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Emmanuel S Aporu Dec 2021
The chills have engulfed me,
For I watched the flames die.
It is awful what I see,
And the sight has made me cry!
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
Warm winds blew on the thirtieth day of March
And all the coldness of men's hearts was expelled
The inklings of love that were ignited begun their search
And men of stone and crust were equally compelled
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
I whispered a thought into her ear
For there she was - close and near
But what I saw filled me with fear -
And down her cheek coursed a tear.
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
It's the image I see on my wall
And all the features I observe closely
The smile is like an ever sounding knoll,
That bids me seek that union boldly
My energies are well spent - I will not relent
For many joys to my life she's already lent
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
Her eyes sparkled with unfathomable delight
And her smile gave off an ecstatic radiance of light
Her speech did not betray my expectation
And that vision in its fullness was my only anticipation
Emmanuel S Aporu Nov 2021
They both saw what they wanted
And their minds agreed to the sight
But by those thoughts, they were daily haunted
And weren’t sure to call it 'delight'
The fire was kindled, so was the hope
And the racing of their hearts could not stop
They were afraid of the outcome
The ‘if’, the ‘how’, the ‘what had to be undone’
They battled twixt themselves but to no avail
And in the end, a pure friendship was to prevail.
Emmanuel S Aporu Oct 2021
She took a lifetime to decide,
yet the vision in her mind was complete.
All those feelings were hidden inside;
for words of affection, she could not speak!
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