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1.1k · Apr 2019
Fake Apologize
Ashley Apr 2019
Its too late for your "I'm so sorry"
Its to late for your words coated with lies
Its far to late for your "I have changed I promise"  

You put me through so much pain
You told me it was all my fault
You made me feel worthless

I let you put me through the ringer more times then I can count
I let you tear me down brick by brick
The damage you created was catastrophic

Every part of me was destroyed
but I was so blinded by my love for you
I couldn't see all the scars you had placed on my heart

The day you left I felt my heart start to bleed
All the pain came rushing in
All the scars you placed began to hurt

I bandaged my self up and kept moving
I pretended to be fine
but with each passing day I felt the pain more deeply

No you wanna come back again
You come slithering in like a snake
Ready to strangle the life out of me

But I have become immune to your venom
The toxicity you brought to my life
Will never inhabit within me again

I have grown and became someone you have never known
I know my worth and all I have to offer to someone
That someone just is not you
582 · Apr 2019
Ashley Apr 2019
Goodbyes are the hardest part
Seeing you walk towards the door
I can feel my heart beat in my ears

You are one step from the door
Everything in me wants to yell
Stop please don't leave me

Silently I scream
I knew that even you stayed
Life would never be the same

Your love left long before you did
For months you were just phoning it in
Your love for me was nothing but fabricated
191 · Mar 2019
Ashley Mar 2019
Even though we are long past
The thought of you takes me back
Can I ever be as happy as I was with you

When I was with you my heart skipped a beat
Butterflies filled my tummy
My mind would race with thoughts

To be with you was all I wanted
Every second of everyday
To just lay in your arms, that was the place I wanted to stay

You're smile was the best part of my day
You're laugh was so amazing I couldn't help but laugh with you  
You're heart was soft and kind that I couldn't help but fall for you

When people talk about falling in love I didn't think it would hurt this bad
I didn't know that falling for you would make my heart break like this
I didn't realize how loving you could break every part of me

In the end I was left questioning myself
Am I loved?  
Am I to much to handle?
Am I enough to make you happy

I questioned the very essence of my being
Loving you turned into hating myself
Something that I will struggle to fix the rest of my life

You made me feel less then what I was
For that is now something that is stitched on my heart
I now have made it a mission to never feel like that again

Because of you I fear love
Because of you I run from commitment
Because of you I know what its like to feel true heart break

Will I ever be able to allow myself to love again
Will this scar on my heart ever heal
Or will I forever be afraid to love with all my heart like I loved you

How is it that I could feel both extremes with you
How could I feel what it was like to truly love someone and also feel complete heart break with them
How is it that you could be the very one to fill my heart and break it

Trust is so fragile so easily broken
Because of that I have not loved as deeply sense you
I have been to afraid to feel heart break

Trust is such a frail thing and because of you I find it hard to trust him
What if he is the one that's supposed to love me forever
What if I'm missing out on so much because of you
168 · Jul 2019
The Past
Ashley Jul 2019
I look back on all that we shared
the smiles the laughs the heartbreak and misery and
even though it has come to an end I wouldn't take any of it back

The memories we made are some I will cherish forever
sometimes all it takes is a smell to bring me back
to the times you would hold me so tight

Sometimes all it takes is a word to send me spiraling back
to all the late night talks that we one had
were nothing seemed like it could ever be bad

Sometimes all it takes is a name to send me done memory lane
The way you used to say my name so soft and so sweet
it rolled of your tongue like you were always meant to say it

Even though all of the times we shared are not great I cant help but think about you so fondly
you were once the love of my life and for that reason  I wouldn't take it back
My past with you is what has made me who I am

That is one of the many reasons I want to thank you
The day you broke my heart was the day I became stronger
Because of you I know what love is and what it isn't
156 · Mar 2019
Never Me
Ashley Mar 2019
When will it finally be me?
When will you stop looking at her and choose me?
Why is it always her and never me

Is it her natural dark hair
Or maybe her soft smile and kind heart
Or maybe just maybe there is something wrong with me

Maybe you see all the imperfections that I see
Maybe you can point out all my flaws
Most people can so why not you too?

