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Emmanuel S Aporu Jun 2023
Strength prevailed in her left hand,
And her little fingers worked much magic.
Of her tapestry, love was the main strand,
And that love to my heart was soon to leak.
Emmanuel S Aporu Dec 2023
Dark nights have faded - they had no power
Truest joys of life have now infected every hour
Bright loves now blossom and gently flower
And so, all such things that we proudly call 'our'
You were the Phoenix of that great nation
You died that it may rise
The idea of freedom was your creation
And thus it lives e'en after your demise!
In memoriam!
Emmanuel S Aporu Oct 2021
I cried till my wells were dry
I moaned till I could only sigh
My past bred fresh fears
And augmented that endless stream of tears
I was alone in the wild
But in that perpetual darkness unable to hide
Then despair embraced me
And darker tunnels I could clearly see
Day and night were alike
For that darkness ruled with might
I uttered voiceless pleas
And in vain pleaded my release
Thus continued the days
Lost in a thousand ways,
I was resigned to my fate
And all hope would have been, but late.

But one day that ‘fairest sun’ rose
And warmed me from head to toes
Penetrated me to my deepest recesses
And supplied light in unthinkable excesses
That sun stretched forth its hand
And bade me rise with polite command
That touch and the resultant feelings
Brought fresh strengths for future dealings
I was finally free though it seemed a dream
And gladness filled me to the brim
My tongue loosened so I could speak
I longed to express my joy but my mind was bleak
I gloried in that resurrection – momentous yet subtle
And all around me, I heard whispers: “the feeling is mutual!”
Emmanuel S Aporu Jan 2019
Teddy my dear, when the leaves become yellow
Then know it is autumn
The season when my spirits are low
And my life short of fortune
But time flies as they say
So we hope spring will not delay
When the fields are once again green
And our beauties more clearly seen
But again time hastes its roaming
To bring summer heavily dawning
The heat is not for us to dare
For now autumn was a season more fair
That we dreaded but now is gone
Leaving me by my friend forlorn
Winter then brought us new wheels
Leaving us jovial from head to heels
We played about, sank in snow
It was then "Teddy," I said, "your love I now know."
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
Her eyes sparkled with unfathomable delight
And her smile gave off an ecstatic radiance of light
Her speech did not betray my expectation
And that vision in its fullness was my only anticipation
Emmanuel S Aporu Oct 2023
Each mind poured into the other the anguish it bore
For agony had characterized their lives heretofore
Their skulls couldn't contain the weight of their commotion
So their hearts broke down as the only sign of devotion
Emmanuel S Aporu Dec 2021
It was enough for him to try
For they departed one by one
The abode was left clean and dry
And brilliantly lit by the noonday sun
The cold blood flowed from his heart drop by drop
And every face about was a reminder of the dagger it bore
In his dark moments his slender hands would aimlessly *****
But the dearth of support hurt him deeper to the core
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
Her heart beat at the sight of every word,
But her tears melted when she grasped their meaning,
Soothing sounds within her heart she heard,
For in her soul, bells of love were ringing.
Emmanuel S Aporu Jul 2022
She listens closely for those soundless whispers
She even hovers about at vespers
She sees what no one sees
And shakes her head at the ******!

She’s always prying, never satisfied
She doesn’t care about the ‘classified’
When discovered, she says, ‘enough’
But then, she’s only started to bluff

‘I free you from *******’, saith she
Then I thought I was truly free
She lurked around though I couldn’t see
And surely, soon again, she was after me!
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
My wishes were not blown away with the wind
And my hopes - buried as they were - began to rescind
Of an ideal life, me she does remind
And my joy’s complete only when those pearls I find!
The echoes of the funeral song was a constant pain in his ears
The last reminder of the wealth of his fears
And even as his remains lay in state
Nothing would his sorrows calmly abate
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
She lied when she said "we"
I also lied when I said "free"
She again lied when she said "forever"
For now, it's clear the word is "never!"
Emmanuel S Aporu Jul 2022
It was better while we sought
Now the thing is not compelling anymore
Even our hearts are now sore,
For sadness, this gain has brought.

It was better while we fought
While the sound of our voices rose,
As we argued endlessly about our woes
But now, each one suffers (silently) with their lot.

