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697 · Jan 2019
lunar goddess
ana Jan 2019
a faded moon in the sky
the meteor showers cry
alone in the dark cold night
an emblem fire so cold yet bright
a bright star alone
forgotten and forgone
still, yet wavering
undeciding and cowering
a dreadful heartache felt to the bottom
everyone expects her to be strong
but she is not strong
like every, she falls
in the dark corner of the sky
there she lay,
the moon goddess in slumber
pretty as an ember
no one understands
yet she craves warmth
in the deepest depths of the earth
she wanders
longing for the same touch
longing for another phase of the moon
her cries fills the ocean
whails of agony creates storm
her tears twinkle amongst the horizon
with this she realizes
those who are near her are close yet so far
so close but yet so different
with every difference hurts
with every insult hurts
every put downs hurt
she laments in her own sorrows for no one understands
for she herself doesnt understand
what is the world when no one cares for her
she has no porpuse
no will
what are the richest and all the pearls in the sea when there are no one to share it with
she can only express her sorrows to those she feels safe to, yet those she feels safe towards doesnt understand
she longs her family but they deny her the warmth and love
like the sun they crave adventure and fun
like the wildfire they cut down woods and trees she planted
the sun mocks her gardens yet nourishes her flowers
with every delight comes a price
with every laughter comes cries
she fills herself with these emotions just to be taken away
with no foundation she struggles to find ground
she longs for bueaty and peace
they long for destruction and power
she longs for things to go smoothly like the river
they long for things to burn out in smoke
just like that, she burned in fire
she lacks warmth
she lacks vitality and soul
yet she needs these things but it burns her
the close she gets to the sun the more burnt she gets
she pretends not to care
she feels great pressure from a dam that cannot let go
she feels it from her mother whos holding by a knife
she finds her way,
but whichever way she turns she doesn't belong
she only truly feels safe by herself
she cannot fathom the day that she will no longer need or want her family
her family is all she has
she loves them
yet her family is bringing her down
she feels trapped and confused
with nowhere to go
the moon goddess cries in the dark
her whails echoes throughout the night
waking the wolf and the owls
all howling and hooting
she cries for help but no one comes
161 · Jan 2019
No one cares but I care
ana Jan 2019
I care
i care too much
about my future
my life
my family
whats going to happen to me
or if i will ever have a contribution to the society or the world
i care about my manners
how i come across to people
what people think of me
i ask why people dont like me
i care when someone makes fun of me
and then i blame myself for all the things i cant control
i care about those around me
i care too much

but now i dont care
i dont care how i weigh
i dont care how i look
or what im gonna do in life
or what job i get
i dont care if a truck ran me over tomorrow
for i know that ive tried my hardest
ive tried to make a better future for me and my family
i try to be with God all throughout
and i tried with these poems too
ive tried to make my family happy but you can only please them so much
i tried when people made fun of me
i also tried when people dont like me

so many thoughts in my mind
but so hard to write them down
rather i like to do things
160 · Mar 2019
fish bowl
ana Mar 2019
a beautiful smile
a clumsy goodbye
those deep dark eyes
that sets you apart
the sweet melody ringing
through my ears
like the way you hypnotized
me with those fish eyes
a gentle caress and loving sigh
you made me realize
a lover from another time
through those nights passing by
staying up, talking all night
the first, that argued with me
the first, that stole my heart
the first, to rob it all
a torch in the dark
holding hands
into glory
into the light
into the new world
155 · Jan 2019
ana Jan 2019
0°...3°...9° the difference not an inch
witheld are the powers within
the sun and its bright rays
withholding the inner soul
so close and burnt are these qualities
unwilling to let go
the powerful king the sun
the punishment of our karmic sins
higher mind
all burnt into piles of ashes
sprinkling of dust scattering across the volcanic surface of the sun
how can i reach its core
that truly belongs to me
148 · Jan 2019
fantasy bra
ana Jan 2019
a white Bohemian bra
oh i do adore
sitting pretty on the case store
its fine garments wrap around my skin
so delicate yet pretty
a reflection of a bride
its lace reminds how much "I do"
say yes to the lace
yes please my fantasy bra
under the tropical paradise
i looked at the price tag
and that fantasy came crashing down with my hope and dreams of a fantasy bra
143 · Jan 2019
ana Jan 2019
Sun the figure of myfather, the ray of
light that holds my identity
the king who holds the key towards my destiny
where are you
where can i find you
I lack my true self, yet you mock me
why do you do this to me
why do you deprive me of my wills and possesions,
treasures of my personality and my whole being
I wish to follow your path
to enlighten myself
so that i myself can shine with you
but how can I
where do i begin
in all these years of darkness
i want to follow your path into the light
so bright yet i blow and explode in smokes and fire when i hold on for too long
burnt in the fires and depths of the sun
there lay my identity burning with passion
burning up in flames
oh how i long to grab hold of it
oh how i wish to identify with it
yet the It robs me of my identity
and the only way is to walk with it
the more i stray the more i loose myself
i am reminded to follow my being
for i cannot escape my true destiny
for it will only end in shadows
for i long and hope to regain my true conscousnes and walk the path towards true power and enlightenment
the path of light

— The End —