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247 · Mar 2020
Tammy Mar 2020
In a panic she jumps out of bed, awakened by the popping of fire.
Trapped in her house quickly burning, the flames grow hotter and higher.

It engulfs her home with fury, destroying all she had built.
So many years up in flames, suffocate her now with guilt.

She had carelessly left in the hall, candles of fear to burn low.
Old wires of self doubt in the attic, should have been repaired long ago.


Flames jump in her path all around, chasing her to the window.
She is forced out on the ledge, 
as neighbors gather below.

Her peers and family judge her,  believing her jump is her doom.
“Stay there and wait” they shout, “Help will be here soon!”

Their ground is stable. Thier air is clean, 
while thick smoke fills her lungs.
Many see and point, but can not feel, the pain of  flaming sharp tongues.


Emotions jump wild through her heart, 
as the tears boil  down her face.
Death sweetly whispers “peace” in her ear,
with arms outstretched for embrace.

But to her own surprise she rises, looks Death in the eye and shakes
an angry fist to all and cries…
“Every bone I have may break"…

…."and I may not survive this fall, 
but I’ll no longer wait to be saved!
Broken and crippled, I’d rather live,
than to melt to a cowardly grave!”

And she JUMPS….

You could hear a pin drop as she leaped, 
out in faith that hot summer night.
Some people prayed, while most looked away. 
I had never seen such a sight!

Did she fall 3 stories down to her death?
Or did she only break a few bones?
Ask yourself what you would have done 
out on that ledge all alone.

No matter how slim the chances, 
or how much you think it will hurt,
face your fears and rescue yourself. 
Of living and love, you are worth.

127 · Mar 2020
Monkey Business
Tammy Mar 2020
Do you scoff at the monkey 

clinging to my back?

And do you think his presence

is strength that I lack?

Ignorance is weakness

and you reek of its stench.

I don’t know your stuggles

And you don’t know my strength.

Pretending to be shocked,

you gawk and stare at me,

with my ever crazy monkey,

while yours tries to succeed.

Or are you the class clown

that needs to laugh and mock, 

at the expense of others,

so amused by my mug shot.

Before you cast your judgments

on your pedestal so high,

let’s take a look at all 

the monkeys that you hide.

Pills, pills, everywhere

from the good ‘ole doc.

That’s how the “better half”

of society like to rock.

And isn’t it a shame…

Curious George has gone wild,

playing in a Google jungle,

with his world wide web of lies.

Weekly drama overdoses,

that glamorize a world of crime,

with your children in the room,

and you call it “Family time”.

And you knew this was coming… 

Over eaters who refuse,

to believe they have a monkey

and ignore their health issues.

Or maybe your monkey

is cute and hard to see…

Like all you shop-a-holics

who get high on QVC.

Have I said enough?

Or should I pick up the pace,

with more evil little games

that monkeys love to play.


Worried Winos, Workaholics…

Poker Nights and Prayer Group Gossip,

Steroid Freaks, Casino Junkies,

Candy Crush obsessed monkeys…

Girls night out and Man Caves

are sweet bites that lies crave,

Cheating Hearts, Lying Eyes,

***** Mouths, and Idle Minds,

Jealousy and Vanity, 

Rebellion, Pride, and 

Selfish Me…

This monkey business could destroy

your nice civilized values…

So don’t you dare judge me, 

inside your monkey zoo!
126 · Dec 2019
Hi-Tech Tragedy
Tammy Dec 2019
I’ve traded simple treasures,
for a byte of Apple’s pleasures.
I'm in high speed hurry
to find high tech worries.
I’ve given up social innocence
for a world wide web stimulant.
I don’t talk or show emotions.
I just text with my emojis.
Photo albums have been replaced
with Dell’s memory data base.
Our kids can’t even sign their names,
yet we look the other way in shame.
Don’t want to strain or use your mind?
Just google it, and save some time.
Games and apps infest like pests.
Imaginations are laid to rest.
We don't compute or understand
if its not an email, text, or scanned.
Like a wild west tragedy,
the Gate’s Gang of technology
took our towns, our homes and schools...
and turned us into cyber fools.
We play the IPhone/Android wars
just like the Hatfields and McCoys.
I hope my laptop doesn't die,
before I can complete this rhyme.
I have to warn the world of dangers.
I'll be a wild west high tech Ranger!
Its time to open up our eyes
and let technology hang high!
So please without further ado...
free yourselves and say, "YAHOOOOO"!

— The End —