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Jan 2019 · 181
Nothing New...
Ole Naitirra Jan 2019
A day, week, month and maybe a whole year
I see no difference, neither should you try to depict
Sure the sun shall rise, the stars at night
I'll retreat to my crib and rise the following day

I await nothing new, to start or continue
To my plans ahead
My plans I do, suitably and flexible
I don't wait for the new year resolutions

You look and stare, perplexed you'll remain
As you await the new year to make 'new resolutions'
Do things as they come, make plans each time
Nothing new in the new.
Resolutions, New Year, Procrastination
Dec 2018 · 451
A conflicted Mind
Ole Naitirra Dec 2018
They taught me to grow tall, tough and strong
They taught me, never to cry
A man after all I was never to meek
What they forgot, am human at first!

Emotions come and will overpower all but none
The poor, the rich and the mighty
They all cry to life’s happenings
But I am a man, what can I do?

They taught me never to cry!
Culture, Chauvinism
Dec 2018 · 173
She is...
Ole Naitirra Dec 2018
She has a heart, which desires no hurt
She is incredibly beautiful; this is my eyes to judge
Works under the heat; of the scorching savannah
Yet she comes home to tender the kids, with love and vigor.

She does the chores, rising earlier than the cockerels
All the night she cuddles, the little monster can nag!
Her smile and theirs; are candles to my life
The energy and bursts that keep me from toppling

Family, relatives and friends the love to all, jealousy creeps sometimes
How can she after all still have love left for me?
Every day every time she thinks, to better the future
The path at times is dark; the sun shall rise for sure.

To the creator of All and her, forever I will be indebted
The random instance in life, which made our paths to cross
To the future we behold, my hand I stretch for you
The concretes we lay, a house shall come of it.

— The End —