Why did I have to fall for your stupid charm
Why did my heart smile when I saw you
When will I break this spell, you have on me

Is it wrong for me to still want you to hold me
Or am I just trying to comfort myself
Or am I just living out a lie in my mind

Most of the time I think I’m enough
Maybe to you I never will be
Maybe to you ill just be a memory
156 · Mar 2019
Ashley Mar 2019
You spoke my name so soft and gentle
Your smooth words like butter
To the outside world you were a smooth criminal

But to me your words were sharper then glass
They cut straight through my flesh
Wounds that no one could see but that I could feel

Your words were like knifes into my chest
With each word the cut grew deeper
What I felt with you wasn't heartache it was heart break

All I wanted was to lay with you for hours
To place my head on your chest and hear your heart beat
But all you wanted was to feel my heart break

Your love was what I craved but
What I got in return was a knife through the heart
A cut so straight forward and so clean

You left me there with a knife in my chest
A wound I had to patch by myself
Empty and broken is how I was left

A wound that has now some what healed
the scar on my heart still remains
Even though you left so long ago

Trust issues are woven in the edge of that scar
laced with insecurities
a wound I will carry with me forever

The scar you left scares others away
No man can come close to my heart
They fear that the wound will start to bleed

Your word effect not only my past but my future
to the outside world you were a smooth criminal
But to me you were just the opposite you were a monster
151 · Feb 2020
Power of Words
Ashley Feb 2020
Your words are like glass
cutting through the air

Quick to catch my attention
Quick to make me notice you

Your soft tone
and gentle pace

Never to fast
but always intentional

Your kind smile
and a gentle heart

I cant help but smile when i see you
I cant help but laugh when your near
150 · Mar 2019
Ashley Mar 2019
When I look into your eyes all I can see is the reflection of her
Her blonde hair and blue eyes stare back at me
Locked in your gaze

How I long to be the reflection in your eyes
To be caught in your gaze
But can I really blame you
Her beauty is undeniable

If you were to look into me eyes you would see yourself
Dark brown hair and green eyes
I feel under your spell
Completely caught in your charm
Your captivating smile makes my heart melt

How is it that I want you when all you want is her
How is it that even though I see her in your eyes I'm defenseless

What does she have that I don't
Is it her light hair
Is it the way she laughs  
Is it her mesmerizing beauty

Or am I just not enough in your eyes
Am I too flawed
Am I too broken
Am I not pretty enough

Reflection is a tricky thing
Occasionally I can trick myself into thinking its my reflection I see in your eyes
That I am the one who catches your eye but that is just deception
142 · Apr 2019
Ashley Apr 2019
I need a break
A break from these people
A break from seeing them everyday

I need time away from seeing him look at her
I need space from the voices of victory
I need to be removed form the place I am in

I can't keep living in this place anymore
I feel as though the walls are closing in on me
I feel like I can't breath

Seeing her be with him is painful
Hearing her words coated with victory when she says your name
Seeing that glimmer in your eyes when you see her walk in the room kills me

Some day I just want to be the one that someone looks at like that
I want to be the one that someone talks about
I want someone to be the one that has the victory

Until then I will sit here with the walls constricting me
I will sit here and listen to your word cutting through my flesh
I will be here wait for that day to come
138 · Apr 2019
Ashley Apr 2019
They always say distance makes the heart grow founder
Me myself I don't believe that
The distance that separates you from me is anything but cruel

How I long to be near you
How I long to smell your cologne
How I long to hear your heart beat when we hug

I miss hearing they way you say my name
I miss you always being around
Why is it again that this distance must separate use

How I cant wait to see you again
In heaven is where I will see your face
A little piece of my heart is up there with you

My heart will be restored
When I enter into you presence again
Even though I cant feel you I know you are always with me
135 · Apr 2019
Passing Ships
Ashley Apr 2019
I walk past you everyday
Your radiant smile catches my eye
The way you carry yourself is so striking

Do you notice me the same way I notice you
Is my smile enough to have your heart skip a beat
Is my laugh enough to make you smile

