Unlocked by stirred ascendancy with chilled resolve to liberate the world contemned by narrow minds they stoked the coals of fiery love and burned in lusts embrace.
I love writing short pieces - they often carry the most impact as I hope this one does.
There was young lass called Meg who went to work on an egg but the weight of her *** caused the shell to succumb and the yolk dribbled all down her leg.
Above the multi-mullioned windows chimneys ****** their brick and stone beside the stately sycamores which wave and sing to simple chords conducted by the wandering breeze
Reaching down from branch and limb and silvered by the moons first touch where softened contrasts merge as one their night time shadows shift and sway on wood side tracks and gravelled paths
Into this scene a girl appears a gentle lass of summers few unpractised in the arts of life and waiting for the warming sun to melt the ice of youths reserve
Light of foot she strokes the ground with shoes which dance to simple chords.