It was better while we sobbed
Those tears revealed our compassion
But now, we have all become cold,
And treat each other with derision!
Emmanuel S Aporu Sep 2023
It has been decreed that all broken hearts must meet.
And let it be known that it ain't a simple meet and greet!
You must come only if your heart is severed,
For we shall weep and wail like the beleaguered!
His head couldn't contain the misery it had conceived
And his heart burst from the pressure of his woes
No more tears were to be shed - for he'd been happily grieved
And lost already was the fragrance of those roses at his toes!
Emmanuel S Aporu Feb 2022
Monsters must be slain by the head
So that the tormented can go free
But of this consideration I’m afraid,
“What if that monster is me?”
Emmanuel S Aporu Aug 2023
Regard us, O ancient deity,
The people long to hear thy voice.
Forsake us not, even for our piety.
Our fate has left us with no choice!
Emmanuel S Aporu Sep 2023
Our fears have turned into our dreams,
And our actions do naught but enfeeble.
Our blood - thick and red - now flows in our streams,
And we are guilty of ******, for our own hopes we stifle.
Their sorrows were halved when they cried
And daily, the strength of their empty hearts was tried
The dirge took them gracefully to another place
And every image of their death, they were quick to embrace!
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
Her smile was the only clue,
It was fresh like the morning dew.
But her words were a double-edged dagger
Now, behold my heart split asunder!
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
What's become of this life,
Why the endless strife,
At dawn you rise with hope,
At dusk, you just wanna drop.

Why the endless exertion,
What really are we chasing,
For even in our finest discretion,
It's clear the troubles we're facing.

But on with life - what's to do,
Your pains will someday flee from you..
And all those things you forever rue,
Will mutate into a brighter hue.
His daily pain was only as deep as his soul
Hidden as it were from the palpation of all
And though his face often portrayed a joy
The misery like a cancer was certain to destroy!
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
Those were his worst fears.
And indeed, the pursuit ended in tears.
He now retreats to his inside,
And sits by his agony beside!
Emmanuel S Aporu Sep 2022
Each tale revealed the mysteries we craved
For their narrator was the symbol of their salve
And since all men alike were engulfed in that verve,
It was by those rhymes that they were saved
Emmanuel S Aporu Jul 2022
It lay there motionless
As if it were already dead
That great bird of many thousand years,
Brought to our eyes endless streams of tears
In remorse, we all covered our faces
For it was the finest ever bred.

The sun in cooperation rained down its rays
Then ignited flames about her to incinerate
Thus honoring a lifetime of endless frays
And leaving us mortal men to contemplate
Away went her life as if out of a lash
And all that was left, was a pile of ash.

But what we saw next amazed us;
A strange wind moving the ash
A clatter, then a cacophony
An eternal cry of seeming agony
The old passing on the spirit to the new
An eternal phoenix rising anew!
Emmanuel S Aporu Apr 2022
Each pair of feet sauntered peacefully along the street,
So did the streams of sweat that coursed down their faces as homage to the heat.
But all their faces were stained with a blank stare,
And their demeanor showed all the signs of despair,
The joy-sorrow balance seemed to be even;
But the wrenching agony inside them could never be hidden.

Their silences were so deep for no words were spoken.
And each heart beat as if it was already broken.
But no one was hurt – at least exteriorly,
Yet their individual anger inside churned fiercely.
That anger I tell you was every man’s only defense;
For how else would you live in such a world of indifference!
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2023
Our ancestors brought us here,
And blessed us with a marriage as this.
Sweet voices around us I now hear,
To mark the beginning of bliss.

Your mother won't stop smiling.
Your father is chatting with his crew.
Your brother to your sister is whispering,
"I can't believe it's true."

My heart is overflowing with love,
As your face glistens beneath its veil
All I need before me I now have
And all these things to my life will avail.
They carry his corpse to be buried
The ceremony has been technically hurried
On their lips and faces they seem to mourn
But deep in their hearts is scorn!
Emmanuel S Aporu Oct 2023
The wind made the earth's constituents rise in a spiral fashion
And that cyclone-like sight gladly amazed we
All our worries seemed lost in that temporary hallucination
For nothing before had had the power to set us free
Every night was, but a weeping rehearsal
A preparation for the wailing of doomsday
The deepest tears heard the call of his soul
And every stream flowed as if only to obey
Emmanuel S Aporu Apr 2022
Their slogans and clatter mingled with untold fury,
As they charged towards him like a fierce gale,
His eyes widened, his joints collapsed, his face was pale,
But they just didn't care; he had to be dealt with duly.

The shy moon gave his face a sinister veneer
And made all his homely features quickly disappear,
So all they could see was a man afraid -
Afraid because of the guilt his heart bred.

With broken bones and bleeding flesh he lay half dead.
The last piece of life wrestled within him.
Only then was a voice from the crowd heard that said;
"Oh no! It was not him!"
Emmanuel S Aporu Mar 2022
Thus you came,
From the fourth heaven with a silent whisper
I could remember your name
And for my state, you were the perfect visitor.