When you laugh I feel my heart beat faster
When you look at me I begin to melt
When you drive I cant help but want to ride with you

What is it you see when you look at me
A girl so mesmerized by you
Or will you just look right on through

Maybe we are just passing ships
Never to dock on the shore
We are to continue sailing right on through
128 · Apr 2019
Spot Light
Ashley Apr 2019
Slowly I begin to pace
Why did I sign up for this
I am not ready for this

I peak through the curtain
I see a full house
My stomach begins to turn to knots

What am I gonna do?
I can't breath... I'm feeling shaky
My palms are sweating

Why am I about to preform on this stage?  
Who was it that talked me into this?
Ugh I can be so stupid sometimes

I hear the music begin to play
Quickly I take center stage
Slowly the curtain opens

I try to speck but nothing happens
I try to sing but no sound is heard
Until I look over and see your smile

Your here, You actually came
I say my line again and this time its audible
I make it through the performance with easy

Back to my dressing room I run
When I get there you are stand in the center of the room
With flowers and chocolates

I run and hug you.
It has been far to long since I have seen you.
You embrace me with open arms

I have missed you big embrace
I missed the way you smell
The way you laughed at how I got excited about little things

Slowly I being to wake up
to bad it was all just a dream
to bad your just a distant memory
128 · Jul 2019
Ashley Jul 2019
I grew up reading fairytales filled with happy endings
I believed that when things came to an end I would be happy
But looking back on all the things that have ended all I have is misery

The day you left everyone said I would be fine
but I felt my heart shatter the day you died
Something broke inside me that could never be fixed

I tried so many things to glue my heart back together
I tried drinking away the pain I tried forgetting about how special you were to me
but nothing seemed to work there was this hole I couldn't fill

I would lay awake at night remembering all that you had said
memories floated through my head
Why did you have to leave so soon

You were here one day and gone the next
you were gone in the blink of an eye
you missed out on watching me grow

I often times wonder what it would have been like if you stayed
but then I remember that your not coming back and that hole in my heart shall remain until the day I meet you in the sky

Sometimes endings are cruel and cold
they seal away what you once held dear
and make you shed a tear
121 · Apr 2019
Ashley Apr 2019
The day you left you
You not only left tire marks on the road
You left them on my heart

The mark of you was left
I watched you walk out the door
With tears in my eyes

I wanted to yell
I wanted to scream
But I swallowed the lump in my throat

Tear stained eyes
Broken hearted
That's how you left me  

Three years together fell apart in seconds
Your love that once was so strong now flees from you so quickly
The day you slammed the door my heart shattered

There are times I go back to that moment
I watch you leave
I watch my heart break from outside of myself

Longing for the outcome to be different
Wishing you wouldn't race out of here so quickly
I was hoping you would turn around and come back to me

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
But I don't care I will continue to go back to that place
Hoping that things will change

Hope is a dangerous thing
Every time I go back with hopes high
My heart gets crushed a little more

One day when I go back
That last bit of my heart will break
But until then I shall continue to go back with hopes high
114 · Mar 2019
Ashley Mar 2019
When I asked him for space I didn't want the sky
I only wanted a gap between him and I
When I asked for space I didn't mean forever

Space is what I was granted
But the space he gave was the sky
He didn't separate himself from me

He instead gave me love
A love I could not receive
A love that made me hide

A love that drove me far from him
A space was no longer what I needed
A separation between was what I seek

He was not the problem
His love was not wrong
But intern it was me who was in the wrong

The love that he wanted from me I couldn't feel
A love that he craved was not in my heart
I knew in that moment it was time for us to part

Space is such a funny thing
Space can mean so many things
How could one know the space that you mean
112 · Jun 2019
Ashley Jun 2019
Sometimes I get lost in the memories I made
Sometimes I get so lost I forget that time has paced since then
I forget that things have changed

I forget that there are things that separate us
There is someone that has invaded
I try to forget but late at night as I lie awake the line gets blurred

