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92 · Dec 2019
Michael Edwards Dec 2019

I really feel ******
I’m a minimalist
And I’m feelin’ the stress
for the house looks a mess.

At my wife’s behest
the Christmas decs
are now in place
and I have to face
that there they’ll stay
tlll new years day
when down they’ll come – hip hip hooray!

But I still feel ******
I’m a minimalist
And I’m feelin’ the stress
for the house looks a mess.
91 · Feb 2019
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
A wet kiss is better than a dry kipper.
91 · Nov 2019
Michael Edwards Nov 2019
On a board
carved into slices.

My story
sliced into sound bites
my eulogy.
89 · Jan 2020
Michael Edwards Jan 2020

The light he shines around him thrown
place him within his shadows zone.

He never sees the light he shines,
the good he brings to all mankind.

He’s held by all in high esteem,
a light by others freely seen.
84 · Nov 2020
Michael Edwards Nov 2020
The instincts born
in margins mutable now lost
corrected by experience
as in the convalescing heart
circadian rhythms  manifest
and in unspoken  consequence
by factoids winnowed
from the chaff
assurance nurtures joy.
74 · Dec 2019
Michael Edwards Dec 2019
We owe a duty and we ought
to stop and give a little thought
to those who will this Christmas be
devoid of friends and company.

So if there’s someone all alone
please get in touch by telephone.
I’m asking friends for drinks and eats
and I desperately need some extra seats
72 · Jul 2020
Michael Edwards Jul 2020
Beneath umbrageous canopies
the contiguity of growth
forms adamantine barriers
where brambles arc in underwood.

There lost  in damp obscurity
and muffled by the quaggy moss,
a stolid land with sounds unheard
in supernatural silences.

And in the grey of leaden dawn
the chilling tones of slate blue skies
reflect  in drops of cold wet dew;
in lands where no men tread.
71 · Feb 2022
Michael Edwards Feb 2022
Using the loo overcome with unease
for the toilet roll’s empty if you please
so with pants round shoes
a waddle ensues
as he makes his way to the local Sainsburys.
71 · Oct 2019
Michael Edwards Oct 2019
How grey the slippery pathways lie
on days like this when affluent rain
falls heavy on the thirsty land.

See how the  watery rays of  light
turned silver plated in the mist
reflect upon the heath topped hills
which dip their feet in shining seas
where  silk white stallions dance.

Listen to the  keening winds
as lanyards tap and squawking gulls
skim low across the paynes grey waves.
69 · Jan 2019
Michael Edwards Jan 2019

But little modified by time,
beyond  a sea of rare constraint
and far removed from shore and heather,
lay the slopes and wooded hills
where labourers toiled in distant fields
through sleet and snow and sun and rain.

Set deep within this vista’s folds
a simple house of slate and stone,
declared by upright pointing stack
where curling smoke reached out
and punctuated hedge and vale
to touch a sheeted sky.

His home beneath the mossy slate,
blind circumstances led him there,
In congregations high esteem
a man of opaque piety
who never trod the stony path
which leads to fortunes door.
Michael Edwards Jun 2020
Seen through ***** window panes
from sandstone floors once swept of dust
beneath thin veils of peeling cloud
the breezes filter through the trees
and whisper indistinctively.

With contiguity of growth
the spectral arms of distant boughs
point far beyond the rutted tracks
long chiselled deep by labouring wheels
on summer nights like these.

And in those far remoter scenes
lie lands where rainbow dreams reside
and lost souls live in calm content
as worries fade in drifting tides
of slumbers reassurance.
66 · Jan 2020
Michael Edwards Jan 2020

their tales
in wild dreams
by the breezes borne  
across the wild mystic byways
covered there in faery dust their ghost in spectres floats  
across the wild mystic byways
by the breezes borne
in wild dreams
their tales
A FIBs -  I didn’t find this one easy – getting it to read both ways was the challenge whilst still observing the syllable count and maintaining meter  – it was weeks in the ‘in-box’ and was only completed after many adjustments – and I still think there’s room for improvement.
65 · Jan 2020
Michael Edwards Jan 2020

The light he shines around him thrown
place him within his shadows zone.

He never sees the light he shines,
the good he brings to all mankind.

He’s held by all in high esteem,
a light by others freely seen.
65 · Jan 2019
Michael Edwards Jan 2019

An off-white sun disc slowly rises
peering down on field and vale
as weakling dawn gains energy
and leafless, flowerless stalks and stems
stand sentinel in lingering snow.

The snowdrops raise their nodding heads
beside the manufactory
where early workers whistle low
while toiling at their weaving looms
in harmony with natures songs
which hang in cloud laced skies.
A re-work of the poem published yesterday.
61 · Jan 2020
Michael Edwards Jan 2020

A thought that transports the mind,
captured before it’s forgotten.
That for me is poetry
in language sublimely defined.
61 · Jun 2020
Michael Edwards Jun 2020
Yet sleep alone abstracts design
of supernatural agencies
the transit of their ghost like forms
their flowing frills and furbelows.

Yet sleep alone abstracts design
when daylight falters ending day
and reason exercises sense
in ruminating silences.
Michael Edwards Feb 2020
For those travelling to London we will arrive
before it gets dark at 4.30.

For those travelling to March I’m sorry to say
you’ll get there a  month too early.
54 · Jun 2020
Michael Edwards Jun 2020
A fact that’s often misconceived
as many an angler will confirm
it’s not the depth at which you fish
it’s how you wiggle your worm.
48 · Jun 2020
Michael Edwards Jun 2020
The burning  light of summer sun
its  fire-light fingers  reach between
the shed door slats and delve the dark
where  knots of matted web are spun
unseen by sun blind eyes.

Deserted now no more the sounds
of men in sheds
who cared the grounds
and left behind the roses.
40 · Jan 2020
3 575s
Michael Edwards Jan 2020
Antipathy stirred
Indignation awakened
Emotions released

Turbulent impulse
Words of vengeance delivered
Revenge flows sweetly.

A shadowy room
Embers fade to a dull glow
Eyelids slowly close.

— The End —