I could recall those moments
Utterly blissful; through and through
When you freed me from bonds and torments
For no other power I knew, but you!
Emmanuel S Aporu Dec 2020
Let my heart be glad
For no friendship as this have I had
Let these memories ne'er fade
And no farewells ever be bade
Let me take thy palm in honor
Of a thing most sublime and dear
Where shall that exchange be made
If not in a hearth where love was bred?
What shall my mind conceive
If not this symbol that I receive?
Alas! I have known it all in its verity
And shed tears at such brevity
Only the hope of heaven can console
Eternal love there'll be for us all
In honor of a friendship that I never had and that left me wondering if another as this I will find!
Emmanuel S Aporu Oct 2023
Love is the engine of humanity -
The fountain when my life's lost.
Love is the limitless reality -
That has had my heart and soul totally engrossed!
Emmanuel S Aporu Dec 2020
. . . but am I mad or lost in a dream
Is ecstasy the feeling or does it only seem
Is this a thing that mortals do
Do they love and stick like glue
Is everyday but a symphony
Do we cry thinking of looming agony
Can we depart and yet stay,
forever in those hearts that love us as they say
Where together can we go
And of the end, how clearly can we know
Are we immersed in a passing frenzy
Or are we simply trying to be friendly
Let us thence vow ne'er to let go
And no more pains to mortal hearts bestow!
In honor of a friendship that I never had, and that left me wondering if another as this I will ever find!
Emmanuel S Aporu May 2021
When we met under favorable auspices
Starry skies and bright moon were the only witnesses
It was the dawn of a bright new age
New play, new actors for the stage
New everything - the old completely forgotten
It was like scribbling on fresh page
When this our friendship was begotten

When we met under favorable auspices
All I could see was smiling faces
The joy completely penetrated me
Then left me unnerved - longing for thee
Was it day or was it night?
All I could recall was the light
For it was blinding and surreal
I guess it meant our friendship was real

When we met under favorable auspices
In your mind were a thousand guesses
I wondered too - how close the deities could bring
Heaven closer and a marvelous song to sing
It was harmonious - a deafening symphony
I cried when my ears touched that melody
For it left my heart awed and asunder
And now, every fourth May, I shudder
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2022
Her smile was the perfect item of his devotion
And it's loss meant the start of his deterioration
He sees not now what he saw then
And his woes are such that no man may pen
Emmanuel S Aporu Jul 2022
Her heart stopped its beating,
And the blood in her veins froze.
We were crippled by the resultant feeling;
And that loss brought us endless woes!
Emmanuel S Aporu Aug 2022
The snowflakes melted when they touched her heart
And her breath dispelled the cold of every man’s hearth
Her touch was like the promise of an ancient god
And her glance pierced deeply like an invisible sword
Emmanuel S Aporu Jan 2023
The strength of her embrace was as a salve to my soul,
And her love, - like reins -  my life would control.
Her glance was the perfect knell to my ear,
And no moment was more blessed as when she was near!
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
I whispered a thought into her ear
For there she was - close and near
But what I saw filled me with fear -
And down her cheek coursed a tear.
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
It's the image I see on my wall
And all the features I observe closely
The smile is like an ever sounding knoll,
That bids me seek that union boldly
My energies are well spent - I will not relent
For many joys to my life she's already lent
Emmanuel S Aporu Oct 2021
She took a lifetime to decide,
yet the vision in her mind was complete.
All those feelings were hidden inside;
for words of affection, she could not speak!
Emmanuel S Aporu Feb 2023
The winds propelled her scent to far and distant lands
Her smile was the portrait everyman held in his hands
Her voice like a melody sounded sweet in my ears
And her glance like magic brought an end to my tears!
Lost between dusk and dawn
Torn amidst smiles and frowns,
Sadness clothed in happiness' gown
Is how I am with tears down!

You can see it in my eyes
All my hope is lost
I need a glimpse of paradise
Even if it be a ghost!
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
Warm winds blew on the thirtieth day of March
And all the coldness of men's hearts was expelled
The inklings of love that were ignited begun their search
And men of stone and crust were equally compelled
When you feel betrayed
By life's every moment
When the dominant emotion is hatred
And all appointments are marked with torment
When smiles never come your way
And you suffer a heart's cancer
When your life starts to decay
Love is the answer!
Emmanuel S Aporu Aug 2022
The image in her eyes was the perfect door to that hidden world
And all her beholders had the trappings of the meek and mild
But what they saw was nothing of the ordinary
And it'd be uncomely to label it 'bereft of glory.'
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