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307 · Nov 2018
lost in the world
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
Lost in the world that won't speak to me,
Abandoned by your eyes

Lost in the world that looks
Away from me
My heart deep inside it retreats

Lost in the world dressed in dancing lights and falling stars
Am blinded by your beauty
202 · Nov 2018
keep looking
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
I keep looking,
Scrolling through,
Doodling with my fingers
You still linger!

Great expectations
But we receive less
Than promised.
Time turns the page

The games played now
On another stage,
My mind drifting
To another state

With these dull days
The wind whispers
And my dreams talk
Of you
201 · Nov 2018
what do you want to borrow
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
Chirps welcome the dancing rays of the sun
The whispering breeze and break of waves
The twinkle of your eyes and the tingle in under my skin
Are close like kin
You smile and kisses
crown me king
building belief in myself
If she is by herself and loniness creeps in I fight back the darkness of sorrow,
my bliss she can have not just borrow
165 · Nov 2018
My life a library of books
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
My life a library of books concurrently recited to me
By time. The words are crooks

Because the have hooks
Upon my eyes and I, me;
My life a library of books

And some judge by the looks
Not paragraphs written to me
By time. The words are crooks.

The author cooks
Different stories for me to see;
My life a library of books.

My life filled with clocks
The tick and tock words to me
By time. The words are crooks!

My attention locks
On the words waves of the sea.
My life a library of books
By time. The words are crooks
157 · Nov 2018
your tears
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
She doesn't like the flowers,
she finding my poems roses,
The words petals
Blooming into metaphors
she adores

I find my similes falling short
Of the fragrance she radiates,
Of the smile she carries.

Inspiration stems from her.
Her visage roots me frozen
Like statues.

She idealize everything I say.
Telling me my imagery falls short of the feeling she gets from the stanzas I pen.

I wrote it wrong!
I called the chaos of love in your heart as an eloquent emotion carried lightly
By your falling tears
139 · Nov 2018
terminal (DRAFT)
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
I was broken with stitches, scars and weakness of the
Soul. You nursed my bedridden heart. My hidden wounds, pain ,they barely see the blood.

I was with fever,
Shivering, trembling.
Goosebumps covered
My head to toes.

The virus I contracted
Had no vaccine so there
Was no prevention for, the
Emptiness, the symptoms
When they were in full

Then you entered and smiled.
As we spent more time
The conversations became
A kind of cure but in the silence, the placebo wore off.
112 · Nov 2018
photos and their words
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
Photos age and wear out
The image it carried lives
In my mind and fragrances
Bring them from the depth
Of my past to the shallow
Where my conscience
Tries drowns them back
Down the drink

Photos tell a thousand
Words but my lips only remember three words
Slipping out of my mouth
My trembling hands want to clasp yours buy my fingers clinched I make war with
Hands  not peace
98 · Nov 2018
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
I was broken with stitches, scars and weakness of the
Soul. You nursed my bedridden heart. My hidden wounds, pain ,they barely see the blood.

I was with fever,
Shivering, trembling.
Goosebumps covered
My head to toes.

The virus I contracted
Had no vaccine so there
Was no prevention for, the
Emptiness, the symptoms
When they were in full

Then you entered and smiled.
As we spent more time
The conversations became
A kind of cure but in the silence, the placebo wore off.

— The End —