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 Jun 2019 Prathamesh
Your laugh
Your smile
Your eyes

It's everything I could ever ask for
But never enough
You are my intoxication
But I am not enough for you
And I never will be

Nothing is ever enough for you
But that just draws me to you more
You are my intoxication

I will never be enough for you
I will never be enough for anyone
Most importantly,
I won't ever be enough for myself
I still feel intoxicated
Keep in mind that I don't consider myself good at writing poems. This is my first one so...yeah. Enjoy?
My soul, what is left of it,
is stale. Like bread weeks old.

The dust gathered in the pit
is old, so old.

The emotion is long gone.
The senses are dulled.
And my heart…?

What heart?

— The End —