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194 · Mar 2019
And the Angels Wept for Her
AKPoetry Mar 2019
And the angels wept for her
She who gave the stars their shine
She who kept the storms in line
She who gave the gems their luster
All the angels wept for her

And the shadows wept for her
She who sang for all the ******
She for whom the church bells clanged
She whose face was just a blur
All the shadows wept for her

And the rainclouds wept for her
She who walked on air and grace
She who knew not sword nor mace
She whose thoughts were all a stir
All the rainclouds wept for her

And the angels wept for her
She who is no longer here
She whose voice you’ll never hear
She whose name is now a slur
All the angels wept for her
AKPoetry Apr 2019
Take my heart to the Heartsmith
He'll know what to do
Torn and scarred as it is
I ought to have thrown it away
And yet I haven't
Why is that?
So that more people can crush it
Like it is the filth of the earth under their boots?
So that every passing second can add
Another streak of tears down its side?
Take my heart to the Heartsmith
He'll know what to do
Dry and discolored as it is
I ought to have locked it up
And yet I haven't
Why is that?
So that it may live to see
Another sunset end without its saving grace?
So that it may endlessly hope
For a knight in shining armor
And only get his blade inside it?
Take my heart to the Heartsmith
He'll know what to do.
153 · May 2019
Violet Storm
AKPoetry May 2019
Violet petals strewn around
The beat of a heart echoing endlessly
A touch, a touch, a momentary madness
Am I to be a lamb to the slaughter
Or the first flower of spring?
A momentary madness
Yet the moment drags on
It shouldn't happen
Should it?
Us both are flowers
Violet flowers
With our petals in a storm
bonus points if you can figure out what violets mean in terms of love
146 · Mar 2019
You Are Not Dreaming
AKPoetry Mar 2019
Never forget
The whisper of a thousand stars courses through your veins
Open your eyes and embrace the memories you lost long ago
Are you dreaming?

Never forget
The roar of a thousand oceans rages in your mind
Clench your fists and speak your words as if they are the truth
Are you dreaming?

Never forget
The peace of a thousand sunsets sings in your heart
Raise your hands and smile against the fading light
Are you dreaming?

Never forget
You are not dreaming.
Yet what would you do if you were?
this format might get boring after a while. oh well.
134 · Apr 2019
Worth It
AKPoetry Apr 2019
When every inhale brings pins down my throat
And every exhale leaves needles in my gut
I have to ask myself
How is this worth it?

When the unseen hand takes a shard of flint
And strikes it against my sandpaper heart
I have to ask myself
How is this worth it?

When the inside of my soul is stretched and scratched
And my smile starts cracking with the weight of lies
I have to ask myself
How is this worth it?

When I gave you the key to my mind's palace
And you let it clatter to the ground from your hand
I have to ask myself
How is this worth it?

When every metallic clang from the key
Urges another demon to add another lock
I have to ask myself
How is this worth it?

When the demon I live with is face to face with me
And the smile of satisfaction stretches his face
I am not convinced
That this is worth it.

— The End —