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Dreamer Mar 2019
Standing alone on the path
I face all my greatest fears
The people i loved all gone
Just in fear
Everyone is weighing me down
From their thoughts
Can't they see that I am tired and scared
Shouting from the Inside but no one is there
I am on my own all alone In this cruel world
Where people never try to understand  but just hate me ...
Dreamer Mar 2020
I loved you and in return
You gave me pain
And still do and will continue to
do so
I gave you this power over me
I silently endured the pain
Using it for my writings
Because for people in this world
pain is better than contentment.
I used this pain as my inspiration
Went through hell alone
But this had to end one day.
As all the things created will perish
one day.
I am the only one who has control over me,
I am going to be my own inspiration
Because darling I am not a cigarette,
which you can just puff and throw.
I am the creator who can melt
your glow.
Dreamer Mar 2020
We love everyone wholeheartedly,
but in return we get an experience
that we never wished for.
Life does not turn out to be the way we always
imagined it would be
the burden of expectations is weighing me down
my eyes are paining and tears are streaming.
My heart asks me .....
Was he really worth your life?
I smile
and say
Every second of the pain.
I see the light and my whole life
in a flashback remembering the words that
destroyed me forever.
I love you.
Wish i had actually known the meaning of this
before ruining it for the both of us.
Dreamer Oct 2020
We all create moments in our mind with the way we perceive the reality.. It maybe non existent for the other person all together...
There's a reason it's all just a memory.. Slowly open your eyes... Accept the truth.. And see the bigger picture with your eyes.. Feel the way you were meant to before you started hurting.
You never lost yourself truly but became invincible..
We are infinite.
We all leave a part of us behind.. Choose how u want to be recalled..
Be alive in the very moment..
Dreamer Sep 2020
Did any one of us ever really imagine
That such a situation portrayed in
Movies will occur and leave all humanity At a standstill.....
The four walls which enclosed us kept us safe started feeling like an unnatural territory...
Slowly slowly it started taking us into a never ending spiral of dark and suppressed memories..
It made us realize the ones who are truly there for us.. It helped us unmask the fakes..
In the end we all understood that we are always alone..
Dreamer Mar 2019
In the dying sky a flying wish
Speaks a hundred words in just a swish
We close our eyes and feel the pain
And pray to it for our gain
Our wish comes true if we are pure from heart
And stays with us till we part
Dreamer Mar 2020
Everyday , every moment i tell myself
"I don't need you"
This feeling of uneasiness is drowning me
I am not liking the person i have
I don't want you to leave me ever
But i am always wishing
to forget you forever.
I just want to stand on top of the mountain
promise myself not to look down.
New dreams in my eyes
seeking the truth of my life
above in the sky.
Till my last breath
i want to feel alive.
Please oh please!
Just let me die.

— The End —