I forget my wake back to the real world
I don't want to return to the place where everything changed
How I long to stay in this memory with you forever

I long to feel you kiss on my lips
I long to hear your heart race when I was in your arms
The only place I can come close is to go back

To run back to those memories is dangerous
when I come back to reality its like feeling you leave all over again
but the feeling I have when I am there has no comparison

I never thought that I would be like this  
We had this dream of a life together
A life I was sure we would share

I never thought I would have to visit the memories of us I felt as though I would be able to always feel your kisses
but I let myself get to far ahead

Sometimes I wonder if you do the same thing...
Do you think back to what we had
do you long to feel me kiss you and hear the way my heart beat was when I was in your arms

Do you miss me falling asleep next to you
Do you miss they way I said your name
Do you miss the little things we did together

Sometimes I let my mind slip to the idea that you and I are possible
I let myself believe for a brief minute we could fix things
but then I have to remember that we are always just going to be a distant memory.
112 · Aug 2019
You and Me
Ashley Aug 2019
There was always something about your green eyes
they always made me think about you and me
Is there something between us or is it all in my mind

There were so many things about you that made me want you
your laugh, your smile, they way you said my name
It really captured my heart. I wished with all my heart to be yours

They way you talked about her was what I always wanted
to her the way you loved her was something that I always craved
To hear you cry over the way she hurt you breaks me

All I want to do is tell you how much I love you
but I know that what help because your still so hurt
all I want to do is hold you in my arms but all you wanna be is with her

So here I am on the phone listening to the way she hurt you
knowing that I can never have you
knowing there is no story of you and me
111 · Dec 2019
Ashley Dec 2019
Broken or whole
Isolation or exposure
the middle line is blurred
I so easily float between the extremes
why cant I stay in one spot
whole and exposed
calm and content
105 · Jun 2019
Lost Girl
Ashley Jun 2019
All the empty space between these walls
Filled with secrets I cant escape from
I have lost the person I used to be.

I fill all these empty rooms with self doubt
I tried to lock it all in
The rooms are filled, they leak at the seams

The more I try to run, the more I try to hide
The more I get lost inside my own mind
Running away from you has me trapped inside.

I see you there with her and the rooms inside my mind
burst open and flood every inch
I become that lost girl I never wanted to be.

I am lost inside the deep dark parts of my mind
I feel like a child walking at night
Scared of what I might find if I creep around the corner just to far.

Afraid that around the corner I might find the memories
that I try so hard to hide  
The memories of you and I

I loved you so much I almost wish I never met you
I almost wish I could erase the memories that we made
but a small part of me wants to hold on to the times we had

I want to hold on to the way you made me feel
to hold tight to the way you used to make me laugh
the way you looked at me like you had stars in your eyes

The day you left I cried
Every time I see you that memory floods my mind
my heart shattered that day when it hit the ground

The day you walked away I changed
I built walls so high
I decided the only way to protect my feelings was to not have them

I figured it would stop my heart from breaking every time I saw you
To bad those walls only shut everyone else out
but with you it kept you locked inside

I feel as though I cant escape that feeling
I feel as though this lost girl shall remain inside
Scared to move on, scared to forget

Scared that she might never feel the same way she did
the way she felt with you
Maybe that Lost Girl is who I was always meant to be
103 · Sep 2020
Middle Ground
Ashley Sep 2020
I am stuck
stuck between two friends

What do I say
What do I do

trying to hold the world together
well I fall apart
98 · Sep 2020
Ashley Sep 2020
I used to get lost in the lights of the night
Now I get lost in your eyes
The way the light reflects off them is so mesmerizing

How they change from ocean blue to an icy shade
How there are little specks of black that float through

Like little ships passing in the night
Such detail is shown in those little circles

I am captivated and cannot look away
Do you notice just how much I stare

Or just how much I would do to make you stay
you have caught my attention
95 · Feb 2020
Ashley Feb 2020
I am what I am
because of what has formed me

Just like a rock I to smooth out with the storm
I get washed away like dirt on the shore

Like a diamond I get better through the pressure
I can weather the storm with God in my heart

