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133 · Mar 2019
Engaging is your talk, swagger, a stylish walk
You are a cut above others, a case of cheese and chalk
To hold your hand and stay fine, is not a cakewalk
Let me pinch, is it real you or I am into a sleepwalk
122 · Mar 2019
Life is long, very long, if things do not belong
Moments become eternity, if love is not strong
Read some poetry or better, hum a pretty song
Prose has power, trust me, everything will string along
116 · Mar 2019
Smoking kills, speed thrills, cool breeze chills
Turn down the speed, we are heading for the hills
Drunken driving is bad, it weakens the skills
Just an error, fraction of a second, the blood spills
113 · Mar 2019
Kids love to run and play, where is the park and clay
Cities breathe venom as the sky turns pale and grey
Childhood is gone, innocence prefers not to stay
I am all ears, do you have something sweet to say
106 · Mar 2019
Bags are burdened, fragile shoulders are weak
Schools make money, few laws they need to tweak
Teachers are tensed, shortcuts they search and seek
Knowledge is power, but this pipeline has a leak

— The End —