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Michael Edwards Dec 2019

I may have been rather ambitious
when I asked for a dog for Christmas
and boy did I get shirty
when all I got was turkey.
Michael Edwards Dec 2019

I really feel ******
I’m a minimalist
And I’m feelin’ the stress
for the house looks a mess.

At my wife’s behest
the Christmas decs
are now in place
and I have to face
that there they’ll stay
tlll new years day
when down they’ll come – hip hip hooray!

But I still feel ******
I’m a minimalist
And I’m feelin’ the stress
for the house looks a mess.
Michael Edwards Dec 2019
In matters of ‘***’
why is it that some
think knickers are best
when  carefully pressed.

Just leave them crinkly;
or to put it quite simply:
in places not sunny
the  *** is not fussy.
Michael Edwards Dec 2019
She had a seductive pout
Which excited me - I admit it
I thought I might take her out
And just one bullet did it.
Michael Edwards Dec 2019
The young lad did feel glum
He’d stuffed a strawberry up his ***
And yet it came as quite a shock
When Mum sent him to see the Doc
‘Mmm’ said the Doc ‘you’ve been a prat
I’d best prescribe some cream for that’.
Michael Edwards Dec 2019

No longer lit by festal breath
the pollard willows sway and stretch
brushed gently by the sighing breeze
they melodize as church bells toll
I walk the lonely road.
Michael Edwards Nov 2019
Photography shows the truth
Art shows the soul.
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