottom.
I tried a lot to search the bottom of that feeling to throw it far.
But it all was as we all why ,it had fathomless base.
It tried to **** me without you.
I know all that,
I know all that  but ,
I mind tells to left over from that lovely feeling ,but my heart resist it.
I know it takes time to build myself to immune it without you.
But I will build surely.
Myself without you, my love.
185 · May 2019
Ya ...found out...
Raj May 2019
Ya ya. Ya I have found something .
Living a life has two reasons.

1. To find the work or u call call it purpose ,mission ,that god has assigned to us.
2. To complete the task to full fattom.

If you have found out ,then have a privilege to  comment below.
171 · May 2019
Be thankful...
Raj May 2019
What if you not born in world
Be thankful To your parents.

What if you were disabled
Be thankful to your body.

What if you were illiterate
Be thankful to your teacher.

What if you were any other creature.
Be thankful to be god.

Be thankful to all things that  you have.
168 · May 2019
I see...
Raj May 2019
I see a world in front of my eyes don't know who made it ,but know who made me .

I can see the hopes of better future in my mother's eyes.

So I'm running toward finding the better future.

But it is not that much easy,as we had read the stories in the childhood.

The real world is much-much  different from our beliefs, dreams,hopes and thoughts.

What we wants ,it doesn't gets to us easily as breakfast and the somosa.
Fight till empty strength,,it never comes because God has given us word infinity is our strength.

A day will come when we would be standing on our childhood's home and praising our struggle and remembering those beautiful and sily days, when we were sily.
157 · May 2019
Raj May 2019
A day will come when u will be not here .

A great person known by world for his work only ,, other things comes next.
139 · May 2019
Raj May 2019
Physically weak can be neglected to some extent but morally and intellectually can make a big impact on one's life.
So focused on building the immunitable aspect.
124 · May 2019
I have got ...
Raj May 2019
I got  something ,,u know

I got something remarkable ,do you know what's it is

I have got something which can
change anyone ,u know what it is...

I have got which makes huge impact on others ,u know. What that is ...

We have mind ( A POWERFUL BRAIN )

— The End —