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1.4k · Jan 2019
Hey Bye
HanbijX Jan 2019
We say hey!!!
But actually at the time,
It's the ending.

We say bye!!!
But actually at the time,
It' the begining.

Today it's ending for us,
Until the time
Making for us (again)

I'll waiting for u,
To say...
298 · Mar 2019
No Salt
HanbijX Mar 2019
If you know,
What i mean.
If you know what i want.
But god its giving what we need,
Not we want.

Even salt that we need,
It's forget by us.
should we blame the god?

Now, the question.
R u still want the salt?
Or let it insipid?

Let me tell u,
I still had the salt if u want.
But i could make really bitter too.
When u get the salt? its more bitter, i cant do anymore.
265 · Apr 2019
No, (BUT) Yes
HanbijX Apr 2019
U know,
Sometimes i thought.
But actually not.
It's not, but
Actually yes.

Let's try to be fool,
But its all.
Everything more than chat,
More than u know.

I never try,
But life told me.
They do by their own way.

No, babe...
It's mean,
"May u treat me better?"
May u never thougt this, may i always told u "it's ok", but i'm not. When u try to understand it?
239 · Mar 2019
HanbijX Mar 2019
I hate u.
Really Hate u'r possition,
People do easily
Difficult for us.

I want tell u!!!
Its tiring.
But i can't tell u.
How i dare, bae???

I Hope it's not me.
But it's me.
walking in same way,
Why is hard???

I see u,
Come to my home.
I think it's dream.
But is not,
It just my
Most of my time is waste for u, in my imagination.
232 · Dec 2018
HanbijX Dec 2018
Christmas has the gift,
I have you.
You know what the same????

Gift under the trees
Has a gone,
To many people to want it.
In the end....
This is how our's christmas...
Like a

This how people that u want to always stay behind you, but finally just being no one in your live
230 · Dec 2018
Like u
HanbijX Dec 2018
Like u want....
"blame on me"
Like u want...
"all my fault"
Like u want...

Like u won't
"stop to other"
Like u won't
"not give up to u"
Like u won't
"don't hate"

Like u...
I falling to u....
225 · Mar 2019
One in year
HanbijX Mar 2019
I wrote a long letter for u,
Cause im not find the short one.

Long time no see.
how's u'r live? as long as u can play internet,
I think its fine :).

Long time no see.
Friend? future? or... Nothing?
What u see now?
Tell me u'r story, anything!!!

Its should be a long letter,
But im not sure it will be same with the opening.
Or... Relation.

If we still have a chance,
We still have time to waiting each other,
One more year after this...
Tell me that i'v been falling,
All my poem it's u,
And also, award for me.
And, if in the end we just piece of scenario. It's ok, were making story and direct.... So, Let's live as were before :)
224 · Jan 2019
Do Not
HanbijX Jan 2019
Not u,
Not to me.
What is perfect?
Have u try to find the answer?

To young to know,
To stupid to use,
I lost u.
Tired, and once again i say "i'm sorry". even that's not my fault.
221 · Jan 2019
IT'S (u)
HanbijX Jan 2019
It's rain,
But i'm not getting cold.
something not u see
It's more work.

Maybe it's like u???
It's just chat,
It's just voice,
It's not real,
Tell me that all it's fake.

It's u...
Wrote this throught the rain, when im alone in cafe after i know that my boy meet with someone from his past. :)
214 · Feb 2019
HanbijX Feb 2019
Not change.
I'm not, u do.
U tired, me too.
210 · Jan 2019
remember forget
HanbijX Jan 2019
I remember that u'r forget,
I'm forget... About "Her"

Not easy,
How the autumn change the rain???
So easy, for u.

U say everything about
But if all about
"not be alone"
Im ok to be
Totally forgot about u'r fake sure.
199 · Jan 2019
Dear future one,
HanbijX Jan 2019
Maybe i'm not the first that holding flower from u,
But i'll be the first that always hold u'r hand when u fall,
Wipe u'r tears without say anything,
Wearing couple ring,
Come to u'r mother.

Wait...!!! let's make simple.

Dear the Future one,
Would u like to share home with me?
Be the first face that u see when u wake up every day,
Were busy, but still have time for dinner.

Dear the future one,
Would u like to carry every secret, love and child with me?
Talking about their future school, university, and their live?

Dear the future one,
Even now i don't know who u'r,
Let's be the good one,
Until Mr.future give us change,
To knowing each other. :)
Dear, no one :)
185 · Jan 2019
FAKE (u)
HanbijX Jan 2019
Where r u?
Now just see,
FAKE (u)
Where is love???

Rose full with thorn
But just past.
Now just see,
Future (may) without...
Each other
Still love rose??? then u will lose unknowing treasure.
182 · Jun 2019
HanbijX Jun 2019
Should u know!!!
Shall we never exist!!!
Should everything never happen,
We were wrong

Should flower never burning,
Lost beautiful.
May u miss ur past rose?

I should know
I should recognize
What i can expect???
Never and not
Wanna watch more carefully my expectation.
174 · Jul 2019
HanbijX Jul 2019
It's summer,
The season when u tell me
"Bit*h, u r really stupid"

The day when I tell my self
"He's won't to hear anything from u"

The day when I get my rain.
In my eyes

This summer,
I hope last from "our" season.
So no one curse me with
"Stupid" of me.
Let's take rest, I know u tired. Forever rest from "our"
153 · Nov 2018
HanbijX Nov 2018
It's strange place,
Once again to enter.
It's strange place,
Twice different weather.

Not cold, but enough to make flu.
It's strange the same place?
How it could be?
How i can survive?i

This place like u.
always change,
Even now i miss u.
Miss our place ,
Familiar place,
Not like this stranger place.
148 · Feb 2023
HanbijX Feb 2023
Thank you,
Ur the best to see sunset be with.

Thank you,
To be with me with every pain that not anyone can't see.

Thank you,
For the best years to spend with.

Thank you,
For make me smile.

But sorry for nothing bout feelings.
Now I wanna say that,

Even nothing again bout us
Bestie x bestie, fu*king hate it
134 · Dec 2018
HanbijX Dec 2018
How you got it?
How you cry?
How you lose?

"I can treat u better!!!"
So many....
Time said
"You know the real of him!!!"

So, can u see me now
I never saying.... But,
You win
106 · Sep 2020
HanbijX Sep 2020
a long story
beautiful journey
2 us only
ending with guilty
what the reality

our second life
lets do better
lets not meet

our second day
lets not fly away
lets do in earth
my second life,
lets more saint
lets be reality
lets not crush each other

— The End —