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Tara Lilly Jan 2019
My life feels like one whole lie
If only i could say goodybe.
Since when did i become this false,
All i want is to feel no pulse.
I smile to hide my inner cry,
I wish someone would tell me why.
I breathe in until i just cant bare,
I dress simple so no one will stare.
I hate my body,
I hate myself,
But most of all i hate my mental health.
Tara Lilly Jan 2019
Sitting on a bench
With the wind blowing in my hair,
Leaves circling round me
Like these thoughts running through my head.
What am i doing in this world?
What is my purpose here?
Feeling so distant from happiness,
My life left hanging by a thread.

I don't know what im running from
But i feel it in my brain
I feel it in my heart
I dont know how much more of this i can take.

The fears of loneliness,
Not knowing whats right from wrong
My perspective of life
Changing as i go along.

How did i get to this point,
Of feeling so numb
Im meant to be here thriving, living before im dying
Making the most out of this journey
Laughing, smiling but now im crying.

Instead im caught up with this constant struggle of emotions,
A battle between my thoughts
Like a boxing match in commotion.

Ive always felt so misunderstood,
like no one understands
Now these words project my thoughts
I hope these show you hand in hand
That life isnt always perfect
Its not always how you want to be
But one day ill i know ill feel again
As whats meant to be will be.
Tara Lilly Jan 2019
Another night to feel pain,
Another night to go insane,
Another night to self reflect,
Another night to self neglect,
Another night to cut deep,
Another night to find release,
Another night to breate again,
How long until i need a friend.

— The End —