Here’s the thing
You spend all this time helping others
But never let anyone help you
You feel like those emotions should be hidden
Kept in a lock box
Under all those smiles
The thing is we all have a breaking point though
Behing close doors
Tears streaming down your face
You know you have been strong for to long
When you are laying there with your hand over your mouth
Trying to muffle the sound of your sobs
The day you hit that point
Thats the day you hurt
Thats the day we realize we need the help the most
Laying there crying
Wishing you were hidding
Wishing you could make it go away
Our kind of people though get up the next morning
Put on a smile
Pretending nothing is wrong
We enter the world as if we are great
A big smile plastered on our face
Pretending we don’t need the help