Shaped and molded
Crafted and crushed

Broken and bruised
Battered and torn

Never the less I shall rise
Like the ashes of a phoenix

I will rise and be firm in the storm
Because my eyes are fixed on God
88 · Jan 2020
Ashley Jan 2020
Affection comes in many forms
from light touches to long hugs
from flirty glances to long stares

from back rubs to him running his fingers through my hair
a playful poking of my side to the soft punches I place on his arm
from the soft giggles to the belly laughs I have when I'm with him
from the brushing of hands to the boops he places on my nose

These forms of affection cause my heart to leap
it beats faster and faster whenever he is near
I try not to let him affect me
but his smile and eyes are just so captivating

Lost in all these forms of affection
my heart races at the thought of him
forever wishing he felt the same as me
87 · Sep 2020
Seeing Ghost
Ashley Sep 2020
Was that you I saw in my mirror as I looked down
or was my mind just playing tricks on me

You have been gone for so long
I almost cant remember just how long

Your ghost follows me all around
but only in the most wanted times

are you up looking down me
or is that just wishful thinking

maybe I don't actually see your ghost at all
maybe my mins is just a tricky place

where I just want you there so bad
I start to think you are actually here.
87 · Feb 2020
Ashley Feb 2020
When you told my you liked her I had to pretend
You didn't know my feelings for you so i pressed them deep
I looked at you and told you it was okay

I wanted to run I wanted to cry
but I couldn't let you see me vulnerable because you couldn't know
I couldn't let you know you hurt me

I couldn't let you see me broken
I couldn't let you know that you had caught my attention
because I knew you would try to comfort me

All I wanted was to run towards your open arms
but I knew that I couldn't confide in you this time
so I walked towards the door

I was deflated and hopeless
why is it always my friends
why cant you just look at me and see something worth while

I continued to pretend everything was fine
even when I saw you flirt with her
deep down it was breaking my heart
86 · Feb 2020
Ashley Feb 2020
How is it that you caught my eye?
Was it your gentle heart
or your willingness to serve

Was it your need to make me laugh
or the way you carry yourself so tall
or maybe it was your soft warm hugs were I can listen to your

Or maybe it was your green eyes that captured my attention
maybe it was the smile you always wear
or maybe you just creeped up on me one day

I could get lost in your eyes anytime of the day
I could listen to you talk about cars for hours
I would even sit in the cold to keep you company as you work

Could it be that my heart fell for the very thing I cant have
maybe our friendship is all that is for me
but part of me hopes that you would fell for me what I feel for you
80 · Sep 2020
Ashley Sep 2020
They always say distance makes the heart grow founder
Me myself I don't believe
That distance that separates you from me is anything but cruel

How I long to be near you
How I long to smell your cologne
How I long to hear your heart beat when we hug

I miss hearing they way you say my name
I miss you always being around
Why is it again that this distance must separate use

How I cant wait to see you again
In heaven is where I will see your face
A little piece of my heart is up there with you

My heart will be restored
When I enter into you presence again
Even though I cant feel you I know you are always with me
80 · Sep 2020
Ashley Sep 2020
Pressure, Pressure, Pressure
all around all I feel is pressure

Pressure to succeed
Pressure to be the best

Crack, Crack, Crack
the more weight the more I begin to crack

Be yourself but not to weird
Love but don't get hurt

Smile but make sure your happy
Laugh but don't draw attention

How am I supposed to hold my self together
when I feel as though I am about to burst at the seams
75 · Oct 2019
My God
Ashley Oct 2019
What is going to happen when i leave this place
change has never been a place that i thrive
I often question what is going to happen after I leave my home

Will I be able to make it on my own?
Will I be able to handle the things that come my way?
Or will I just trip and fall.

Will the people I met remember me?
Or will they just let me fade from their memory?
I will remember the things that they had done for me.

I shall not look back or dread the past.
I shall remain steadfast in the strength of my God
Because in Him i will be able to remain strong.

Where ever he leads me I will follow
He will never forsake me even if the people of my past do.
My God is mightier then any of my circumstances

— The End —